Comments by "Daily Wire Third Stringer" (@DailyWireThirdStringer) on "Abortion rights protests draws thousands" video.
Correction: Murder is the unlawful taking of an innocent person's life, and embryos/fetuses aren't "persons." Because, at a minimum, a "person" must be an entity that can experience pain (suffer, which squirrels can do), be aware of its surroundings (sentient, which the hundreds of thousands of pigs and cows slaughtered each day are), and can see itself as existing over time, or is self-aware (consciousness, which only dogs, dolphins, great apes, humans, and a few other species are capable of). A fetus, prior to the age of 18 weeks, is none of the above.
@(WatchingTheEndUnfold) Correction: Murder is the unlawful taking of an innocent person's life, and embryos/fetuses aren't "persons." Because, at a minimum, a "person" must be an entity that can experience pain (suffer, which squirrels can do), be aware of its surroundings (sentient, which the hundreds of thousands of pigs and cows slaughtered each day are), and can see itself as existing over time, or is self-aware (consciousness, which only dogs, dolphins, great apes, humans, and a few other species are capable of). A fetus, prior to the age of 18 weeks, is none of the above.
@Grant Goldberg Correction: Murder is the unlawful taking of an innocent person's life, and embryos/fetuses aren't "persons." Because, at a minimum, a "person" must be an entity that can experience pain (suffer, which squirrels can do), be aware of its surroundings (sentient, which the hundreds of thousands of pigs and cows slaughtered each day are), and can see itself as existing over time, or is self-aware (consciousness, which only dogs, dolphins, great apes, humans, and a few other species are capable of). A fetus, prior to the age of 18 weeks, is none of the above.
Correction: Murder is the unlawful taking of an innocent person's life, and embryos/fetuses aren't "persons." Because, at a minimum, a "person" must be an entity that can experience pain (suffer, which squirrels can do), be aware of its surroundings (sentient, which the hundreds of thousands of pigs and cows slaughtered each day are), and can see itself as existing over time, or is self-aware (consciousness, which only dogs, dolphins, great apes, humans, and a few other species are capable of). A fetus, prior to the age of 18 weeks, is none of the above.
Prove to me that your favorite deity exists. You believe in which god? Zeus? Marduk? Osiris? Baal? Enlil? Apollo? Dagda? Quetzlcoatyl? Ogma? Marzin? Rigatona? Ceros? Vediovis? Cronos? Belus? Dauke? Enurestu? Sebek? Amon-Re? Molech? Shelm? Nergal? Govannon? Mider? Nuada Argetlam? Gwydion? Tammuz? Enki? Consus? Furrina? Adeona? Dea Dia? Pwyll? Lleu? Jupiter? Potina? Robigus? Vesta? Nin? Sahi? Allatu? Elali? Mami? Nebo? Amurru? Beltu? Qarradu? Zagaga? Nusku? Nirig? Ueras? Ma-banba-anna? Bau? Dagan? Suqamunu? Samas? Lugal-Amarada? Lêr? Bilé? Vaticanus? Dimmer? Ubilulu? Gasan-lil? Pluto? Potina? Odin? Tagd? U-ki? U-Tin-dir ki? Persephone? Istar? Ops? Kerridwen? Ahijah? Ptah? Resheph? Astarte? Yau? There's a list of thousands of fake anthropomorphic deities, and Yahweh Elohim, god of the Jews, is just one of them.
You believe in which of the following collections of ancient myths and fairy tales: Homer's the Iliad and the Odyssey, the Vedas, the Pyramid texts, the Coffin texts, the Egyptian Book of the Dead, the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Instruction of Amenemope, the Book of Caverns, the Book of Gates, the Amdaut, the Book of the Heavenly Cow, the Code of Hammurabi, the Kesh Temple Hymn, the Popol Vuh, the Avesta, and the writings of Herodotus? Prove to me that the "Bible" is not yet another of these scribblings by highly superstitious, primitive desert-dwelling goat-herders. Go ahead. I'll wait. Until then, I'll get my morals from the greatest minds in philosophy and economics -- Peter Singer, John Rawls, Noam Chomsky, and John Maynard Keynes, to name just a few. The most prosperous societies on Earth (Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, the Netherlands) are also some of the most atheistic. By the way, the Bible supports abortion:
"May this water that brings a curse enter your body so that your abdomen swells or your womb miscarries.” (Numbers 5:23 NIV)
"The people of Samaria must bear their guilt, because they have rebelled against their God. They will fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to the ground, their pregnant women ripped open.” (Hosea 13:16 NIV)
Correction: Murder is the unlawful taking of an innocent person's life, and embryos/fetuses aren't "persons." Because, at a minimum, a "person" must be an entity that can experience pain (suffer, which squirrels can do), be aware of its surroundings (sentient, which the hundreds of thousands of pigs and cows slaughtered each day are), and can see itself as existing over time, or is self-aware (consciousness, which only dogs, dolphins, great apes, humans, and a few other species are capable of). A fetus, prior to the age of 18 weeks, is none of the above.
Correction: Murder is the unlawful taking of an innocent person's life, and embryos/fetuses aren't "persons." Because, at a minimum, a "person" must be an entity that can experience pain (suffer, which squirrels can do), be aware of its surroundings (sentient, which the hundreds of thousands of pigs and cows slaughtered each day are), and can see itself as existing over time, or is self-aware (consciousness, which only dogs, dolphins, great apes, humans, and a few other species are capable of). A fetus, prior to the age of 18 weeks, is none of the above.
Correction: Murder is the unlawful taking of an innocent person's life, and embryos/fetuses aren't "persons." Because, at a minimum, a "person" must be an entity that can experience pain (suffer, which squirrels can do), be aware of its surroundings (sentient, which the hundreds of thousands of pigs and cows slaughtered each day are), and can see itself as existing over time, or is self-aware (consciousness, which only dogs, dolphins, great apes, humans, and a few other species are capable of). A fetus, prior to the age of 18 weeks, is none of the above.
And by the way, I am in full support of ending the disastrous Drug War, revoking ALL seatbelt laws, and enacting stricter regulations to counter drunk driving. I like to think I'm a principled person.
Correction: Murder is the unlawful taking of an innocent person's life, and embryos/fetuses aren't "persons." Because, at a minimum, a "person" must be an entity that can experience pain (suffer, which squirrels can do), be aware of its surroundings (sentient, which the hundreds of thousands of pigs and cows slaughtered each day are), and can see itself as existing over time, or is self-aware (consciousness, which only dogs, dolphins, great apes, humans, and a few other species are capable of). A fetus, prior to the age of 18 weeks, is none of the above.