Comments by "August Hayek" (@hayek218) on "Understanding the Japanese mindset" video.
Be Attentive
I show you how brainwashed you are.
Korean sex slave issue is such a fabricated issue.
It is an economy and national security issue. It is NOT a history issue. It is not even a human rights issue. It is only disguised as such.
The comfort women were highly paid prostitutes and were only propagated as sex slave by the imfamous Yoshida's book, and the communist Asahi Newspaper, both of which admitted they were lies after 30 odd years.
The only thing you have are some claims by comfort women who appears where no questions were allowed because in the past they made stupid mistakes like mentioning a base where no Japanese base existed, or kidnapped by Jeep (only US troops have Jeep).
In fact, Prof. Ann of Seoul Uni. interviewed all the comfort women who claim they were forced, in the biggest research conducted on this issue using Korean money, concluded that all of the claims were either lies or due to some misunderstanding. He even said that the purpose of the political group behind this issue is not truce or justice, but merely to bash Japan.
Look for any primary source evidence or any witness. There is none. Nobody knows what it is, where it is, or even when who saw it.
That is the answer.
200,000 Korean sex slaves kidnapped and there is no primary source evidence nor witness.......
If you are confident that you are not brainwashed, go ahead and show to the world just ONE primary source evidence that convinced you that these were sex slaves.
There is nothing to hide. Talk away.
But mind you, so far, no one in the world found any, and thus you will be the first one.
Andrew Carrico
You need to study history instead of propaganda.
It was the whites that colonized and enslaved the entire Asia for hundreds of years. What do you think there in Asia for? Charity?
Japan was the last country totally independent, and the US was approaching by brutally invading Hawaii, Guam and Philippine while Russia was coming down through Manchuria and Okhotsk.
It was Japan that build national armies in each coutries, trained, supplied weapons that in the end fought for independence after the War when Europeans came back to recolonize.
If you want to know atrocities by US, read some diaries by US soldiers and learn how they had non POW policies and killed all the surrendered soldiers both on land and in the sea.
In Philippine, they massacred up to one million natives on Leyte to kill just 40,000 Aginaldo soldiers.
They dropped two atomic bombs, and burned civilians by first engulfing them by fire so they cannot escape.
They killed one million Japanese civilians to kill two million soldiers.
Or, btw, the first thing US did when they came to Japan after the War was to force Japan to provide brothels in Yokohama using Japanese tax. Still 20,000 rapes were reported in the first several moths and 6,000 amerasians were born as a result.
US's 80 Amerasian Act is for one million for the entire world: God knows how many you have to rape for that.
You sound like a Korean person.
North or South, he won't be able to do it accurately unless he reads Chinese characters.
Almost no present day Korean can read their true official history books as they are all written in Chinese characters.
So they can only blindly believe the fabricated history that their governments cock up in order to hide their true but miserable facts like since the time of Yuan, the Peninsula, whoever ruled it, was dependencies of China; both Joseon government and the public asked Japan to annex and modernize but changed their mind AFTER the War.
Koreans did not write their history much in the first place. The first book is Samguk Sagi written in 12 century, but nobody really takes it seriously as there are many miserable things written in it like the king of Shilla was Japanese from Japan, etc. However, they still insist that their Joseon has 5,000 year old history by cherry picking Chinese and Japanese documents.
So their history is almost entirely written after the War. This history is written in Hangul, and the Korean History written in English are translation of the Korean history in Hangul.
Korean government is recreating its history as a part of its national brand especially Myeong-bak set up a government body, National Branding Council. Korean drama are used to spread their fabricated history.
For instance, they fabricated the history of Tae Kwon Do even though they learned from Karate; they pretends they had sword culture like samurai though their official book says they had no sword martial arts nor samurai equivalent, etc.
So unless you can read the Chinese characters, you cannot do it on Korea as Korean history in English is full of fabrications.
However, there are some books written by westerners who visited Korea before the Japanese annexation such as "Korea and Her Neighbors" by Isabella Bird. They usually give good insights into the true pre-modern Korean society. There are about a half dozen books like that.
Allen Ad
You said it.
Now is the time to back up your statements.
Your first history book was written only in 12 century.
There are only 50 or so archeological sites of more than 10,000 years ago in the entire Korean peninsula, then nothing after that until 5,000 years ago, when Japanese Jomon stone wares start appearing at the southern tip of the Korean Peninsula. It means the Peninsula was first occupied the Japanese, and that agree with Chinese documents like the Book of the Later Han which says the South of the Korean Peninsula was a part of Japan.
In Japan, the first pre-stone age site goes back 120,000 years ago, Sunabara remains. Then there are more than 10,000 remains of more than 10,000 years ago in Japan.
Also, the worlds first polished stone ware, lacquer ware, earthen ware are found in Japan.
Stop spreading stupid lies and fabrications based on NO primary source evidence. That is why Koreans are hated.
Otherwise, if you are confident, then show your primary source evidence to support your fantasies.
There is nothing to hide.
Talk away.
Below are obvious wrongs in the video:
1. Yamato people came to Yamato 660 BC according to the legend. There is no archeological evidence to determine when they came exactly.
2. Japan was centralized under the Emperor before Samurai took power in 1192, not just after the Meiji Restoration.
3. Japan did not annex Taiwan, it colonized it after being ceded by Qin. Japan annexed Korea only.
4. Manchuria is Manchurian's and not of the Han Chinese. The Han Chinese never ruled this part of present day China. Never. It is the Han Chinese that invaded Manchuria.
5. It was not a full war of Japan vs China. When Qin fell, and ROC asked Tibet, Uighur, Inner Mongol and Manchuria to join, they all refused. The Han Chinese never ruled these regions. Plus, the Hans were divided between ROC and CCP. Japan almost exclusively fought against ROC, which is now Taiwan.
6. Japan's Self Defense Force does not have full assertive weapons and capabilities as the armies of other countries do.
7. With the public debt, you need to look at the other side of the balance sheet and where the money is borrowed from. The net debt that the government is borrowing from foreign country is none; that from the private sector is decreasing with the total outstanding balance of about 500 trillion yen, the half of what it's claimed for the Japan's total debt.