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Rita Gameiro
VisualEconomik EN
Comments by "Rita Gameiro" (@puraLusa) on "Why The US Fed Billions to Palestine" video.
@aimanmarzuqi4804 lebanon has all those things and they managed to distroy a productive economy. There is a cultural aspect never criticized cause no one wants to be labeled as racist. And yes, the existing criticism is also unfair and actually racist. Either they enter the self-criticism mode or they are doomed be it by ocupation, be it self-destructive. It is what it is - making narratives just doesn't help.
Using extreme violence as a problem solver was already in the culture - hebron massacre was in 1929 when there was no state of israel.
For many palest it was an anti-fatah vote not a pro-hamas one. And it makes sense. Maybe this is also why egipt voted for muslim brotherhood as egipt several regimes were/ are extremely corrupt and do cause a lot of marginalized sections of society.
@JUDALATION so if hitler called backsis when berlin was surrounded then everyone should sing cumbaya with the nazis 😂 That's ur logic applied to another war.
Found the extremist section 😂
@aimanmarzuqi4804 u just produced a narrative to excuse a group u are emotional invested in. Again, narratives don't help - it only prolongs the suffering.
@ecoideazventures6417 it didn't. Israel has also their fair share of bad strategy and bad actors. Neta being one of them.
@charlesscott4722 ur conflating a country with a political party which is intelectual dishonest. Country can and should make peace. Political parties whose ideology is a danger to the world is another story. Authoritarian and totalitarian parties are usually extremely dangerous even towards themselves. Would love to have a different response to give u.
I might sound conspiracy here but isn't that what a israel propaganda might want u to think? 😂
@marwanelmeligy8235 and the ottoman formula of rulling (who wasn't strictly islamic) is the basis for federalism somewhat.
@y.l7455 it plays a part. There is a long line of guilty parties in this, it's undeniable.
It produces a feeling of superiority doesn't it? Is a u all owe me kind of feeling.
Did u know that one of the reasons that made jewish diaspora keep their jewish identity was exactly cousin mariage?
@aimanmarzuqi4804 I don't remember if it was west bank, jordan or lebanon. But it was a small property developed by a lady who manage to build a house with an almost self sustaining garden with very litle investment (nominal even). Permaculture can actually uplift people without resorting to eternal welfare dependance. It's one more benefit.
That would trigger a lot of folks in intern comunity cause politics. Part of the problem is that the conflict is used to play politics instead of actually carrying for the people caught in this.
If u go to regenerative farming and permaculture iniciative u can see some projects being done with palest refugees that allow them to achieve a much better capacity to produce a be productive. It's the give a fish teach how to fish story.
@ArawnOfAnnwn yes my prespective must be a falacy. How else can u censor any opinion that doesn't submit to ur wants and needs litle emperor. Muslim brotherhood is the parent party of hamas. It's also the org who translated and published hitler book titled in arab "my jihad" which was a very conscience atempt to conect islam with nazism. Let's pretend some stuff in history isn't there - we need to protect muslim brotherhood reputation in the world right?
@wengelder9256 he was selfih and had general bad political ideas. He was a horrible representative of palest aspirations. Palest political class is horrible.
There is a saying: hell is full of good intentions. Governm are bad actors in nature - keep that in mind.
In america it's called isolationists. China also pretends that it uses that policy in foreign affairs.
@gemmalee3032 oh so cause ur asian u must be smarter than every other location on earth 😂 Fun fact: supramacism can happen to any given group But do cary on oh asian superior do lead humanity 😂
@Kurtlane there was never a comprehensive census and referendum for anyone to know what palest actually wanted at that point, so it's all speculation. Also, it's not farfetched that displaced people who lost property were mad, be it palest or jews from arab states, something which needs to be taken into account.
UN enabled as all this is based on UN position in the conflict. West giving out money is just to produce the outcome proposed at UN level.
That would just make them even more divided into factions no?
U need to add that governments are never good faith actors or competent. Aid money is charity by governments - it never produces a good resolt. We are all so guilty for allowing horrible foreign policy in our respective countries.
One of the political aims of terrorist orgs is exactly to produce a devide or increse a devide between people. In that sense, israel played into what terrorists wanted. So it's just a bad idea as it doesn't counter terrorism, it increses it.
Narrative. Activists are just political actors to manipulate the masses into marching with the party line. Some of these so called activist get thrilled with world suffering cause it justifies their job as advertisers and thus oppens up more payments from political donnors.
That's a very superficial acessment and only plays into narratives and propaganda.
@paperplane-db8qf did u know there was also an influx from the outside into palest society? It isn't a narrative but a conflict that was used by outside actors which made it so bad as we see it today. Did u know that israelis and plaestinians have many stories of cooperation and even forging string friendships? Maybe not medeling and allow them to solve their issued would actually produce a different resolt as opose to projection our own biasis.
Can I get a source for that pls. It's quite an interesting numbers.
@pikapi6993 what survey? Also ur an expert on islam 😂
@ArawnOfAnnwn thanku, will read it when have time. For the internet: the survey does exist and easy to find via google.
@ArawnOfAnnwn already saw something that can possibly manipulate final results: the number of inquired individuals in less than 1000 individuals - that's too litle for the overall population. That's the problem with poles, they might not reflect the actual prespective of a society.
@ArawnOfAnnwn another point is that a fair % of inquires work for thr governm sector which also makes them compromised cause we know that gov workers are conected to political factions that get their budget from intern aid, aka, with interest of keeping the conflict alive in order to keep being granted said aid. Poles are so much used to manipulate our prespective.
Yes let's pretend there was no olympic games or 9/11. We can also fall into conspiracy theories and go for the old moto of "the jews" did it. 😂 Some people need to be the active victim to oppen their minds to reality.
3.3 that isn't economic aid - its a mix of loans, research funding and military loans/ sales. That money comes back cause it's business. There is also private funding - and that one u can argue that's part of the problem as it is to fund settlers - but it isn't state sponsored its 100% private. Wanna tell people where to out their money? Good luck in that endeavor, americans love the concept of limits in political and religious freedoms 😂
@thetsfa3307 well it wasn't the best of plans was it? Sounds like bad startegy from big egos.
Every time a president wanted to cut off aid, it got a pounding of oposition and a less popular acceptance. This is how corrupt aid money has become.