Comments by "Squashed8Ball" (@Squashed8Ball) on "Michelle steals the show as Republicans endorse Biden | Planet America" video.

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  2. Rebecca Ankney-Pajonk Your shut downs are a joke as are your excuses for Trump’s negligent handling of the COVID-19 disaster. Trump did not shut down the airports, he didn’t even stop all incoming passengers from China as he would have you believe. Travel was not blocked from Hong Kong or Macao and thousands entered the US from those parts of China. Not to mention the 30,000 plus US citizens who returned to the US from China of which thousands failed to self quarantine. He also did not provide federal assistance as requested and required by many states, especially the most needy in the early stages, NY and California because they are blue states and Trump, being Trump, was vile and vindictive and punishing those states for their political leaning regardless of the inevitable loss of life it guaranteed. The US has 4% of the world’s population but over 25% of it’s cases. Yet you somehow think that’s alright and not Trump’s fault? So the leaders of all the other countries around the world who have successfully contained COVID just got lucky then I suppose? It has nothing to do with science based, proactive policies and governance I suppose? You don’t know what a true lock down is! You are too selfish and ignorant to tolerate a real lockdown in that country. All you Karens would be pulling out your AR-15s and going nuts before you’d tolerate the sort of lockdown restrictions responsible countries impose. Like those in Victoria, Australia currently, or New Zealand. You need your head examined lady and a reality check!
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