Comments by "condorX2" (@condorX2) on "My take: living under Shanghai’s Covid-19 lockdown" video.

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  10. I saw a news where one single vaccine maker call Pfizer, who have profited $54 billion in revenue in 2022 from sales of its COVID-19 vaccine and antiviral pill alone fueling an expected record of $102 billion. And they'll keep releasing new vaccine. They already have the 4th booster from government approval. I've following Covid-19 since 2019 and the best prevention is mask. Ever heard of Vaccine breakthrough? That's when you get infected from a person without mask through their droplets. You can infected by them through the air and surfaces you touched by rubbing your eyes or nose. I believe this news mentioned the outbreaks from Shanghai was due to a leak in the air conditioner. When China was first figuring out how to deal with the unknown virus, everyone in the west was laughing at them. When Covid-19 hit them, they don't know what to do. It spread like wild fire. The sad part was seeing on the news where a customer shot a security guard dead because of the mask requirement. And then you have fighting on the plane over mask and the famous NY nursing home deaths spikes. Nobody took the virus seriously. I remember Trump even jokes about the virus by calling it a flu. Anyway Fast forward to 2022. According to World Covid-19 Tracker. The US is currently #1 on deaths and cases in the world, followed by Brazil and India. Special notes "Pfizer forecasts $54 billion in revenue in 2022 from sales of its COVID-19 vaccine and antiviral pill alone fueling an expected record of $102 billion." "Protection against infection offered by fourth Covid-19 vaccine dose wanes quickly, Israeli study finds".
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