Comments by "stankygeorge" (@stankygeorge) on "Paul Joseph Watson"
Speaking of Russia, I have finally figured out what that Fake Doping incident during the 2022 China Olympics is really about...RACISM! Yes, you hear me correctly, racism with all its ugly ramifications because God knows, we cannot have three White Girls winning all three Medals, now can we. So, to level the playing field and lower the competition standards so The Less Skilled Non-Whites could win a Medal...the best of the best...Miss Kamila Veliave, had to be eliminated from the competition, suddenly, she could skate no better than 4th place, even though, she had beaten her own two Gold and Silver team mates by 30+ points. Now, doesn't The XYZ and other Weirdo groups feel better, that a Non-Western-White won the Bronze Medal in Women's Figure Skating, yeah! This is exactly what has happened to the American military, Americans be prepared to die come the next war, because the American military is not going to win!
SJWs; abortion survivors, born of artificially inseminated Swamp Donkeys, bottle feed tofu from birth, dumped into baby warehouses then raised by strangers, zero exposure to Toxic Males, over vaccinated, liberal educated, fast food fed, computer play only, all so, Mommy can have a career. What could possibly go wrong!
See what happens, when you give women the vote! Thanks Great Grandfather!
A timely topic, thank you!
Actually, even you did not breach the (taboo) cause and effect of the suicide epidemic!
When you take a generation of children and vax them moments after birth and continue to over vax them through adolescence, separate them from their parents by dropping them off in day care and allow strangers to raise them, put them through divorce, feed them fast food, sugar and soy products, tell them that they are now hyperactive and must take Baby Downers and when they become teenagers put them on anti-depressants, what the hell do you expect.
How many of the Mad Shooters were on anti-depressants (100%), how many People of Suicide were on anti-depressants (100%)!
Do you understand that the epidemic is caused by anti-depressants, let me say that again anti-depressants, but, do not dare say that anti-depressants are causing mass shootings and suicides because then it would not be your fault, because everything wrong with the world including climate change is your fault.
Racism in football is the simplest of simple to solve!
Simply turn it off, forever! Do not attend one game, ever! See, no football, equals, no racism in football, problem solved!
By the way, the same is true for you job, school, boy scouts, military etc.!
It must be election time! So, I say: "eject the Seated Government out of Office, everyone of them, for life"! If, they do not leave peacefully; viva La French Revolution, time to grab your ropes boys! But, do not stop with the Government, also, hang their Corporate Puppet Masters, whom are the vilest of the vile, criminals!
This morning, this FakeDemic came into focus and now I think I understand what is going on!
For a couple of years prior to the FakeDemic, industry was stating that Automation was going to eliminate jobs and impact all sectors of the economy!
So, how do you eliminate jobs, but, neither industry nor the government gets blamed? Well, you trick people into quitting their jobs!
How do they do that; get Vaxs or get Axed! How many people from all sectors of industry are quitting their jobs right now?
If you are not slaving in the factory, you are not making Mr. Big rich, plus, you are not paying taxes to support a government, so as far as they are concerned, you are a Useless Eater, have zero value to them, so, you must go.
Part II, of the Vax program, people who get shot are going to die, those who survive will be sterile and live much shorter lives.
Big Gates agenda; depopulation!
The Shot are telling me now that their sex things have shrunk, they cannot get it to rise or inseminate! Everyone of them look like she-ite, none feel good, others have lost the will to live or they are already dead. It is only going to get worse!
Remember, Corporations own Governments, if corporations did not want their people to walk away, there would be dead government surfs found everywhere! Anyone, remember Kin-a-dees, Lincolon and the rest? By the way, what happened to Herliry?
The White Conservative backlash is coming, it will not be nice!
People, who were never racist are now, racist! People who would never buy a gun have now bought many guns! Those, who would never join the NRA, Neo Nazi's, Skin Heads or KKK have now jointed one or more of those organizations!
Rioters, you have been filmed committing crimes, you have been; ID'd, MO'd and you will be rounded up and prosecuted!
Protestors, your futures are not looking bright!
Education systems look to be re-formed!
Comrade Woke, you have called for change; be prepared, because, the changes you demanded will not be the changes you will receive, they never are. You do not believe me, ask the Nazi or Communist survivors, what they received, after, their revolutionary changes!
And this years winner of the Darwinian Award is....
Hey, if these Retards want to remove themselves from the gene pool, The Gene Pool will not consider it, a loss!
Look at it this way, now, there is one less; Wrong Educated, Self Righteous, Liberal, Lefty to get in your face with their stupidity!
As one of the smartest movie characters of all time, said: "stupid is, as Stupid does"!
Feminist hate themselves because they were born a woman, Feminist hate God because he made them a woman, Feminist hate men because they are not one, Feminist hate their own children so they murder them, Feminist hate America because it is a Patriarchal society! Feminist are angry, bitter, vile, maniacal, dangerous sociopaths that should be locked away for every ones protection! But, not to fear, Mr. Arab is here and he knows exactly what to do with them!
As a small dicked Deplorable, I must say: "this is once again, about the oil"! Go Green, Big Oil will make certain you freeze during the winter by cutting off your oil, then they will make certain you starve to death by cutting off your oil prior to the planting season.
The reason the world is choking on plastic bags, bottles etc. is because cars became more fuel efficient, in order to sell more oil, Big Oil, started producing plastics, and their government turned a blind eye to the environmental catastrophe they were creating.
If you mess with Big Oils bottom line, they will mess with you!
Rember the terms; 'jay walker' was created to remove blame from automobiles running over pedestrians and place it on the public, 'littler bug', was created to put the blame on the public (and not corporations) for littering using Corporations disposable packaging.
Ignore Gretta!
Of course it will be the children! Why? For the past six months what has the vax/hysteria industry been preaching: "we want to vax your children, too, ($$$$$)"!
If they could vax penguins, they would say: "the increase was caused by, penguins"!
What has industry been saying for the past 3-4 years: "automation is going to replace people on the job"!
So, how do you get people off the job without you or the government getting blamed? Simple: "get vaxed or get axed"! So, the intelligent ones quit their jobs, so, they are the blame for not having a job!
Because of high fuel prices, there will be fewer flights this Xmas! Yeah right! What the headlines should read is; because of pilots and flight crews walking off the job, there will be fewer flights this Xmas! Exactly when in the past, has flights been cancelled due to high fuel prices, why never, they have simply raised the price of their tickets.