Comments by "Eli Nys" (@elinys2843) on "Why Europe is Souring on Net Zero" video.
'The hope was the energy transition would bring new green industries to Europe and revive our economy.'
Common! Really!? Was this western capitalistic region hoping our industries would jump the wagon? That any big European company would give up its comfortable monopoly position to invest in renewable energy? Was there anybody on the right political side expecting that to happen?
What did happen was that our monopoly companies (energy, car industrie, oil, chemical, finance, ... ) first needed guaranties from governments, and some financial incentives if possible. Then they went exploring how to make the most profit from an as effortless as possible 'green transition', the so called 'greenwashing'. Called buying time.
After some more research they concluded that, non the less the problem was real and the solution had to come from them, that more was expected from them, it would hurt their shareholders, it would not be all that profitable in short terms. So they did what they did for decades: lobbying, brainwashing. Appeared to them to be cheaper and easier to accomplish.
And we all know what their lobbying is about: nuclear, hydrogen, carbon capture, bio-diesel, ... and of course the price for the consumer, the cost for the hard working European.
So just do nothing useful to solve the problem, change public opinion, blame every and any green party, organization, institution, ... for being idiots and wait until next elections. Mix in some racism, some fear for war and migration problems, some international conflicts and blame China for being pure evil while being on the right track and ... there we are: the right has won, the left lost and the environment is no longer an issue. 'Voters were clear, the environment does not need saving.'
So in stead of spending a few billions on the green transition, we now will spend af few billions more on profits for the few.
We're stupid.