Comments by "Paul Aiello" (@paul1979uk2000) on "Germany Takes Over EU Presidency: Germany's Plans for Europe, COVID u0026 Brexit Explained - TLDR News" video.

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  5.  @trimaxionerror5696  The Germans and Europeans for the most part have a long history of war that it doesn't seem like they want to go that route again with the exception of maybe the UK and Russia, the war like mentality seems to be more the US then EU countries now, Germany seems to be one of the more civilized modern countries just like Japan is now, remember, the second world war impacted them the most so the last thing they want is a repeat of that. As for Russia and China, condemning them for what? The US is the one that wants to play world police, let them deal with it, besides, the EU is smarter than that, going hostile with Russia or China doesn't work, the US is showing that and it's likely going to create a second Cold War, the Europeans are smarter on that when it comes to diplomacy and like to keep all communications and channels open, it had to be, because you don't form a union like the EU without being smart or using force and clearly no force is used on that. As for China, all the US and UK are doing is sinking, they are not powerful enough to take on China with how fast they are rising, it's one thing to take the moral high ground, it's another to use common sense, now don't get me wrong, the EU doesn't like what China is doing but they are smarter than that to go direct with them like the US is doing because that will be very costly for the US in the long run, the UK could get dragged into it thanks to Brexit, Australia as well because they fear China a lot and seem desperate on that but hardly any other country are following them. Beside, look at a lot of the wars started since the second world war, the US and UK have usually had a hand in it, they have become the hostile nations to the world and many are starting to see that now.
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  7.  @trimaxionerror5696  Because I am British doesn't mean I have to follow what the system tells me, I would love for the UK to do well after Brexit but I like to look at things for how they are and the UK has got it's self into a right mess, not only are we heading for the worse outcome on Brexit but it's happening at a time when we are being hit hard by the pandemic, the next 5 to 10 years are going to be very tough on us British. As for what countries are good or bad, what's that got to do with anything? also, what has history on what the UK and US did for Europe in the past have to do with Europe today, you do realize that the US and UK are two of the more hostile modern countries to do, arrogance does that. Now don't get me wrong, I don't like the actions that China and Russia does but the US and UK are not much better, we've been in so many wars since the second world war, many we either started or had our hands in, we are not as innocent as some like to think. As for Germany, well considering how effective they were during the second world war, they used that same mentality to rebuild their country and became one of the most successful European countries, now the Marshall plan helped but it was their mindset that really did the difference. As for the Germany's, they have nothing to be ashamed about, it's a different generation of people and would be wrong to put the blame on this generation of people for what happened in history. The fact of the matter is, Germany has been a model country since the second world war, one of the most peaceful modern countries whereas the UK has been quite an aggressive one since then, look up how many wars the UK has been in since the second world war, a lot of which we were dragged in by the US, nothing is as black and white as you like to think.
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  11.  @duwang8499  Why should Germans, especially young Germans feel any shamed for things they had nothing to do with?, the Germans have nothing to feel ashamed about now because it's a different generation of people now but if I was German, I would look with alarm at what is going on in the US and UK and many other parts of the world because it's got that families feel to it of what the Germans went through in the past. Germany's real advantage after the second world war was helped because they started from little to nothing, a new system, a new political system without any of the old relics, the UK still has a lot of that old baggage that holds it back and that isn't easy to change, the US is even getting bogged down with the same kind of thing, a system that doesn't serve the people that well in modern times. As a Brit, born and lived in the UK all my life, I see it many times how many Brits see the Germans, we see it from the news to tv programs, the media and governments and it all seems to boil down to one simple thing, the Germans lost the second world war but became a lot more successful than the UK with a bigger economy, much better manufacturing base, a more prominent position in the EU, that left a big sting for many Brits that want to be seen as a power in the world, they are not the only ones, even Japan, the two countries that lost the war became two of the most successful countries in the world, basically, the impression I get is that many Brits are jealous of the success of Germany, especially on the right, so Brexiteers and the likes. You know what I find ironic about the way the world is now, I see the US and UK as bigger threats to world peace then I see the Germans who have been very peaceful since the second world war, I mean, just look at all the wars the US and UK have got into, look at the mess they created in the Middle East.
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  14.  @trimaxionerror5696  It's not about turning a blind eye but looking at it realistically, the actions the US does rarely work because it just turns the people in those countries more on the side of the government, in a sense, they are doing them a favour, it rarely works when it hits the average people in those countries because for the most part, most are innocent. Now I'm not saying the likes of China and Russia don't need to be held to account but tariffs rarely work and a lot of the other US led actions work, they usually just make things worse for both sides and they should learn from the EU with Brexit, how to target the UK government without targeting the British people, it's very effective if done right because public support for rejoining the EU is growing, that wouldn't be the case if the EU was hostile with the UK, the EU are basically playing the UK goverment and they don't even see it yet. Basically, it's the motives that stinks when it comes to many of the actions of the US and UK with dealings with other countries, even when they say they are doing good, they usually have something in it for themselves. In any case, it's not really relevant, dealing with China isn't going to be easy, the US is doing it all wrong because they are playing right in the hands of what the government of China wants by turning the people to become more hostile on the US, the trick is to target the government of China so the people of China pressure real change there but all the US is doing is starting another Cold War and unlike the first Cold War, it doesn't look like the US will get many friends to go along with it because most seem to want to stay out of it. The UK with Brexit can't really afford to be dragged into that because we need good relations with both the US and China and especially with the EU.
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  22.  @melvinbeck5047  Well no, the UK could walk away at any time in these talks and they've threatened to do so many times but never walked away, all the EU is saying is the UK can't have it's cake and eat it, the only reason the UK hasn't stopped talking because it wants better terms and doesn't want to walk away with hard Brexit, the EU have been very clear that the terms the UK will get will be much worse than they had in the, the UK doesn't seem to want to understand that and seems to think these talks are on equal terms when they are anything but that. Media bias was always an issue in the UK, I mean, how many of the British public even knows what it does and the benefits of it? all we hear from a lot of the media is the negatives of the EU and never any of the positives and it didn't help that UK governments always put the blame on the EU for all the wrongs in the UK even thought a lot of it had nothing to do with the EU and was the competence of the UK government, at least with Brexit, that excuse won't wash any more. If the next government does undo Brexit, it would have to be done by a referendum but if polls keep going up, they'll be all for that, in fact I suspect the last thing the Brexiteers want is another vote on this with how public views are changing. But honestly, even if Labour wins and we had another vote, it would be a hard sell for the EU and it's members to let us back in, it would only take one of them to block us and I can think of a few that would do just that, so basically, the UK might not be able to rejoin the EU even if we wanted too, at least not that soon or unless the vote was so high in favour of rejoining. I think the best the UK can hope for is single market and custom union access, that would protect the UK economy whiles keeping the vultures around the world at bay.
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  45.  @discipleofhermes563  If you think about it, look at all the UK members, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, none of them are doing that well with GDP per capita, Northern Ireland is doing really bad in fact, now compare that to England, why is England doing so much better than all of them? if you look at comparable European countries to those 3 small countries, they are doing much better and that begs the question, what on earth is the UK union doing to them? many like to suggest that they need the UK union but lets be honest, they seem to be doing poor inside the UK then many other comparable countries of their size, even many in northern England realize they are being screwed over by the south, hence the north-south divide in the UK. Basically, until the UK stops putting too much resources and money down south, I think it's only a matter of time before the UK falls apart and hey, why not, if it's good enough for the UK to leave the EU, it's good enough for Scotland to do the same, after all, Brexiteers keep saying that we'll be better off outside the EU and yet they seem to think that isn't the case for Scotland lol. The reason the EU will be interested and why Scotland would be interested is because they know they can develop them, they've been really successful on that for the last 50 plus years now, the UK union is falling it's members with far too many resources held in the south of England, that is where the real problem is, also, the EU would be interested because it would stick it to the UK government, they might even call it operation carve up lol. Anyway, I suspect Scotland will be the first to leave, after that, Northern Ireland, as for Wales, they are bit of an unknown but it wouldn't surprise me if they followed but it will be harder for them, Scotland and Northern Ireland have a clear path if they wanted to leave, do you realize how humiliating that would be for the UK governments if they all left and rejoined the EU? the term little Englander would actually have some meaning lol but in the end, the UK is bringing all this onto it's self.
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