Comments by "Frank DeMaris" (@kemarisite) on "The Drydock - Episode 135" video.
@TheKingofbrooklin it may simply be a philosophical issue. The point of all or nothing armor is to preserve the ship, ensuring that the maximum amount of armor is protecting the vital reserve buoyancy and magazine/machinery spaces. However, it does mean that large areas of the ship are completely unprotected and any crew in those areas are unprotected, and I've seen a number of comments lamenting the fate of those unprotected crewmen on a ship with 12-14" of armor and nothing but the 1" shell plate protecting their own skins. The simple fact is that a distributed armor scheme will either weigh a lot more than an AoN scheme for the same thickness of belt and turret armor, or it will have thinner belt and turret armor to compensate for the additional armor weight elsewhere. In order to say that one is "better" than the other, one first has to decide what standard one is applying. If, as here, we talk about the efficiency of the design, then a distributed schemewill, by definition, be less efficient because it will either have thinner armor over the vitals or weigh more with the same maximum armor. One could define another standard by which to evaluate the armor scheme, and the distributed scheme might be "better" than AoN by that standard, but the standard would have to be clearly defined and then one would have to come up with a way to evaluate it. Maybe it eventually turns out that a distributed armor scheme leads to fewer casualties among the crew when the ship is damaged but not sunk (and crew survivability is the standard chosen for evalustion), but one would have to do a lot of resesrch and analysis to make that argument and the data pool may simply be too small to strongly support a conclusion.