Comments by "Harry Mills" (@harrymills2770) on "The Rubin Report" channel.

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  13. Did it occur to you that you're all wrapped up inside a sunk-cost fallacy? Maybe we should question the original idea of (re-)creating the state of Israel in 1948, when we were all full of ourselves, drunk with power, with the British full of plans for re-drawing the map of the Middle East one more time. WWII saw an extension of British colonialism by other (U.S.) means. I think our leaders got all full of themselves and, guided by the British, thought they were playing the Great Game against the USSR and China, when the plain fact is, their systems just can't keep up if we make them play by the rules and don't let them get a hold of our intellectual properties. We'll always have a lead. Free people just create a lot more and invent a lot more. Instead, we've grown our government and created something very akin to the totalitarian regimes our leaders claim to oppose, which is their reason for acting like Naxis at home, looking for ways to censor speech and control the flow of information, using external and internal threats as the excuse to go after people with dissenting opinions, who speak against their policies. We're basically dragging ourselves down to Stalin's level. People more and more afraid and more and more distrusting of people on "the other side" of the aisle from them, with one side always figuring that the way to win is to seize control of government and use government to suppress the opposition. I think we're seeing that, now, but we're talking about who committed the worst atrocity or made the most outrageous statement. Rather than dwell on the wrong in others, spend more time on the underlying truths.
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  27. So it's OK to be authoritarian if you're on the side of the angels. What, then, distinguishes us from the authoritarian left? You're wrong on this, Knowles. You want to win, today, which will only ensure that we all lose, tomorrow. There's already a massive shift in public sentiment that could never have been achieved by resorting to the same abuse of power to which the other side resorts. This is why I consider myself an original-intent Constitutionalist or just generally a classical liberal or libertarian. Conservatives have this sense of rightness that deteriorates into dogma that is easily dismissed by lefties. "God said..." is not an argument. Also, Knowles was obviously bloviating when he touched on the "indecency" parts. He didn't actually present a cogent argument for censorship of obscenity. Maybe HIS idea of obscenity is MY idea of keepin' it real. If there's a majority of Michael Knowles's in power, then maybe they decide my questioning of claims made in The Good Book is "obscene," or profane, or they'll decide that heretical remarks are obscene. The thing about Christianity, itself, is it needs to evolve with the times, while remaining in keeping with core principles. I really like having the "Jesus Archetype" embedded in my world view. I think it's highly beneficial to an imperfect person inhabiting an imperfect world, to have that idea firmly in mind. When you're about to bite the head off of somebody, a quick "What would Jesus do?" is even better than counting to 10. I'm not sure it would have the same beneficial effect on my character, if it weren't hammered into me with a "Believe or die!" hook. It's quite a motivator and a bulwark against human tendencies to despair and devolve into hedonism/nihilism when faced with the fact of their mortality. This descent that is all too common amongst non-believers is why Religion has always been - and probably always will be - a prominent feature of surviving cultures. Why? Because without it, civilizations start to crumble. Tribes go extinct. The reason there's religion everywhere you look is because the tribes that lost it perished! They were RIGHT and they just kind of died out, petered out, or got outbred! You can talk all day about how backward, ignorant and regressive Christian/Muslim faithful are, but they're having big families and everybody else isn't even reproducing at replacement levels! Anyway, I think things are a lot more nuanced than Knowles is capable of conceiving or is willing to concede, because he's got a nice, tidy world view, and he can blather over the rough bits, like "Who decides what's obscene? The most vocal Muslim on the block?" The only kind of censorship I agree with is keeping things G-rated if the kiddies are around. But is that the job of the people creating and posting the content or the job of parents to filter out everything except those things of which the parent approve?
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