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Comments by "upabittoolate" (@upabittoolate) on "GOP Candidate Dismisses Rape Case" video.
@Jay20782 You said everything BUT that. So why split hairs? If a man commits rape, HE'S the culpable party. That's it. A woman's pathos doesn't matter. You don't have sex unless you have consent. I'm not sure why this is so difficult to grasp.
@Jay20782 And BTW, she didn't get drunk & take someone home. She invited someone (a not-so-platonic male FRIEND at that point) to hang out. She woke up to the guy humping her. That's RAPE. I'm stunned that you don't understand that. Her implied negligence doesn't validate his lack of self-control. So I'm walking across the street on a Satruday night. You're impaired by lack of daylight or even ETOH. You hit me. Who's at fault? The driver who failed to yield to a pedestrian. That's elementary.
@ModerateAmerica Agreed to a degree. Buck threw the case out before they got to trial & got to a discovery stage. You don't look at evidence in pre-trial. We can't make any determinations about what the jury would do, we have to present the case & let the jury make their ruling. There's too many variables. Buck may or may not be correct but that's not his call.
@xxLatinKillaxx That's all I'm sayin' bro. Don't get me wrong. There are some SKEEZERS out here. I bartend at night. I've had my share of loose women. I'm an expert. But at thbe end of the day, a man, since he's generally bigger & stronger, has to have the utmost discretion. 1on1, a woman is pretty much at a man's mercy physically. So we can't just take the pussy even if she's a skank; even if she's being a cocktease; even if she gave it to us the night before. It's whack but it's how it is.
@Jay20782 So if she was raped, you'd like to prosecute HER? What with her bearing the weight of RAPE.... since it's ehr fault & all. Right? Good luck with all that. Fuckwit.
@Jay20782 Rapists are rapists. If he fucked her without getting permission, that's rape. Case by case? Definitely. But in THIS case, the guy admitted that she said, "no". That constitutes rape. How many times has a woman told you, "no" and you kept going? That's rape my friend. It's comforting, I suppose, for you to talk about fantasy worlds, etc. But in real life, men are physically stronger than women. That's why rape laws are in place. How many times have you had sex sans permission?
@Jay20782 Let's use your example about not walking through a bad neighborhood. That means that if a gang besets you, they're not to blame for the mugging? Horseshit. It's incumbent on people to leave each other alone. It's not requisite to fuck with someone because they're in your neighborhood. Now was this woman a tease? Probably. Was she drunk & fucking with him? Definitely. But that doesn't mean he gets to take the pussy while she's passed out or otherwise. Why don't you get that?
@Jay20782 Uh, she wasn't raped? What "ELSE am I arguing in your estimation? Dude, you've painted yourself into a corner. "Assisted victimhood"? That's total bullshit. The guy fucked her when she didn't ask him to. That's rape. What are you missing?
@Jay20782 Well maybe you haven't done a pushup lately but yes, men have more muscle & less fat than women. We're bigger & heavier. Don't enjoy facts? Check the AMA's data on that in REAL LIFE. (moron). Nevertheless, the fact that we're physically stronger means that we have a physical advantage. That's why rape laws developed. As those laws evolved, date rape emerged. And yes, there have been exqamples of sexuqal assault going both ways but let's stay on target here. (cont'd)
@Jay20782 A woman can dress & behave however she pleases. That's her prerogative. You don't get the pussy unless she waves you home. Why do y'all think a woman is "asking for it"? Real men TALK UP on the pussy. Real men don't take the pussy because "she was drunk & she came out shaking her ass & she pulled her tits out".
@upabittoolate (sic) silly.
@xxLatinKillaxx That's not true. I've a female friend who's a lesbian. She's actually quite attractive too. But I don't have that interest in her. I keep her as a friend because she picked me up when I was down. I have attractive female friends whom I don't want to screw. All of this is because I have a MIND. Yes you're a guy; a dude. Perhaps 1 day, you'll become a MAN.
@Jay20782 The fact that you're trying to make a philosophical statement about being at the wring place at the wrong time is still attached to the culpability of the assailant. "I'm sorry your honor, I was driving drunk & that guy was crossing the street at 2AM. It's HIS fault." Yeah. G'head & try THAT argument in court.
Legal? Shit it's not morally or ethically correct! You don't go around raping women 'cause they're half dressed or acting slutty. There's no way to validate rape. Unless a women gives consent, it's rape. It doesn't matter if 2 people are married for 70yrs. If she says "no" it ain't happenin'.
@xxLatinKillaxx No. YOU are wrong. The moment any sexual activity is performed without consent it's rape. Why are you missing that?
@Jay20782 But don't you understand that it's not someone's right to RAPE simply because a woman is acting a certain way? See here's the problem: you're trying to make qualitative judgments about behavior when it's not your place. In the case of rape it's pretty clear-cut. If she doesn't give consent it's rape. All the rest of the shit is incidental. Look at Mike Tyson's case. Was Desiree stupid for going up to his room? Of course. But did she say no? Evidently. Hence you have a rape.
@Jay20782 And SINCE we've an accord about yielding to pedestrians, you have to re-evaluate your notion of wrong place-wrong time. I don't care if a woman is already in the throws of passion with me. When she says, "stop", I'm obliged to do so. Otherwise it's rape. This isn't a nuance. This is what's been set by precedent. Any questions?
@comerbp82 Checkmate? This is the internet you idiot. Nevertheless, IT's not a holier than thou attitude. You're validating the act of rape. There's checkmates there. And yes, I can be friends with attractive women & not try to fuck them every 10sec. Why? Because I'm a MAN not a randy teenager. I have RESTRAINT; not just baseline, carnal instinct.
@elmirasahar So because they aren't "taking better care of themselves" it's okay to rape them? Thanks for clearing that up for me.
@comerbp82 Yes if a woman is giving consent, I might be inclined to have sex with her. But that's CONSENTUAL. This is about a rape. No means no. Ever heard of that?
@ModerateAmerica It's not his call. It's a DA's job to present evidence & let the jury make the call. Lookit, you can be married to a woman for 50yrs & if you screw her sans consent, it's rape. I'm not sure why you guys are missing that. It's not a nuance.
@Stephaniek236 It's sad that there's no getting through to him. I tried to make a very rational argument too. I've had my fair share of women. I've come for a 2nd helping with an ex-gf or 2 (I must sound like such a pig). In every case, it was consentual. Anything else is forced sex. I don't get down like that. Why? Because I take responsibility for my own actions. And I'm a big, young, strong, 6'5", 230lb Black man. I can't go telling no judge or jury, "she asked for it". I can't fuck around.
@jufulu THANK YOU! It doesn't matter what the circumstances are. When she says "No." or even says, "Stop." anything persisting behavior is rape. A man can be married for 50yrs & if his wife doesn't wave him home, it's rape.
@Jay20782 Tell you what, listen to the actual tape where the guy admits to it. Read the court files & the police reports. Check your inbox.
@Jay20782 Dude, the notion of rape means having sexual contact sans consent. So how in the hell ISN'T that the debate? Being "susceptible" or not isn't the issue. What you're doing is blaming the victim. That's sily.
@Jay20782 You've gotten confused by your own false equivalency. But most of all, you're still trying to blame the victim. That's pathetic. This is extremely simple. If a man takes a woman's body without her permission, irrespective of any circumstance you can present be it hypothetical or actual, it's RAPE. The victim isn't culpable, the assailant is. NONE of the rest matters. A violent crime is a violent crime. Why don't you get that?
@Jay20782 Circular argument? What's circular about rape? If a man takes pussy without permission, it's rape. Circumstances are incidental. How can you continue to argue otherwise? The culpability is on the assailant. Just like the law of yielding to pedestrians. It wouldn't matter if the pedestrian were jaywalking on a Saturday night. The culpability is still upon the driver.
@Jay20782 It doesn't make a difference. The driver yields to pedestrians no matter WHERE they're walking. Am I lying?