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Fox News
Comments by "" (@NinjaKittyBonks) on "Fox News" channel.
Clearly Harris is going to the border as a DIRECT response to Trump going there next week. The leftist are 100% concerned with optics and optics alone!
LOL... look at at all the terrified leftists triggered by Trump and down voting this video. Trump embodies EVERYTHING the leftist hates and he has my full support :)
Every time I see Rush, I think of his great line about arguing with leftists... "To make it fair, I will argue with half my brain tied behind my back".... LOL
Sure.... Cosby uplifted women back onto the bed after they collapsed onto the floor!
@Gerald Polmateer ... I am not positive about the time line, as it refers to Kenosha that night, but Trump was continually offering National Guard or other support. The states need to request that help, but they would not for two reasons. The most important one being that they would have to accept help from "Trump" and the second was they would much rather see their entire state burned to the ground, than accept aid from a conservative. Those of us who are sane, can see the detriment of what TDS can do and Kenosha has displayed it in all its glory! So long as Joseph Goebbles Propaganda Media Machine is the go-to for so much of the sleeping public, America will NOT survive!
@davidblasko2159 ... [hugs comfort animal]... lol. I didn't cry when she didn't go, I don't care that she is going now. I am merely pointing out that the leftist is consumed with Trump and would bet my last $1 that Trumps plan to go to the border would reflect badly on this admin, if they went after he did. No doubt, the speech writers are scrambling to get as many digs as possible into Trump during her speech, rather than just focus on what problems surround our border and address them!
@MOHAWK HMS .... well, just earlier today, we all found out from Glenn Beck that apple pie has been deemed a racist food. Turns out that some of the ingredients did not originate in the United States, so it is our job as Americans to call apple pie what it truly is.... white supremacy!
@West Coast Warlord998 ... :) This is my 2nd 3rd attempt at comment, as YouTube did not like how I spelled a word, so will change it At the risk of ruining a joke, via explanation, it is sarcasm to mock those who call something racist. Not sure where it came from, but I see it all the time used in context as I did in my OP above. Kinda like when the LGBTQ community took back "Queer" or lesbians took back "deyek*". I think they took back deyek*.. didn't they? It is empowering :) *you are gonna have to read that word out loud for it to make sense... lol
RE: The screen message from very beginning of video. Got news for you, Crats... we hear your message LOUD & CLEAR! We know exactly what you want and we ain't hearing it!
@Forgotten Prime ... RAYYCIST... lol :)
The Constitution & Bill of Rights are nothing but toilet paper to the Biden admin and leftists. Q: Is there anything LOWER than toilet paper that might be a more apt descriptor?
Seems the Biden admin is seeking the next big Covid spike, by way of letting thousands into our public sphere. What better way to demand additional lock-downs?
West Coast Warlord998 ... You're right, it is not "racist" its "rayycist". See what I did there? :)
God D*** what a feeble, frail, shell of a man Biden is. The damage being done to not only this country, but the many, many, MANY that rely on America to be a strong nation, cannot be measured. Even if people are not openly critiquing his obvious weakness as a leader, they are most certainly going to be dealing with the repercussions of it for many years to come :(
@jeffc2630 ... You are going to have to be more specific, my man... I have made multiple comments in this thread :) as for the many comments you made after this one, I can see we have a true believer among us and that is not a compliment :(
[sees click-bait title and launches video anyway]
The far left does incredible harm to common sense thinking and has umpteen outlets and Hollywood signing their praises. The right has exactly 1 mainstream TV news outlet.... Fox. Fox News..... stop stooping down to this level, offer ONLY factual opposition and be respectful to opposing views, the far left would be the ONLY ones attacking and would expose their harmful agenda for what it is. Playing this game fuels the far left and hurts us all. Think Gandhi and MLK Jr. for an example of how to right wrongs.
Whether she realizes it or not, don't know her name, but referenced work since 1978, is perpetuating the women are victims card. So long as we continue to make excuses why women cannot stand up for themselves, they never will.
That first girl being interviewed is a microcosm of what is happening on a macro level. Her reality is shaped 100% by how she "feels" and the rest of the world is being asked to be "less white" in order for her to "feel" safe. She is but 1 of the previous generation who has had the drum beat of oppression build into her very being, since she was in kindergarten. . Some news for us all... when she has her own children... they will be taught to feel exactly the same way!
VERY wise words, from Ms. Tulsi. I REALLY wanted Trump to ask her as Secretary of State, once he was POTUS. I don't love her politics, but I DO love her principles. I will take principles OVER politics every time!
What this guy did is called freedom of speech. I happen to think he was a jackass and my guess is that the soldier probably thinks the same thing. But..... if the soldier is sincere in the oath he took when joining the service, he supports his right to say it. However, I don't think he should be punished by the university for being a jackass, as he will just have to deal with the backlash of his behavior. Some will agree, but most will not and is part of life's lesson's we all need to learn.
Seems our Treasonous In Chief has quite a few things to fix here. Maybe he should go 3 scoops today, to get that extra bit of support to help him make it through Matlock tonight!
News director at Fox.....STOP SHOWING EDITING VIDEO USED TO SUPPORT YOUR POSITION. We all absolutely know that CNN is the worst of the worst in garbage new organizations, but showing edited clips opens you up to fair criticism about context of the news you are sharing. I would MUCH rather watch a 10 minute video with FULL CONTEXT than a 7 minute one that has been edited as this one has. If it is copyright stuff.... put up an audio only with subtitles! Don't play the same game as mainstream media, by showing edited clips !!!!!!
I was about to get REALLY TRIGGERED, until I was relieved to find proper representation of the diversity spectrum. Fortunately the white girl was somewhat obscured, and properly so, by PoC. Gheeze.... I cannot WAIT until we are rid of Regressives that have taken over the Democratic party!
... and we take a risk every day just believing the truth!
You can see Bidenus Pervertus READING FROM A SCRIPT about why he won't answer important questions. He just reads a bunch of talking points and is the most pathetic excuse for a man ever to call the Oval his office. Psaki is finding it more and more difficult every day to spin her way out of the garbage that he spews and is collapsing on all sides.
Youngkin proved that a conservative can win an election in the current climate :) Let's hope this is the first of many, many, many, many, many, many, many leftists getting cancelled! EDIT: Ms. King was wrong about some things.... "we all want the same thing". No, Regressives DON'T want kids to get an education they want an indoctrination ! If they wanted to be safe, they would stop vilifying the police only to then let the offenders they arrested go free to commit more crimes. Regressives are also not looking for everyone to live a good life, only the few that get to sit atop the penthouse of the socialist utopia that get to throw crumbs over the edge to us peasants down below. Major congrats to Youngkin!
Not only will Jussie NEVER apologize, but will double, triple and quadruple down on a "Hate Crime Tour of AmeriKKKa" with Kaepernick with BLM supporting the opening act!
Tomi Lahren: 2024
Charlemagne is a complete and total idiot of major proportions..... truly sad indeed :( @3:45.... I cannot take anymore. I have seen too many long form discussions that ACTUALLY produce dialog, not this crap.
Let me guess.... she won't be coming back for a follow up interview. That is pretty damned sad, because she's a bad actor.
It is always great to be reminded of how easy it is to spend other people's money! . Hey, Cynthia.... how about you buy a building in L.A. , fill it with food, clothing and "basic necessities" and allow people to just empty the shelves... free of charge!
I disagree with Mr. Brewer. Such behavior as Berry showed absolutely SHOULD be allowed, but nobody should ever do it. I think what she did was disgraceful, but she should be judged only by those would would see her and look down upon for for such action. If we are not careful, we will eventually get politicians that will successfully pass flag burning laws to make them illegal. No, the flag stands for its own destruction and I do not like to see it destroyed, but it stands for the freedom to do just such a thing! EDIT: Anyone notice that her Tweet said "... I love my people" and has GF as her screen image? She is more proud to be an activist than making the podium in a sport she loves!
Completely unrelated here, ladies... you are both BEAUTIFUL, but please instruct the make up dept. to back off. Let your natural beauty shine through, because it is not created by anyone but you <3
My question to leftists: "Is there ANYTHING that is not built, engineered, structured, created or intentionally racist by design....?" "NO" -lefitsts
Somebody involved here, whether be judge ruling or something, will find a way to get Juicy off with "time served" or some other BS. For all the noise the leftists make about "systemic racism pervasive in America", PoC have to continually hoax such crimes, so as to make sure we know it is white people responsible for all the hate. Since the maturation level of the leftist brain ceased at 4 years old, they cannot recognize that they THEMSELVES are the only ones perpetuating "systemic racism in America". The USA, nay... the world cannot survive the leftist plague and since I cannot imagine they will EVER give up this drive to madness. They will continue until we are driven to full 1860's conflict, because one cannot reason with the mind of a 4 year old child in an adults body :(
As Tulsi eluded to... we need to keep our eye on the ball here. It is not the DECISION that is a problem, it is HOW that decision made it out into the world that should be our concern.
I think the Dem's may not have decided who they WILL nominate, but are systematically going after those they DON'T want. Beto tried to separate himself and CNN bashes him.... Bernie has a heart attack and the media alters appearance of photos to make him look unhealthy.... They went after Williamson about the "crystals"... and now Clinton goes after Tulsi. Admittedly, some weak candidates, but the mainstream media is in the Dem's pocket, so can't put it past them.
Sure... 850 jobs that were ONLY lost due to the extreme measures of the Progressives agenda. I am happy that people are getting back to work, but these jobs were ONLY made available because of fear mongering and an ABSOLUTELY MASSIVE over-reach by Federal and Government agencies who removed the people who ORIGINALLY had those jobs! I, as well as many, many others, said we should have just lived our lives, done our best to avoid contracting / spreading Covid, but mask mandates and forced closure of small town America's businesses was a catastrophic mistake that is going to haunt this country for countless decades, in terms of inflation and Federal debt.
I would like to know what conservative, got control of the tele-prompter, so Bidenous The Tyranntasourus Hex would ACTUALLY say something he should say, as POTUS?
Hallefreakinlula! For every one of these criminally subversive ideologically possessed by the leftist cult of propaganda, is a win for the rest of us... BRAVO! PS> I despise cancel culture, but this was a fireable offense! He has said a SHEET TON of other crap over the years, so great to see BOTH Cuomo's out of a job!
I have been saying for years now that AOC is not just ignorant, stupid or un-educated... SHE IS EVIL! Beyond me the sleeping public in her district cannot see her for what she is.
No matter how hard I try to avoid it, when ever I see Eric Swalwell, I hear a fart sound.... anyone else hear that too? "Bueller.... Bueller..... Bueller...?"... lol
I think Juicy's crimes are FAR more egregious than the punishment he received, but I was 95% sure he would not see ANY jail time. If he does not bash his own face against the bars in jail and claim MAGA inmates attacked him, he will come up with something else for which to satiate his narcissistic need to be seen as a victim.
Seems some people will just NEVER understand biology and continue to meddle with things they do not understand :(
Candace... MY GRL<3
It doesn't matter WHO touched the gun!!!!! EVERY single person who touches it, should act as if it is loaded with a live round. Even if he / she JUST saw another person do so! EDIT: Baldwin is 100,000,000,000,000,000% responsible! He did not follow proper gun safety procedure REGARDLESS of who had it prior or if it was checked prior!
If the girls / women in their respective sports / spaces REFUSE to stand up for them... they deserve EXACTLY WHAT THEY GET! Stand up and fight F'ing back!
Shows to go 17% of the Chicago citizens are F'ing IDIOTS!
Regardless of how our Grandpa in chief addresses questions, it is good that the US is getting out of these nations. There will CLEARLY be ramifications of withdrawal, but we are going to have to let these countries figure this stuff out for themselves. We cannot be the direct protection for these nations, as we cannot be the cops for them all. Hell, we can't even have cops in our OWN nation. What an F'd up world we have become and the leftist is compounding issues daily.