Comments by "" (@NinjaKittyBonks) on "Missing White Woman Syndrome?" video.
@Neo One ... As Sean mentioned in this video, there are a number of reasons:
1. She is pretty. We can all say how sad it is that we put such a priority of physical appearance to raise her level of importance, but need only look anyone who is used to advertise a product. We are particularly driven by the sight of a pretty person, but most specifically women
2. Lots of video and particularly that of joy: The media LOVES to have new video, as it $ell$ the news to juxtapose many happy "full of life" images, against the idea she has very likely been killed. The media, and by extension, its audience is particularly drawn to this narrative and speaks pretty sadly about both.
3. He returns home alone: Not only that, but he immediately lawyers up, does not say word and later disappears completely.
4. The police made some mistakes: While it can be seen as hindsight to say "she would still be alive, if the police had made arrests and brought them into custody, after being pulled over on the highway", I have heard at least a few legal people say they should have been detained. She would likely be alive, had this been the case, but is easy to say all that now.
5. She was a blogger and documenting here trip: She had posted all of the videos we have seen on social media, so there were many who had a vested interest in what had happened to her. There were LOTS of people talking about it, calling the police with tips and keeping the investigation going, so that helped.
There are a few other small reasons, but if ALL circumstances were the same and she was considered unattractive, by the standards we hold TV and movie stars, let's say... it would not have gotten this much attention.