Comments by "BHARATH CHANDRAN, JUST REMVER THAT" (@Your-god150) on "Gravitas Plus: Uniform Civil Code: Is India ready?" video.

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  4.  @ashwinleonard  there are some 1% truth in your comment. Western media control is not bogus. Liberal are actual powerful and they control the world. Tell where is rahul Gandhi running and disappearing every year for period of time? How many offical names does he have all over globe? What are rahul gandhis others name after Raul Vinci? Why did nehuru introduced art 30 of Indian constitution? Division in religion starts with congess nehuru (art 30). That's not bogus. What is minority special provisions? Does any democracy gives you that with exception to India? "India worlds largest democracy" itself is partially true. Congess ruled India for 60 years isn't it? According to you Congress did more betterment to people rather than BJP? Tell me why India poor despite 60 years of congess rule? "All politicians are corrupt.." with exception to modi govt because he has a vision for India. His background he was ordinary tea seller. His mother was a maid who went door to door and washed plates and earned their livelihood that way she raised her children and one among them is today's indias PM. 7 years of modi govt took India to 2 trillion economy vs last 60 years of congess gave India only 1 trillion economy. Jobs? What kind of jobs you expect from a country like india that has 70% labour forces ( despite 60 years of congress rule) engineer or architect or rocket science? 7 years of modi govt gave India 14 aiims medical institutions and 20 + pvt medical and engineering colleges vs previous 10 years of Congress under manmohan gave India only 2 aiims medical hospitals is this how according you modi did nothing for common people and you think congess did anything? You may say HAL, IISC was given by congess but why 70% labour forces still? and how did hal and IISC benifit India develop other than helping nations like USA uk and west under the last 60 years of congess govt? And what kind of jobs you expect engineer professor rocket scientist architect huh? Congres did nothing except flood India with ngos/ call center jobs is this the kind of job you want? The result = scammers in india are abundant with last 60 years of congess rule. You may laugh at pakoda jobs but to these 70% labour crowd pakoda jobs better way to earn than scam people robe of their money or work in ngos get big money but no morality the way they earn that money like indulge in terrorism, conversion business 🤑🤑🤑 V/s Do you want to know what 7 years of modi govt gave India? 1) he introduced skill development bill 2015 to help these 70% labour forces to do jobs in competitive world and press talents out of them to benifit India in various sectors like defense banking securty, health centers etc 2) 7 years of modi govt, terror attacks inside India are comparatively lesser than terror attacks during congrss rule. Your logic modi is doing religious division means then that means lesser terror strike due to religious division in india better than terror strike happening in india every now and then like it used to be under Congress which according to you no religious discrimination under Congress? Indua overtakes saudi arabia as safest place to live in the 2020 according to global index for safer place to live free off terrorism. Do you remember 26/11, Hyderabad bomb blast. do you wish to earn money in abundance and suddenly die of in a bomb blast or do you wish to earn money reasonable manner in moral ways is the actual question you need to ask yourself. 3) in 2013 india was in 84th spot in global index in tech development and in 2021 india is in 48th spot. 4) india over takes USA and china in gst; digital banking in 2021. 5) india overtakes usa as most attractive manufacturing hub in 2021 next to china. 6) in the 2015 when modi came to power he first fired out the corrupt scientist in drdo who were staying back in extension period blocking way to young scientists as a result drdo is today started paying result unlike before. 7) India maritime exports increased to highest new record level till today from post independence. Inflation? Which inflation you talking about are you talking about a country under whole Lock down under modi govt that inflation or inflation economic inflation due to drain even without a single lockdown in this country under Manmohan period 2010? 8) make in India started ( it started only now since 2017 we have long way to go but better late than never) 9) education bill 2020. For first time in history post independence this bill allows 6% fund for education. Compare this with developed nations like USA france europe and developing nations like china. All developed nations gives due importance for education alloting fund 5-6% vs compare this with education fund under congess 2%? Which is better ask yourself. This bill is backbone of indias future who introduced this? Answer = modi govt. Without education you will continue to have 70% labour forces and 50% scammers in India. Are these all for ambani adani according to you? Gd naidu the UMS remember ums? That company first manufactured the first airplane in India and that's a pvt company. The then govt smt indira gandhi did not let him licence to fly his airplane nor sell is cars into local market fearing that the pvt players would pose tough competition to govt sector and who lost? The country lost, the people lost. Is this how according to last 60 years of Congress did better than modi? Aren't these developments all for the people of india or was it for only adani ambani? You blame ambani adani today they manufacturing in defense. If pvt company pose competition to govt then govt firm like ofb will not have guts to demand more payment and strike against govt when china pla men were at your door step. Modi Selling govt jobs? Tell me what did govt jobs give for people of India apart from bsnl ( even bsnl was stagnant before no development). Govt jobs in india used to be getting salary and stay back at home ( throw more freebies) and make people more lazy and push India into more corrupt. Is this the kind of job you want? What did air india give other then worst reputation? Air india used to have one of the worst reputation in the whole world under govt control. Is this the kind of development you want? 60 years of congres gave India nothing but poverty unemployment free food but no education. If at all they gave you free education you are left to mercy of missionaries and NGOs and thats not what India wanted. What we wanted we started getting only now but you blame that for since reasons best known only to you.
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