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Comments by "Mark" (@Mark-db8id) on "It’s time to admit it: Mitt Romney was right about Russia" video.
Biden is the one that lifted sanctions, and started importing the largest amount of Russian oil in over a decade, while also lowering our natural gas exports to Europe.
@byecatsstacey7467 what is it you didn’t understand? Everything I said is pretty clear. It appears you are the one that doesn’t have a clue
@williamgum7960 2012 wasn’t 15 years ago
@williamgum7960 Putin has been talking about wanting to take back Ukraine for 20 years
Geezus…anyone else just witness Biden’s press briefing? China & Russia can do whatever they want while this Administration is in office.
@D.A.OhK. No, it sure doesn’t; Biden imported twice the amount of Russian oil in 2021 than any year Trump was in office. Try again
@barnesjohn7657 Biden is the one that lifted sanctions, and started importing the largest amount of Russian oil in over a decade, while also lowering our natural gas exports to Europe.
@cellardoor1122 Come on, Princess Emoji, step it up. Get one of your troll buddies to help you with your pathetically childish troll games that are coming back to bite ya
@blalien777 Sure. 1)Remove the restrictions he imposed on US oil & gas production so we can get back to producing over 13M barrels a day 2) Get back to exporting natural gas to Europe so they aren’t dependent on Russian oil. 3) Quit importing over 200K barrels of oil from Russia every single day.
Geezus…anyone else just witness Biden’s press briefing? China & Russia can do whatever they want while this Administration is in office.
@cellardoor1122 1) Are you saying that Trump was wrong about Putin’s recent moves being smart? He has walked into Ukraine with ZERO deterrence. 2) The sanctions, coupled with the fact we were exporting natural gas to Europe, did work, as we witnessed with Russia stopping their advancement after Trump took office, and starting them back now that Biden is in. 3) Actions speak far louder than words, and Biden’s actions have opened the door for Putin. 4) You need to go back and watch Trump completely shred the head of NATO, and Germany, in 2018 for being so reliant on Russia for energy while they expect the US to defend them FROM RUSSIA.
@cellardoor1122 Coaches call great plays and game plans from opposing teams for what they are all the time, kiddo. Try again
Biden is the one that lifted sanctions, and started importing the largest amount of Russian oil in over a decade, while also lowering our natural gas exports to Europe.
@cellardoor1122 Sure they do; see it all the time when interviewed before heading into the locker room at halftime. Strike two!
@cellardoor1122 You’re resorting to your childish games again. I warned you about those yesterday
@cellardoor1122 Strike three! One down, kiddo; keep trying
@blalien777 Stock up on canned goods. Inflation is about to get even worse; a barrel of oil has already gone from $94 a few days ago, to $100 today.
@blalien777 Nuclear was that alternative, and they have been shutting down nuclear plants in several countries, making them more reliant on oil & gas. And when Biden’s restrictions lowered production capabilities in both the US, and Canada, Europe became even more dependent on Russia. And instead of vamping production in the US to alleviate that problem, Biden is going to continue purchasing more Russian oil. It’s insane
@baxtiyorernazarov2114 Trump was telling Europe to stop relying on Russian oil & gas throughout his Presidency, but they didn’t listen, and continued shutting down nuclear plants.
@cellardoor1122 Strike two, one down! And keep your kisses for your sister
@cellardoor1122 Strike three, two outs. Come on, Princess Emoji, you can do better.
@cellardoor1122 Bush, who is part of the corrupt establishment that lied to Americans in order to start a war in Iraq? Kid, you just keep striking out!!!
Geezus…anyone else just witness Biden’s press briefing? China & Russia can do whatever they want while this Administration is in office.
@jimmcloughlin Russia took Crimea in 2014. What advancements did they make while Trump was in office, and was exporting Natural Gas to Europe?
Russia took back Crimea in 2014
@cellardoor1122 Strike three, two outs!
@mc365mc just because I’m entertained by you working hard to spin: January 2020 production: 13M barrels/day Production the entirety of Biden’s Presidency: >12M barrels/day
Geezus…anyone else just witness Biden’s press briefing? China & Russia can do whatever they want while this Administration is in office.
@mc365mc By the way, the cost of a barrel of oil has gone from $65 at Christmas, to over $90 today. Per your bs, oil companies should be in a fracking frenzy right now, yet they aren’t!!!
@mc365mc “2016.” Remind me, again; when was it that Trump took office, and lifted all of Obama’s restrictions!?
@mc365mc Wait…one of the most oil rich lands in the entire world dried up right when Biden imposed his restrictions on production!? Get some better material, Goofball
@mc365mc Son, we were fracking so much from 2017-2020 that it resulted in capacity underground storage, and exporting.
@superherobeatdown They don’t work when Europe and the US continue to purchase oil from Russia, and the Biden Administration said yesterday that they aren’t going to stop buying from Russia. Think about that; instead of lifting restrictions on production in the US, and increasing production back up to over 13M barrels a day, like we were producing when we were exporting natural gas to Europe, Biden is going to continue importing oil from Russia.
@kbnice2393 while it was 2014 that Putin took over Crimea. Too funny
@kbnice2393 He didn’t
@kbnice2393 Biden made it easier for Putin. Lot of good reimposing sanctions he removed are doing while his Administration openly admitted they would continue importing Russian oil.
@mc365mc I do appreciate the laugh you provided by saying oil companies quit hydraulic horizontal drilling in 2016
@mc365mc Son, you idiots have been trying to use that nonsense for a year, not knowing we in the industry can up production immediately if he lifted his “sanctions” on US production. Now you’re just embarrassing yourself
@mc365mc Biden’s restrictions on US oil & gas production are one thing that changed since Trump left office, you goofball. You don’t seem to be all there up top.
@D.A.OhK. Lol, you might want to learn to read a graph. Energy imports were on the decline while Trump was in office, when we produced more energy than we consumed for the first time in around 70 years, and we started exporting natural gas to Europe. Try again
@D.A.OhK. It’s funny when Democrats think the entire country was on lockdown throughout 2020, when it was only the blue states, with the exception of Iowa, that remained on lockdowns beyond June 2020.
@D.A.OhK. Says the guy lying, and trying to downplay the fact imports of Russian oil have more than doubled since Biden took office. I can dog walk you all day on this topic
@mc365mc You just went off on a random tangent that doesn’t apply to a single thing I’ve said. What in the gibberish are you even talking about?
@D.A.OhK. You continue pushing your fantasy, while the world has watched Putin walk right into Ukraine for weeks without Biden doing anything but continue to import more Russian oil. Are you simply trying to appeal to the few people left that believe CNN, or what?
@D.A.OhK. Let me know when Biden lifts his “sanctions” on US oil & gas production so we can vamp US production back up to where it was while Trump was in office, and we were exporting natural gas to Europe
@mc365mc Inflation was 1.4% when Trump left office. Now you’re just embarrassing yourself
Geezus…anyone else just witness Biden’s press briefing? China & Russia can do whatever they want while this Administration is in office.
@JeanetteFaith Have you watched Biden’s press conference from a few hours ago? We are at a point where EVERYONE should be concerned about the future of our country. China is licking their chops right now about taking over Taiwan. If that happens, our economy is f’d
The real question you should be asking is why Democrat voters are okay with NATO countries paying far less into NATO than the US while they rely heavily on Russian oil, who they want the US to protect them from.
@cellardoor1122 1) Are you saying that Trump was wrong about Putin’s recent moves being smart? He has walked into Ukraine with ZERO deterrence. 2) The sanctions, coupled with the fact we were exporting natural gas to Europe, did work, as we witnessed with Russia stopping their advancement after Trump took office, and starting them back now that Biden is in. 3) Actions speak far louder than words, and Biden’s actions have opened the door for Putin. 4) You need to go back and watch Trump completely shred the head of NATO, and Germany, in 2018 for being so reliant on Russia for energy while they expect the US to defend them FROM RUSSIA.
@blalien777 Is that why Europe was making themselves more reliant on Russian oil & gas each time they shut down a nuclear plant? Those unreliable renewables aren’t working out so well!
@cellardoor1122 Biden is the one that lifted sanctions, and started importing the largest amount of Russian oil in over a decade, while also lowering our natural gas exports to Europe.
@cellardoor1122 😆 Strike one, one out!
@11Nosferatu11 that kid is one of those paid trolls
@omarhasan03 1) Are you saying that Trump was wrong about Putin’s recent moves being smart? He has walked into Ukraine with ZERO deterrence. 2) The sanctions, coupled with the fact we were exporting natural gas to Europe, did work, as we witnessed with Russia stopping their advancement after Trump took office, and starting them back now that Biden is in. 3) Actions speak far louder than words, and Biden’s actions have opened the door for Putin. 4) You need to go back and watch Trump completely shred the head of NATO, and Germany, in 2018 for being so reliant on Russia for energy while they expect the US to defend them FROM RUSSIA.
@omarhasan03 Lol, Generals around the world would disagree with you not thinking Putin’s military moves were pretty intelligent. Too funny
@omarhasan03 Lol, you obviously don’t know how much Russia’s economy depends on oil & gas exports, and how Biden’s policies have increased Europe’s, and our, dependency on Russian oil. Let me clue you into something, BIDEN HAS BEEN HELPING FUND PUTIN’s MILITARY.
@omarhasan03 Ahhh, now you want to move the goalpost from Putin’s strategy being “smart,” to it being “correct.” Smh
@omarhasan03 Lmao, you’re so uninformed you don’t even know Putin couldn’t economically afford to send his military into Ukraine if Biden had not weakened our energy production, making us, and Europe, more reliant on Russian oil. You just don’t have much knowledge on the subject, as you continue to show, “Goofy.”
@omarhasan03 Run along, “Goofy,” you’ve embarrassed yourself enough for one day.
@omarhasan03 <— “goofy” didn’t even know what “helping fund Putin’s military” means
@mc365mc Let me help you out: US oil & gas production reached over 13M barrels a day under Trump. Biden’s restrictions have caused that amount to top out at around 12M barrels a day…while Biden is importing the largest amount of Russian oil in over a decade