Comments by "Paul Aiello" (@paul1979uk2000) on "The EU's Trade Deal with Japan: How They Reached a Deal u0026 Was it Successful? - TLDR News" video.

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  18.  @perry714.  It doesn't work that way, look at how the UK has done negotiating with the EU over the last few years, they wait till the last possible moment before caving in, they've done it a few times already, they hope the EU will back down at the last moment but the EU never does, at least not in any meaningful way, that puts the UK in a tight bind because like it or not, we need a deal, more so now because of the pandemic. That transition period is just that, just to see if we can get a deal but there is nothing stopping the UK from walking away apart from the damage it would do to the UK, the EU isn't holding the UK to ransom, the UK is choosing to continue to talk and for good reason too. As for the fishing rights, if the EU doesn't have access to British waters than the UK won't have access to EU waters, it goes both ways, more important is that the UK sells most of its fish to the EU market, the EU can get tough on that and make it less appealing to buy from the UK, now I know what you are going to say, you'll sell to others, good luck on that because most established markets like the US won't want the UK muscling in and most other countries are poorer ones so you won't be able to ask for the same price, the EU is the logical market to sell too and that gives the EU clout in that area, in the end, I suspect both the EU and UK will have access to each other's waters on more or less the same term we have now once the bluster ends. You do realize that even without a trade deal, the EU is still going to be by far the UK's biggest trading partner, it just means UK consumers are paying more for those same goods whereas the EU companies will cut the UK out of the supple chain because they can, the EU market is big enough that they can source from other areas internally without having to worry about tariffs and red tape, the UK market isn't big enough so they have to depend on others, that's where the EU knows they have us and are holding all the cards. At the end of the day, the UK had a very good deal in the EU with so many op-outs and still wasn't happy about it and wanted more, it's just pure arrogance from the British side, I'm very happy that the UK lost all of that.
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  22.  @meeau  Another 4 years of Trump would do a lot more damage to the US then what some think, think about it, have you ever wondered why China is going easy on the US for now? from there point of view, they don't need to get tough with the US when an election is so close as that can change a lot, if Trump was to win it, China will likely get a lot tougher on the US. Then we have Canada and Japan, since Trump got into power, both countries speeded up their trade deal with the EU, they clearly want to be less exposed to the US and are looking for other friends, the EU being an easy option, if two of the most loyal countries are pulling away from the US then the US is in trouble. Then we have the UK which doesn't seem to know what it wants and even they seem to be distancing themselves from the US which is a surprise considering the UK will need the US more than every after leaving the EU with Brexit next year. Then we have the EU, Trump seems to be going out of his way to push Europeans away from Americans, the sad thing is, Trump is weakening the west and making it easy for China to take more power, the EU and US really need to get closer together with an aggressive China on the rise because honestly, I don't think either are powerful enough to take on China with how quickly they are rising but both together would stand a chance as they would likely get a lot of other countries onboard. If Biden wins and tries to repair ties around the world, especially with the EU and tries to calm things down with China, then the US might be alright but if they are still hostile, a new Cold War could start with the US and China and it's looking more like the Europeans and many others will stay out of it and let the two fight it out, that would be a lot more costly for the US.
  23.  @thedave7760  The irony being is that is what the Republicans have been doing the last few years lol. As for if Trump wins, who really cares, I'm European so it matters little to me but going on what I'm seeing, it looks favourable for Biden to win, besides, think of the message that would send to the rest of the world if Trump wins again, people can be forgiven for doing a mistake once, do it again and a lot of the world will turn away from the US at a time the US can't afford with its new Cold War building with China, we are already seeing signs of that already, especially from the Europeans, Canada and Japan, even the UK seems colder on US relations then they usually are. Basically, the US can't afford another Trump victory as that would likely change a lot of the geo-political alliances around the world, some of which is already happening and not favourable for US interest. Beside, it doesn't look like Trump will win, all the indicators are showing that Biden could win by a landslide, the real question is, if you was a Democrat, would you actually want to win with the mess the Republicans have made, it's going to take years to repair that damage and the Democrats will likely get the blame for the mess the Republicans have made, it might be better for the Democrats to lose so that the Republicans own this mess, that would do a lot more longer term damage to them. Dave, let him beleave in what he wants, many people do like their own delusions in how they want to see things go but truth be told, things look really bad for Trump and a clear indicator of that is him wanting to put the elections on hold, the only reason he would want to do that is because he suspects he's got little chance of winning, in any case, all the indicators from too many different sources are suggesting Biden will win and by quite a margin, hence the panic from Trump.
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