Comments by "Avocatul Poporului" (@AparatorulPoporului) on "How far right is Germany's new AfD party prepared to swing?" video.
the problem is the masonry, the secret societies wich are behind western leaders, if u want to stop this problems, catch the masons and jail them for crimes against humanity, also for satanism and anti christ movments propaganda, the femminism from hollywood movies is not random guys, remember what Jesus told John in revelation 17 and 18 (The Great Whore of Babylon wich is the Vatican mafia with their anti Christ masonry, this ones are behind the femminism, showing u in movies strong woman and weak man, wich is against God laws, read Genesis to see what God said to Eve after she eaten from the prohibited three), everything is controled by them, even the food, drug industry, international monetary founds, politics, mass media..
the france terrorist attacks are not real, they are stages, theatre with actors, they create this kind of movments to make the world hate the religions, not only the islam, but all the religions, they want u to hate Jesus and God..
they also want to start a world war, they want you dead, because they want to depopulate the earth, Bill Gates is suporter of the idea of depopulating the planet, the religion of sientology created by the satanic masons, is also wanting to turn away ppl from heaven and salvation.
i highly recomend u run away from western europe and united states, probably God will use anti christ russia to destroy babylon, God will make the beasts fight one against other to anihilate each other
+Loh Ki they are going to hell, pope John the second was seen in hell by a woman wich had clinical death, also michael jackson, all this rich ppl, political leaders wich influenced anti christ movments, they ended up in hell, mafia members, priests, hiden sectants, they are going to hell, inside the earth core, many of this, better was if they never been born or they suicide, said Jesus to someone who have near death experience...