Comments by "" (@Rav01508) on "China Has Quietly Rebuilt its Nuclear Base in Xinjiang, Is Beijing Set for Nuclear Weapons Test?" video.
With riots in Manipur, separatists in Kashmir, Naxalite insurgency, Khalistani resentment, wrestler's protest, massive unemployment, rising farmers suicides, falling groundwater levels, communal tensions,religion politics,north-south india sentiments,uttar pradesh crime rate,poverty,bihar overpopulated,income gap,woman safety,global warming,infrastructure problems,train safety.
#111 in Hunger index
#161 in Freedom Press index
#126 in Happy index
#139 in GDP per capita
#132 in HDI index
#148 in Women, Peace And Security Index
10% earn<180 rupees per day
45% earn <300 rupees per day
1% of the rich controls almost 50% of the country wealth
But indians lecture the world in social media on how india will be superpower and thier wet dream of "Akhand Bharat"..meanwhile domestic issues and problems are ignored.
Fun fact: At $3 trillion dollars of GDP, the world's No.111 country on the World Hunger Index, the lowest GDP per capita country of G20, with a credit rating slightly above junk status at BBB-, the world's largest source of economic refugees, Indians are already so boastful and arrogant. Do you dare to imagine their arrogance if they're at China's current position of $19 trillion dollars, the world's largest exporter of goods, No.1 trading nation, biggest investors, highest forex reserves, the industrial powerhouse of the world?