Comments by "Eli Nys" (@elinys2843) on "Oil Refineries Close as Petroleum consumption falls with growing EV sales" video.
Maybe some science is needed here. Refining crude oil and fossil products in general, means the manipulation of it to sort it and break down the most complex molecules. A refinery produces that way an assortment of oil based products like methane, ethane, propane, butane, pentane, hexane, heptane, octane, … all combinations of Carbon (C) and Hydrogen (H).
Mixing these fractions back together in defined quantities makes diesel, petrol, aviation fuel, … burn it and you release the energy it is holding. Using it as intended, and your car gets pushed down the road, your house gets heated, … This means you add Oxigen (O) from the air, the C breaks loose from the H and both recombine with the O. H2O is great, CO2 not so much.