Comments by "Dan Adams" (@danadams6477) on "Top Story with Tom Llamas - Nov. 16 | NBC News NOW" video.

  1. Right?! Like WTH?! Since when does someone facing a double murder trial get to pick his jurors out of nothing more than a Bingo tumbler? I'm dumbfounded as to what's going on in judicial system these days. For instance, as we see here: A then 17 year male intentionally travels to another town armed with an AR-15 assault rifle, thinking he's going to be the protector of the people against protesters and rioters, only to wind up shooting and killing two men and wounding another. Yet, neither he nor his defense team believe he should accept accountability for his actions and should ultimately be found guilty. Rittenhouse exercised extremely poor judgement in going to Kenosha with the intent of taking the law into his own hands. Had Rittenhouse not gone, those two men would most likely still be alive today, another man would have not been shot, and he would not be in court with a smug smirking look on his face of no remorse. The video speaks volumes. The prosecution is absolutely correct in saying that, "how can you plead self-defense, when you are the one instigating and inciting violence". Sorry for the paraphrasing. In the Ahmad Arbery case, we see clearly (also, thanks to video) that two white men in a truck chased down and cornered/trapped an innocent unarmed defenseless black man and pointed a shotgun at him. Arbery acted as most anyone would by trying to push the barrel of the shotgun away from being pointed directly at him. His actions were that of instinctive reflex and not that of an attack. The two white men decided to take the law into their own hands, or at least their twisted version of what they perceived the law to be. Which, once again, we can clearly see from the video what truly transpired. People need to be held accountable for their actions, irregardless of race, religion, belief, or perceived justifiable moral reason or motive. NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW. For any racist "A" hole out there saying or accusing that the "race card" is being played, I suggest they take a long look in a mirror at what they see.
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