Comments by "" (@NinjaKittyBonks) on "Man Makes 4 Year Old Shoot A Cop Over McDonalds Order" video.

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  2. ​ @bluepinkman4488  ... Sadly, we are both correct :( For the life of me, I fail to grasp how someone gets to the point, or rather "lives" to the point at which this seemed like the smart play. Not only to catastrophically over-react to an very common incorrect order at a fast-food place, but then to brandish a weapon, rather than just ask to have it corrected. On top of that, he sits outside and waits for them to fix his order, when a complete IDIOT knows that the cops are on the way. . There is really only one explanation I can think of here... death by cop and go out in a blaze of glory! Clearly this guy had some very serious mental issues going on, as he chooses to have both of his very young children there to see it all go down. One has to hate life to such a degree, as to be indifferent to his children likely watch their father die in a brutal way. . I think it likely we will hear about mental / psychological / legal issues this guy had in the coming days /weeks. To top it off, the mother of his children was interviewed and she had given him custody for a period of time and then extended it further. Where the hell was she when all this was going on? Why would she not only have children with this PoS, but then decide that they were better off with him than her? Nobody can tell me, that this guy did not show some SERIOUS signs of mental problems long before any of this event. This whole thing is just sad for all involved, but mostly the kids. They did not ask for these two for parents, but now they might end up being raised by grandma or the state, because the mom failed them as well. . Just what these kids need... being raised by someone other than thier parents :(
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