Comments by "André de Lacerda Santos" (@andredelacerdasantos4439) on "Fear Psychosis and the Cult of Safety - Why are People so Afraid?" video.
Guys, just wear a mask. Depending on the mask, it can actually prevent lives from being lost. Actually, don't wear them anymore, since the pandemic is slowing down. I guess the time for wearing maks has already passed. You can walk freely on the streets and when you need to enter a store, you put your mask on. When you leave, you take it off, it's no big deal. The whole "I need to show everyone I'm not a sheep" is clearly some kind of psychological compensation. If you're no sheep, you don't need to prove others you're not a sheep. To paraphrase Robert Greene, "Think as you like, but speak like others". It's wise to do so, it saves you from engaging in pointless battles that drain your energy. You are always safe with your private thoughts, even if you wear a mask just to save your peace of mind. Ok, you could argue that that would be cowerdice and that it would infringe on your individuality, and sure, that would be reasonable, but a wise man picks his battles carefully. He doesnt run away from them, but simply doesn't engage if he sees his peace of mind is not worth the effort. Japan already had a strong mask culture for when they were sick and it was no big deal for them. Please, if you're having symptoms, stay at home until you are better and if you absolutely have to go out, just a wear a mask until you're better.