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Rita Gameiro
Fox News
Comments by "Rita Gameiro" (@puraLusa) on "Fox News" channel.
She has a superiority complex: "my city"
She suffers superiority complex. Notice she refers "my city".
@MelvinCooper-ov8lg the opportunistic possibility would be him staying inside hamas and end up like his dad, living a 5 star life in qatar.
@keyboardwarriorsaint political leaders usually get scrutinize and findings published. One doesn't need to be someone's accountant to obtain such info.
Good luck trying to introduce critical thinking in a school 😂
It doesn't justify ripping other people posters. Her superiority complex might explain.
He is under usa witness program which is fairly safe.
@cyrusthegreat1370 him? Nope, he actually could have been very wealthy by remaining as a hamas member.
@999NRG lol, what a conspiracy theory. When a narrative needs to resort to conspiracies.... 😂
Superiority complex, she refers to "my city"
Addevzxa "there are churches..." 1. There is an interview with a brazilian journalist here on youtube who is testimony of christians being victims of hamas. So an empty church is just a building. And the christians are used as a tool for narrative. 2. I remember a recent story of a building NEXT to a church being bombed as it was used by hamas but not the church itself. 3. Memri tv has a bunch of interviews with palest resistance members and hamas in particular who admit they use mosques and churches for their violent resistance Conclusion: it isn't that israel is on the right (its also bad) but the narrative from the pro-palest side is full of BS. It's fairly easy to research facts surrounding this cause it's the most publicized conflict in the media.
Superiority complex - she inacted as the ultimate judge of who gets to have the right of a poster.
It was always so, now us just more visible cause cells phones have cameras. One could make a show called darwin award 😂
Notice it 2, i see it as superiority complex.
@Joe-Tdot crime and police confrontation happens in all countries - the more people atracts like usa, the more visible it gets. Nice try on deflection.
@imheretotriggeryou2.07 iran is way more. NK is closing embassies (out of money to even spy) and is on the process of receiving (voluntary or not) russian tech (seen in ukraine). Iran has a long long web of militias and cultural centers - iran is already among us, drinking coffee, having a picknick at the park etc. And it's our think-thanks fault cause they went with the "negociating" and "trade" path as opose to listen to their intentions and act accordingly to prevent the danger. Cause we are all humanists and nice 😂
@makameabdul5820 yes, conflict lead to war, war lead to refugees. Watter is wet.
@AB2343C demanding outdated cruel punishments is being in the same state of mind as the crazy lady.
It's also the teachers fault. The teacher went to cologe to learn what? How to discriminate 101?
20 years ago I studied the potencial of this phenomenon in colege, cultural studies.
Addevzxa he does, his position is based on the even worst treatment of palestinians by hamas. Fatah also has a bunch of leaders having the somewhat same kind of positions. It isn't that israel is good, it's that hamas is worst in theory. In practice, palest are doomed as none actually care about them, they only care about politics, power and money (be it israel politicians or palestinians politicians or foreign actors) because that's the nature of politicians generally.
Addevzxa humanitarian corridors have been used in wars to trafick weapons and drugs. The humanitarian aid is dispite israel or hamas but a product of intern orgs such as red crescent that are bourn from values agreed uppon such as that civilians should be out of the war theater, something not respected or impossible to respect - no such perfect tecnology.
The sahel region does, it isn't an exclusive of nigeria. A lot of it can be explain by following the money and analising who wins by an unstable region that affects a series of countries. The problem goes deeper than sahel as it stretches all the aay down and affects the stability of the african continent and the development of infrastructure key to its economical development, an example being mozambique.
Aertyz a lie isn't a person - english. And ur not the ultimate judger of lies or truths.
@franka2743 being a south african politician or political influencer isn't equal to being an expert nor ultimate judge. Amnesty international report on the other hand can. But both are conected to the soviet union policy during cold war (directly and indirectly) which can put into question. Is israel an apartheid state? No Does israel enact policies of apartheid in its occupation of gaza and west bank? Yes Do other countries also do the same? Yes. Do those same countries have the same amount of cases of judgment for their policies like israel does? No, israel is the most criticized while others are either excuses or UN is blind to their policies.
Keep the peace is avoidance of confrontation and not defending the right decision.
I'm sure that if u follow the money of "activists" u'll find the origin.
She is atheist.
While "the west" is talking about math as a bogey man, others are investing in math. Financial literacy is what makes a group of people/nation/country keep up and surpass. Financial illiteracy is the a analphabet of the past.
@elhamzawishy hamas already present in egipt, no need for desgize.
@E_Clampus_Vitus do u have a source for that claim?
@enlightenme6151 i have the exact same position.
actually iran is another ball completely. It is a big region of mountains. but the regime is full of internal enemies which probably send lots of key locations just as spite for ayatollahs and revolutionary guard.
@MykhailoPetrenko_hck it's the same moto operandis of that wall payed by mexico - promises not kept. Problem is murican voters fall for it.
@enlightenme6151 the part of amelikites.
It really depends on the tipe of tribalism.
@enlightenme6151 the part of amelikites.
Itsback249 idf is on the ground - what are u talking about?
@sarainammur they also need to be given assurance that they'll have a right to return and that another nakba won't happen. The key here is legal assurance to shut critiques of civilian evacuation. Something not given by israel.
@godssara6758 that would be incorrect. A country with an active foreign policy (not isolated) has foreign responsability. Also, a portion of west bank is under Israeli occupation, gaza was under a pseudo-siege of egipt and israel. Finally, when war is declared (and it was) the responsability of civilians of both sides falls under whoever declared war (that would be both hamas and israel). In conclusion, israel has more responsabilities than its own people.
@Candigale that doesn't change a thing, it doesn't annul the conflict bourn under ottoman empire, the beligerant starting under british mandate, the ww2 and cold war effects, the nakba, zionism, pan arabism, pan islamism and all other political bad ideas who have an actual effect in regular folk life.
@TM-100 that's very easy for some, harder for others, specially when policy doesn't help. It's also oversimplification, my mom as a refugee rebuilt her life but she never fully recover the loss she endured. It isn't a simple matter, and peeps who do so lack empathy.
@grammarboy1318 cause palest figures are from hamas probably.
@yasminni485 already read those paragraphs a million times. Palestine hasn't reach the status of a country so it can't be demanded full responsability - notice, I didn't make the rules nor stated any personal opinion. PA responds to israel as it was never given full statehood- hence whatever permisse u propose also doesn't apply. There is a saying in my culture: if my grandmom had wheels it would be a truck.
Itsback249 ukraine hasn't been at war for the last 3 decades. Palest-israel is pre-israel and about 100 years old.
@jasonbourne2318 add to that demographics. Majority of civi in gaza are minors or very yound, majority of ukraine is old folks.
Cause iran thrives in confrontation cause it gives them confirnation bias for their political speaches. Besides this isn't a usa v iran. This is saudi v iran.
trishmeshell191 repaint a lie makes u a lier.
@advicemaster1365 they have spent the same energy usa did doing deals in placing well trained militias and cultural centers all over the world. They are more then what apears.
@TRINI818 do u think a random nobody russian has any control over moscow?