Comments by "Newbie Prepper" (@newbieprepper8451) on "Great Tits Are In Danger, Scientists Warn" video.

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  4.  @freeluigi4444  yes, it is the same thing, its been going on since the 70's. its always the same message just worded slightly differently every other decade. in the 80' it was global warming, and it was an existential threat that must be solved in a decade. in 2000 it was global warming and its an existential threat that must be solved in a decade. now its global climate change because they cant get away with global warming in the coming years of the cooling phase, and its still an existential threat. if it was such an exitential threat then they would enact measures to stop it, just like they enacted measures during this pandemic, they would lock you in your house and weld the doors shut so you dont produce any carbon. but instead they offer you policies like the Paris accords that push you to move your production out of your cleaner factories in your own country and move them to dirty factories in 3rd world countries that pollute 10 times as much while forcing you to pay fees and give the worst polluting countries a free pass for a decade. then to top it all off, they tell you that you eating cows are bad because they produce lots of carbon so you should eat grass and bugs to prevent ocean level rise while they sit in their oceanfront home eating medium rare steaks. now. since you claim to have been an environmentalist since 1973, maybe you can answer some questions for me. 1. you claim there's never been anything close to this? close to what exactly? global warming? can you explain how much lower the average global temperature was 1.3 million years ago during the last major warm period when there was NO ice caps or snow on the entire planet? 2. can you explain which fossil fuel burning civilization was responsible for raising the global temperature so high and so fast that it melted the 1 mile thick north American ice sheet that covered most of the continent withting a short span of time of about a thousand years? 3. can you explain what significance the suns output has on earths climate and what significance the earths electro-magnetic field plays in reducing the amount of solar energy that reaches the earth, AND what significance does the weakening of the earths electro-magnetic field play in that scenario? 4. can you explain WHY #3 is never included in ANY of those reports from the UN?
  5.  @existentialwealth8025  why dont YOU open your eyes and look at ALL the data? i look at all the data. i look at it over a LONG period of time instead of just what is happening in "real time". lookng at what is happening in real time only and trying to predict future events without looking at past history is as faulty as looking at the sunrise and claiming that the sun will always continue to rise no matter what while disregarding that the sun runs on a cycle of rising and setting. you talk about cities being flooded, mass migration, economic disruption and drought. areas of the world have been flooded and suffered drought throughout history, look at the Sahara, there is evidence that it used to be a lush tropical jungle, now its a desert. look at the middle east and all the oil fields in the desert, those oil fields could only be produced by plankton and such living and dying in mass in shallow oceans. as for flooding, i seriously doubt the city of Venice Italy was built by the Italians in the ocean to start with, im thinking it was built on dry land and slowly flooded for various reasons. mass migration. mass migrations happen for a number of reasons, for example, the Syrian civil war and the uprising of ISIS in the middle east caused mass migration out of that area into Europe, and thats just in recent history. there are plenty of mass migrations and each one can have its own unique reason for it. but let me guess, you would argue that the economic crash of 1929 which caused worldwide hardships and mass migration and finally culminated in WWII was all caused by climate change right? the world runs on a cyclic system, there are warm period and cool periods, those cause adverse weather during the transition phase, by claiming that man is the cause of the current cyclic change completely disregards the previous billion or so cyclic changes that man was not around to be a party to. its like saying the sun rose today because of man since man observed it rising while completely ignoring the fact that the sun has been rising for the past 4.3 billion years. here is an extra tidbit for you, NASA, you know, those space rocket scientists, literally, they announced a couple of weeks ago that the moons wobble (which runs on a cycle of its own) will lead to a higher amount of weather phenomena such as more flooding and adverse weather anomalies like bigger hurricanes and more rainstorms and possible droughts. but yea, that moon wobble, totally man made, evil man caused all that stuff. its you who needs to open your eyes, because you are being told to not eat beef to save the environment by men who are eating beef in your face, you are being told by men to not fly planes to save the environment by men who fly planes to your city to tell you this, you are being told to stop driving cars to save the environment by men you are shouting this message from the window of their cars in thier 20 car motorcade, you are being toldthat the oceans will rise and flood the coasts by men who are buying up house at the waters edge. have you stopped for one second and asked why would he buy that house right on the shore when he told me that the oceants will rise and wipe out the shore?
  6.  @christaylor9095  good question, glad you asked, what im trying to accomplish is to get people to ask at least simple questions without just submitting to an authority like a slave. the scientists claim that climate change is the result of human activity. q1. has climate change ever occurred before without human activity? q2. about 1.3 million years ago there was no ice anywhere on the planet, was that warm period caused by human activity? simple questions such as how did you arrive at this consensus and did you ue all available data and did you leave any data out and why was data left out? what am i prepping for? im prepping for the future. i understand that the world works on cycles, and i understand that society works on cycles too. its not hard to predict what the future holds, the only thing that is unpredictable is the details of the future. example 1. every 80-100 years or so, civilization suffers a global pandemic of some sorts, with the last one being the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918-1920, so its wasnt hard that around 2020 we would see another global pandemic, 3 years prior i invested in some military grade PPE equipmnet, not knowing the exact details of the outbreak other than some outbreak was due to hit us. example 2. every 8-10 years or so, we have some type of economic instability, and so i invested in some precious metals, not a lot, but enough to get by and give me a sense of security. example 3. every 80 years or so there is a major societal upheaval and calamity, we are about due, so i invested in some form of protection several years ago, and made plans to get out of the way if necessary, major riots struck most cities last year with building burning, property damage into the tens of billions, and several dozen deaths. example 4. every couple of decades or so we come to an event that disrupts food production on a scale that cripples some if not most peoples ability to feed themselves, running for the hills and hunting and fishing is not always an option. so i prepped for that and invested in some long term food storage, and no, i dont mean i bought buckets of that 30 year freeze dried survival food stuff and granola bars, but i did stock up on things to last me years that normal people will stock up on to last them a few days, canned goods, beans, rice, various other foods. i also trained up skills in unconventional food gathering in case i do have to get out and be on the go (run for the hills). so yea, im prepping for an eventual future of hardship where i can survive better than most people who are used to going to the store to pick up their food and coming home and flipping on their light switch and turning on their microwave to cook up their TV dinner. simply put, ask some question, you should always question authority instead of taking them at their word blindly. and you should be prepared for at least some eventualities, im not saying be prepared for an alien invasion or nuclear war, but could you withstand a flash flood in your area without needing to wait for a helicopter to rescue you off your roof? if Katrina hit your area, would you be able to get through it or would you be one in the mass of millions needing the government to save your life and put you in the thunderdome as temporary housing? if the 1929 economic crash hit, would you be able to make it through or would you be one of the tens of millions standing for hours in a breadline begging for a slice of bread and a bowl of watery soup? history is littered with examples of hardship that we can learn from and prepare for, because we havent seen the end of droughts and famines and wars and civil unrest. pick one and prepare for it.
  7.  @christaylor9095  my tactics are simple, i simply ask the questions. if global climate change is such a threat and it will cause ocean levels to rise, why would a proponent of climate change like Obama buy oceanfront property that he says will be gone in a few years because of climate change? if they claim that climate change is an existential threat, then why are they not doing something about it instead of just fearmongering and doing nothing to solve it? even their solutions are hypocritical at best and look like economic favoritism. Gretta Thunberg went to the UN to scold western nations with her "how dare you" while turning a blind eye to the biggest polluters in the world. thats like cops scolding you for touching your wife innapropriately while they completely ignore the police chief full on raping your wife in the middle of the street. im pointing out the hypocrisy hoping to get people to notice it and at least be motivated to ask some simple questions of their own, such as "hey, how come you tell us to do this but yet you dont do it yourself?" some things can be explained away, such as air travel, well they need to travel to all these gatherings quickly, but other things are purely hypocritical such as buying oceanfront property while at the same time claiming that the oceans will rise and wipe out those oceanfront properties. its so simplistic that most people should look and say, "hey, wait a minute, hold up". but yet here we are, i ask some questions, and most people, including you, think im just trolling? i care about the planet, i care about our future, i have a kid and i cherish her future, and thats why i have to question what happens, because history is littered with examples of people not questioning their authorities and pushing the next generation into horrendous situations of their own making. i mean yea, lets stop using fossil fuels right now, right this very minute. then let the next generation deal with the fact that they cant feed themselves because those fossil fuels are such an integral part of our basic infrastructure. sure, yea, lets switch from fossil fuels to renewable energies right now, let the next generation deal with crippling taxes needed to pay for the renewable energy push and let them fill in all the holes we made while strip mining for rare earth elements to create all those renewable energy devices. yea, if we keep burning fossil fuels, the earth will keep getting warmer up to a point, maybe a little faster, nothing more than a blip on the scale of the history of the earth, but if we remove all humans from the planet, it will still continue to happen the same exact way, how do i know this, because it has happened before when there were no humans around, and it has been happening even when humans appeared.
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