Comments by "Bernie the Kiwi Dragon" (@berniethekiwidragon4382) on "Conservatives Target Pizza Hut As The Latest Culture War Battleground" video.

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  21.  @fromlangkawi  Here's an answer somebody gave on Quora. He's actually laid out the situation in a nutshell quite well. "... Compared to the rest of the developed world our window is very far right. America is one of the most conservative countries on earth, and some of the acceptable right wing policies within our window are only seen in Authoritarian Autocratic/kleptocratic governments. On the flip side what our right considers “radical” is in the middle of the overton window in the rest of the developed world. For example, universal health care. We’re the only developed nation on earth without universal health care. Universal health care is a policy widely accepted by the right wing in every other developed nation on earth. Same is true for paid maternity leave, higher wages, free college, and pretty much every other policy the right associates with the “radical socialism.” The countries that have embraced these policies within the overton window are all thriving, and surpassing America. Another good example is Climate Change. There isn’t another developed nation on earth that denies the existence of climate change. Its just our American right. Biden suggesting we phase out oil was a conversation that started in Europe 10 years ago, and it became mainstream in China about 5 years ago while we were still arguing about coal. Take a guess who is leading in electronic vehicles and green energy tech? It’s not us. It’s China and the Nordic countries. While we bang away at the dirt claiming we’re becoming “energy independent”….the rest of the world is walking away from fossil fuels, and about 10 years ahead of the US in renewable energy technology…which means we’re going to be dependent on them for energy going forward, while our fossil fuels decrease in value. It’s the most backwards thinking imaginable…which is why we’re behind. Our overton window is so far right it’s an anchor." -- Rick Walker
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