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South China Morning Post
Comments by "林子倫" (@zilun) on "Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on pandemic, China-US tensions and Hong Kong" video.
Observe how CCP acts, not what CCP says. What it says never matched how it acts. Ever.
@godessworshipper4663 Just watch how future history unfolds. It's going to hurt China far more than it does for HK.
@BlinkShadow Ungrateful to what? To CCP's efforts in infiltrating and subverting Taiwan? To CCP's escalating military threats towards Taiwan? To CCP denying Taiwan from WHO? Oh wait, but he said CCP will continue to show maximum sincerity and do its utmost to promote peaceful cross-straits relationship with Taiwan ... on the basis of Taiwan do whatever CCP says. So, I must be wrong, and those threats never existed, eh? By the way, Chinese language existed before PRC was born. And, what do you make of CCP colluding with Soviet Union as a Carl Marx worshipper in an attempt to rid ROC, to erase Chinese Culture ( during cultural revolution ), and changed Chinese language into simplified form with English alphabet as phonemic?
U.S. = avoidable HK = disastrous PRC = sent back to 60s
@hillsideonly It's not sentiments. It's just law and economics. Those gears will turn and no power will be able to stop it. Just remember, when it unfolds, don't come blaming foreign powers, saying "U.S. has to destroy its competitor blah, blah, blah." Keep in mind which dumb dumb made the call to turn HK into no different than China.
Taiwan was never part of PRC in the history of planet Earth. And it's going to stay that way.
@xzk86 在地球歷史上,PRC 從來沒有過台灣,為什麼要打仗才能獨立?台灣早就獨立了好嗎。沒有人說中共不能侵略台灣,你們自己決定,你們要耍流氓也不是我們能控制的,我們只管守家。只是侵略台灣就侵略台灣,不要想做又不敢當,垃圾到找借口合理化。
Yaorei Vashi Taiwan is next what? CCP is going to pass a law to take away my civil rights? Buahahahahaha! Xi Jingping can't even book a weekend vacation in Taiwan and CCP wants to do to Taiwan what it does to HK?
No, it wants to sell the message that it wants to cooperate with U.S. That's very different from it wanting to be a partner of U.S. That is why what CCP says doesn't make sense.
"Past glory"? How about look forward and progress. Time moves forward, not backwards. Changes for the better are made today, tomorrow, not yesterday.
@センナ-h4c Which law applies to blacks only? Obama had 8-years and he didn't bother to see "justice for blacks"? Wait, how did he got elected in the first place, him being black?
Then don't kick Africans out of their residences.
@G.S.7981 CCP is the one living in parallel world.
@xzk86 台灣什麼時候不認中國?老蔣時期而已。不就是因為台灣承認 PRC 是國家,才會一邊一國嗎?好笑的是,不認的是"親中"的國民黨,而且不允許台灣認的是中共(因為台灣認中國 = 國民黨版的一個中國永遠消失 = 中共比較難胡說八道騙台灣人) 。
@G.S.7981 So are you saying Mao's PRC is illegitimate? CCP was the rebellion that formed a country within a country. ROC is 108 years old. PRC is 70 years old.
@G.S.7981 Defending our home is not a choice, it is duty. And not being in military doesn't free me from my obligation to defend my home. It's my home. When a crazy dog attacks your family, you don't go, "But I am not professionally trained to deal with crazy dogs", you just do whatever it takes. CCP has absolutely no problem killing its own Chinese citizens in the tens of millions and you think it will fight only soldiers and leave civilians alone if it invaded Taiwan? Please. Were Tibetans killed because they were soldiers? Hmm?
@xzk86 蔡英文不是皇帝,民進黨的政權不夠修憲。要等台灣人民把中共在台灣的狗全部下架,才有辦法。努力中。
@G.S.7981 Civil war started before PRC was founded. If war is still going on, then PRC is illegitimate. Do you think that is true? The day Mao declared PRC, was the day war ended with an outcome. That outcome was ROC being split into PRC and ROC. Taiwan was never involved in that war anyways.
Bee Rasama Lin ≠ Chang
Shen Shen LOL. China under CCP is far from being capable, let alone replace U.S. China, as a country governed by the people for the people might have a chance. But not PRC under CCP.
Shen Shen So, what happened after the 70s that changed China? Think it through.
CCP is just lying anyways so it doesn't really matter what it says.
Never trust CCP. Period.
@センナ-h4c Then don't bother making agreements with U.S. and decouple from U.S. Do it. Do it now.
@edmundlee2040 Brits lost its America mainland to patriots. Does that mean island of UK today is part of United States?
@geneloh PRC is China. PRC never had Taiwan in our human history.
中華民國 ≠ PRC
@geneloh HK was *leased* to UK for 100 years. Taiwan was not leased to ROC or Japan or Portugal for any period of time.
@geneloh LOL. The world does not agree Taiwan is part of China. Which is why CCP gets upset every single time a world leader sends public congratulation to President Tsai winning 2nd term. The world is aware CCP has a policy it whines and whines and whines and whines about. Huge difference. Taiwan's passport is visa free with 140+ countries, PRC's passport is visa free with 70+ countries, does that look like the world treats Taiwan as part of China?
@geneloh Civil war started prior to PRC was founded, obviously. So, if civil war is still going on. PRC is illegitimate until dust is settled. If PRC is a country, then the day Mao declared PRC was the day civil war ended with Mao splitting ROC into PRC and ROC. Pick one.
@geneloh It was because Deng Xiaoping threatened to take HK by force? You mean like, Nanking Treaty did not exist?
@geneloh Fact does not depend on how you feel or how I feel or how PRC feels. The one and only way PRC can ever have Taiwan, is to invade our homes. And the one and only response we will act on, is to defend our homes. It is simple as that. PRC can decide whether it wants to invade or not, we don't care either way as we have no control over whatever the heck CCP wants. We simply defend. But to say PRC gets to decide for us that we have to just handover our land which CCP/PRC never step foot on, is ridiculous. We are not that dumb. If you can't accept Taiwan not being part of PRC, then tell CCP to invade our homes to satisfy what you want. But that's none of my business. I'm just here to protect my home.