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Rita Gameiro
Good Times Bad Times
Comments by "Rita Gameiro" (@puraLusa) on "Good Times Bad Times" channel.
Some are rethinking purchases cause they're afraid of future sanctions. Also, tukyie is having the best possible sale of their drone tech. Lastly this is providing public support for military spending and countries like the example poland and south korea are signing huge deals - money and tech is moving. It's not just nato and there was this ukrainian oficial saying they'll guive their thankyous to some countries that for now they can't name for security reasons, so this will also have future show cases of things we aren't being informed about but will be advertised when the war ends. It's not a thing of "the west" that's russian propaganda.
It's play both sides, robb as much as u can... Well known tactic.
@HassanalBolkiahSoyjak countries with highest divorce rates: maldives, russia, china etc etc - 😂
@TheNefastor good point. Just keep in mind some of us are small and couldn't cope with an atack like that.
@sircatangry5864 demography suggests that russian population in general is shrinking due to less kids and lost of old folk (like pretty much the whole of europe and asia such as japan and south korea). How do u include this in the idea of more ethnic russians and less brashirs?
Europe has mines closed for the eventuality of need. Also, there are gas and oil deposits (way more common than u think) just way more expensive to drill. On the other hand ukraine has 1% of easy cheap drillable gas of all known gas reserves in the world. Also the pipeline and infrastructure is already there only needs to be diverted. It's one bad winter for europe but not the end of europe.
In trade and economics it is cause it's just a nearby market and so it's profitable. Even during cold war argelia was soviet leaning but traded with europe.
India is changing fast.
U just need to look into france imports to see it isn't so, it's more french companies than france itself, and those french companies aren't french based nor pay taxed in france for the most part. I would go as far to say that france became corporation corrupt as none of this benefits france or french people, or people from the sahel.
@shrinkrapz ucrain is massive in europe. European countries are usually small. I think that's what the guy means.
That's basicly every company who isn't properly inspected anywhere in the world. It's just more visible in certain places in africa.
@palithaassalaarachchi1497 like most people of the world, algeria citizens aren't a monolith and their voting doesn't say much. It's the same as when usa people get angry for having a trump or a biden (most don't like either) but they don't have a choice of a better 3rd party that would suit their views better. Making presumptions about argelians and generalizing them is the basis for a xenophobic view of the world. In conclusion, I don't know nor do u.
@Joeyknows924 interesting, have I written about imigration? No, cause this coment section aproaches foreign policy of a specific country, it actually doesn't consider citizens or their migrations.
@BrokeBillionare cold war was exactly that - countries leaders negociating between 2 factions to see who was willing to give more. This situation isn't new, it just has new "players" in the field. As oposed to 2 main blocks, it's 4 🤷♀️
@BonsuBigWhale tell me u don't know russian history and present day politics without... 😂
Bingo! But shhh 🙈🙉🙊 the "murica bad" is so much more fashionable! 😂😂
@hughmungus2760 there is already signs of that, like the story of kenya where a barber shop was for asians only and kenyans were blocked from going there. Or the exploitation of black children to sell racist digital cards in china. Or the kenyan workers who were locked down inside a factory meanwhile the asians where free to enter and leave. It isn't as simplified as a narrative. Remember an apartheid state can be introduced slowly.
@keithbajema2358 not very hard: no money no influence no power. It doesn't look good economically on the near future and things change fast when people have to make the economic decision. At least that's what history shows.
@mpireoutdoors5274 the lack of investment of a big portion of the population and instill political culture and public ethics - aka the almost zero financing of black comunities that were the majority of the population. This makes a country more prone to a culture of corruption post apartheid - and voilá present time problems. It isn't even nuanced - bad investment leads to bad outcomes, basic economy 101. See, not that hard, doesn't even have to be more than superficial analisis (as the one I just did). Also, deviding people by skin shade makes a future society more prone to do exactly that and vote exactly that way and hence less capable of critically think said vote. Racist or discriminatory policies have a way longer consequences than just the few years or decades they are enacted. And that ends up having an economic social toll payed by everyone.
@DrMrPersonGuy explain please, I can't understand how war of anexation and colonialism are related.
@Prororo the problem was already there. Corruption can go as far as ancient sumeria (that we know of on record). No exclusivity anywhere in the world.
@selmasousa7484 a country is a political construction not a cultural one - ur point besides ignorant is also mute.
Countries were poor people don't have much to do in their free time, tend to have higher reproduction. Countries were a strong middle class arises with many options of entertainment for free time tend to reproduce nominally. As soon as a society gets used to small families, it's hard to backtrack to numerous families. This is my 2 cents ofcourse.
@thomasjgallagher924 and that's the worrying part isn't it? After all this the tab and responsibility will fall for the same countries.
And that's a very good reason for israel not invade, it's obvious.
That's a fair point and an important additional information. My countries census are also wrong, we count less because of covid (people got stranded outside the territory and didn't answer it). Also, politicians made sure to be less so they would count less people in need of help in pandemic and in the near future with the econonic crisis.
@teddykayy there are those who desire and work for said disruption and increse of tensions. All this isn't by chance. There are more conflicts / wars that ur not grouping with both of those.
It will only increse the goods prices (consumer will be the ultimate payer) cause security on trade routes will just be more expensive, but still cheaper than those same goods locally produced.
@thomasjgallagher924 yes, exactly. A people, country etc are only at geopardy if they are fragile. In the example u gave, it's the lack of political vision (voluntary or not) that lead to such situation.
@texenna impossible, crimea isn't key for russian security.
If u cook the numbers u can make it look like that meanwhile the reality being another. My country was preparing to do that (dishonest government) but it was caught up in time and the prime went to have a meeting in a room with a tiny litle bared window. When u have the authority cooking numbers is easy, problem is making the reality mirror the numbers.
@mohammedahmed1109 that statement is ignorant, sudanese golden time was under christian rulers. Colonialism of sudan was made by egipcian Muslim rulers.
There are energy alternatives, germany just didn't listen.
Same here.
Not comparable: europe is suffering but it has acess to world financing and make the blunt barable.
@Ramirez83786 no one wants that.
People failed economics class. Also, laiziness makes u a bad researcher. Between the financial iliteracy and the confort of taking claims in media at face value people are easily fooled.
@palithaassalaarachchi1497 flawed democracy* and algeria is a people's republic and it's seen in their 2019 protests that they want a political reform. Usa has a whole lot of people criticizing electoral colege and the dual-partisanship - both ade desinfranshized by their respective regimes, usa less due to its individualistic economic/ political culture and high level of free speach (it isn't absolute free speach there is still nominal censorship), meanwhile argelia individuals are crushed by somewhat state-capitalism (it isn't fully so) and censorship (partly cultural, partly political). All in all, both generally hate the leadership they are offered.
It's so weird that all countries do that but are excused, meanwhile eu does it and it's vilified for playing ball. Tell me how many african countries voted in UN for the recognition of taiwan? It goes like this: the ones menacing to vote yes had less chinese investment so the vast majority of them got the message and though only about themselves! Meanwhile their own recent history had teached the value of sovereignty but who cares about the tibetans or the turquics when thinking about their own countries getting that juicy chinese investment. I have more examples ofcourse this is just 1 of that selfishness...
Lack of literacy and critical thinking hinders any democratic efforts.
@maxjeanfrancois400 brazilians are a product of mixing with the natives and not just the migration waves. Albeit brazil has its own racist and social issues it never went as far as a jimmy crow and thus mixing was more a norm than an exception. This is because the portuguese lacked population (beginning of sea route discoveries pt had about 1.5 to 2 m estimate total pop) and the king favoring marriages and mixing with locals wherever colonization efforts were being made.
@BonsuBigWhale it can absolutely be the story anywhere in the world. No place is special or naturally protected against stupid policy and ideologies. Al shabab is a bad ideology and it is bourn right inside west africa. And this is just one example. It can happen anywhere where there are fragile comunities or corrupt populist governments. Saying otherwise is either intelectual dishonest or ignorant.
@marcelo55869 it's way more colonial mentality to pre think that africa needs collaboration for the development of its people - than it is to unemotional think of it as market for buy and sell stuff. Before the scramble for africa- the reason to aproach africa was the anti-slavery war waged by UK. Before that it was just trade. Which one is more colonialist - to go into africa and tell them how to develop or to go just as a trading partner? Africa isn't a special continent and africans aren't more special than anywhere else - and what u demand from public in general is a COLONISLIST atitude in itself.
South africa is a horrible example, most of its problems and challenges can be traced to apartheid long term consequences. As for a good example it's botswana cause the influence was on botswana terms and not on some shady company or foreign government.
hum I'm skeptic about that statement - too simplistic.
@TheSharadwaador both - but none relate to the statement "trickle down economy" and "Americans propping a world system that no longer caters to them" - 2 statements that I'm skeptic about. As there is no relations to ur question it seems easy to assume ur engaging in deflection.
😂 It's the other way around. Colonialism can be done by buying off the rulling class, and it's actually historically the method used.
@Ganjor420 not all companies. There is a niche in the intern market who actually produced companies with good social and environmental aims. An example is ecosia, go check them out. It's actually the proof u don't need the medeling of a government to do good. On the other hand, companies whose base is ressource exploitation are prone to the worst crimes against humanity and enviroment. And, don't forget that a lot of "green activists" are actually political actors whose aim is societal colapse and power grab - and not a change for better more ethical company practices.
@shafuimcoming5151 population size has no bearing in culture or divorce RATES, so mute point. Russia isn't secular, u just need to hear statements by govern oficials plus the new cathedral in state grounds with political propaganda purposes (military service etc), russia is orthodox. China is comunist and has an active anti-theist policy, so not secular at all. Don't know where u get ur ideas but 🤣 ur hilarious!
@TrassseB there is no such thing as race, it's a political invention. As for all those 140 million they should decide for themselves not us specially because people get married and have families between these identity groups (albeit some dont publicize it).