Comments by "Daily Wire Third Stringer" (@DailyWireThirdStringer) on "President Biden signs executive order on abortion access" video.
Correction: Murder is the unlawful taking of an innocent person's life, and embryos/fetuses aren't "persons." Because, at a minimum, a "person" must be an entity that can experience pain (suffer, which fish can do), be aware of its surroundings (sentient, which the hundreds of thousands of pigs and cows slaughtered each day are), and can see itself as existing over time, or is self-aware (consciousness, which only dogs, dolphins, great apes, humans, and a few other species are capable of). A fetus, prior to the age of 18 weeks, is none of the above.
Biden: "What are Republicans for?"
I can answer that for you:
- More tax cuts for the rich
- Endless war
- Rampant corruption
- Voter suppression
- Cuts to the already miniscule social safety net (by developed standards)
- Wall Street deregulation and bailouts
- No environmental protections
- Hindering unionization efforts
- Nonstop distractions about culture war garbage (Dr. Seuss/Potato Head, Sexy M&M's, Critical Race Theory, transgender bathrooms)
- Obstructing any substantive material improvement in the lives of ordinary Americans (like healthcare, childcare, homecare, paid maternity leave, extended child tax credit, and student loan debt relief)
- Privatizing everything
- Defenestration of separation of church and state
- Government overreach into your personal business (mass surveillance, regulating your sex life, your anatomy, your intake of certain substances, etc.)
In other words: Everything that would objectively make the lives of ordinary working-class Americans worse. "lEt'S gO bRaNdOn" my @ss!!