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Actual Justice Warrior
Comments by "" (@NinjaKittyBonks) on "Whoopi Goldberg's Epic FAIL" video.
I have always been able to separate a celebs politics from their ability to entertain me. Whoopi is the first to cross that line, but guarantee will not be the last!
@justsomedude445 ...? So, I both love and hate Whoopi here? No, if I was to allow political affiliation color my feelings about celebrities, or anyone for that matter, I would be no better than the leftist to whom EVERYTHING is political. I won't play that game, but there is a point at which ones personal views toward others in this world, make me say I have had enough. It is sad to come to this, but I don't hate her, I just won't see her the same as I did in say Star Trek: TNG
@justsomedude445 ...What are you talking about? I merely said that I will have always ignored a celebrities political opinions and was able to separate their performance from their personal opinions. Now, if Whoopi owned as business that sold anti-white propaganda or some other BS, I would not shop there. This is not the same as a business that financially supports, say BLM, Antifa or any other terrorist organization, as I would certainly NOT spend my money there. I am talking about enjoying a performance in a movie or liking a song from Neil Young. If their politics get as extreme as Whoopie here or maybe even Neil Young, I just won't watch here movies or listen to his music. I think that is very sad, but how I feel.
@justsomedude445 ... You have lost the plot, my friend... Take care :)