Comments by "John Woodrow" (@johnwoodrow8769) on "Strict social distancing regulations ‘run the risk of creating resentment’" video.

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  7.  @AD-zz1fr  No matter how you try and angle it, the Government stopping people from doing something that has no impact on the outcome of this virus is not only silly tokenism to distract from their own incompetence, it actually undermines the credibility and authority of those supposedly in charge. This issue is not just about those directly vulnerable to the virus. It is way more complex than the simplistic view many want to push. Using just two people, one from each side of the issue as an example of the complexities involved. If you were to ask me who I have the greatest symptom for, a highly vulnerable to the virus chain smoking obese 50 year old with diabetes from a life of living on McDonald's and Coke who hasn't cared less about their own health despite being told for years of the dangers, or the young person who had just secured a job after a long period of unemployment, was optimistic for the fist time in many years, and now finds themselves back on the unemployment queue and faced again with years of depression and hopelessness in order to protect the life of the chain smoker....... do you really need to ask where my concern lies. You may think the best approach is just follow whatever the Government and their advisers say, they know best. Honestly I don't think they have a clue and are just making it up as they go. Regarding the risk to myself, I fully expect to catch the virus. Was tested a week of so ago and was actually disappointed it came back negative. This thing will only end when the majority of the population (greater than 60% to be precise) have had the virus. Government telling you otherwise are lying to you. I'm 67 years old, have looked after myself, expect to go ok when I catch it.
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