Comments by "Paul Aiello" (@paul1979uk2000) on "Putin's Strategy Backfired: NATO's New Plan" video.

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  3. True, Putin doesn't really care about the Russian people, he cares about his position of power and his inner circle, just like any dictator, which are more than happy to throw their own people under the bus if it means staying in power or extending it, it's going to take some time for the Russian people to wake up to that reality and when they do, it's likely going to hit hard because sanctions usually only bite hard about 2 or 3 years in and by then, most of Europe will stop buying Russian oil and gas or at least reduced it a lot. Once that happens, the west is going to focus on China and India, with the intention of isolating Russia and there are many ways the west can go about that, after all, Russia isn't that important to China or India and both countries can't afford to get on the wrong side of the west when it comes to the economy. Who knows, maybe the western countries will put sanctions on both China and India as a percentage of how much oil and gas they buy from Russia, basically cancelling out the benefits, should be quite easy to do and that would encourage a lot of manufacturing and services out of China and India, other countries would be more than delighted to take that business away from them. I suspect the west is waiting for the European countries to diversify away from Russian oil and gas before they pull that trigger but there's no way the west is going to put up with China and India benefitting from buying cheap oil and gas from Russia whiles people are dying in Ukraine.