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David Ford
VisualPolitik EN
Comments by "David Ford" (@davidford3115) on "Who Is Volodymyr Zelenskiy Really?" video.
Well, he also wears facial hair which makes him look older and more distinguished.
@Homer-OJ-Simpson That tends to happen in time of war. It's hard on the furniture, and hard on the people.
The irony is that since Ukraine is in the fight for its life, and existential crisis, corruption is viewed as helping the enemy. Where previously people could get away with it, now there is an incentive to put a stop to it.
@Homer-OJ-Simpson "Furniture" in this case refers to the historic and cultural items and locations. Case in point: During the Korean war, Hwasong Fortress was pulverized with even the foundation turned to gravel. Bulguksa Temple burned to the ground from shelling during the desperate Pusan Defense Line. In both cases, the Koreans were able to rebuild them to exact replicas because detailed records of their original construction were found in local archives. Had those documents been lost, then those historic sites would never have been restored.
A meme that will forever be remembered by Ukrainians.
I agree. The best thing he could do after his term is fade into the background and only privately offer advice to political leaders when solicited. He could become Ukraine's version of George Washington.
And likely to make the Russian complacent as well. When the capture vehicles had parade uniforms, it was clear that the Russians expected a cakewalk. What they got was a rude awakening.
I know not much about Ukrainian leaders. But I do know that had Zelensky fled, Kiev would have fallen that night. His resolve rallied the people of Ukraine to their banner.
Seeyou Seemee Sidelined, or being dealt with as part of the war effort? A nation in an existential fight for its very existence cannot afford graft and corruption, so there is a powerful incentive discouraging such behaviors. The blowback from the populace making sacrifices for the war effort alone is enough to make the corrupt think twice about their actions. "We must not rely on the conscience of good men, but rather create the conditions for which bad men choose to do the right thing," -Thomas Sowell.
So? Making money is not a crime. Doing it fast is not a crime either. Only when done by deception and fraud makes either of those a crime. And you are hard pressed to prove that.
@tacticalcenter8658 Says the obvious troll. Pot meet kettle.
@charlesmoss8119 I tend to agree. After his term is over, he should fade into the background and only offer advice privately to politicians and leaders who specifically solicit it. Become the George Washington of modern Ukraine.
@tacticalcenter8658 Says the person who is in denial of reality. Seriously, you are not a very sophisticated propagandist.
@moviesunified6746 Repeating the same disclaimer makes that hard to believe. "The Lady doth protest too much, me thinks," -Queen Gertrude; Hamlet by William Shakespeare.
How do you know a politician is lying? Their lips are moving.
@ImGodSoAreYou How? The Sagan Standard (Philosophical Razor) states that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Hitchen's Razor says that which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. Put up or shut up. And circumstantial hearsay isn't evidence.
@tacticalcenter8658 I don't have to prove anything. The burden is on you, not me. Don't try shifting responsibility because you can't debate merits, instead relying on logical fallacies.
@ImGodSoAreYou Wow, triggered huh? Keyboard warrior, pot let me introduce you to Kettle.
@matthiasmuller7677 RUSSIA USES CONSCRIPTS. Most of Ukraine's frontline fighters are volunteers. Or have you forgotten that at the start of the war the Ukraine government was turning away volunteers? Funny how you accuse Zelensky and his government of the very things Putin and his government have been doing. Perhaps you need to reassess whom your vitriol is directed at.
@matthiasmuller7677 Typical response of an armchair Quarterback general who is completely ignorant of military history. Why do you try picking up a book about the Pacific Campaign in WW2 or the Battle of Verdun in WW1? Or even the costly battles of the US Civil War such as Cold Harbor or Stones River? "One death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic," -Jospeh Stalin. "In him I found a man who can stomach the awful arithmetic of War," -Abraham Lincoln when he refused to fire Ulysses Sam Grant.
@matthiasmuller7677 That you think this is unwinnable for Ukraine shows your complete contempt for what they have already achieved. Takes a troll to know a troll dude, pot meet kettle.
@matthiasmuller7677 Wow, that whole post was nothing BUT emotion and lacked any logic. Your strawman about measuring territory in bodies is a logical FALLACY. That you keep clinging to it in the fact of data that disproves it is an emotional appeal. The fact that Ukraine successfully fought off the siege of Kiev against a better equipped and numerically superior foe is already a victory. That they fought the nominally 2nd strongest military in the world to a draw for three months is also a win. Your problem is that you are a defeatist and a negative Nancy. You are the kind of person that thinks the UK should have surrendered to Nazi Germany after the Battle for London. You are the kind of person who believed that after Coral Sea, the US should have gone to the negotiation table with Japan in the Pacific.
@matthiasmuller7677 Your logic is fatally flawed. Your claim that it is a moral issue is emotional argument. And your use of insults and ad hominins only shows you cannot debate merits and is a tacit admission that you have lost the plot. "When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser," -attributed to Plato. "When your argument is weak, abuse the plaintiff," -Marcus Tullius Cicero "I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left.” ― Margaret Thatcher
@nobblkpraetorian5623 Didn't actually read my post, did you? What part of "AFTER HIS TERM" did you not understand? An honest reading of what my post was would assume that I was equating to Washington's presidential term and NOT his tenure as General of the Continental Army.
Jews are the proverbial canary in the coal mine.
@tacticalcenter8658 Yeah, the Russians, particularly Putin. Ask yourself why so many Putin critics end up dead under suspicious situations.
@tacticalcenter8658 You don't see both sides either. You reject anything that clearly disproves your myopic narrative. Learn to debate rather than use emotional appeals (logical fallacy).
@tacticalcenter8658 You would know, considering that you are a victim of the Kremlin's lies on a daily basis.
@tacticalcenter8658 And you are a Russian troll.
@tacticalcenter8658 Talking about yourself again? You clearly lack self-awareness.
Nice job victim blaming. Russia didn't have to invade. Don't make excuses for unjustified military incursions.
He has a domestic audience to consider. The international audience is secondary. And what foreign politicians think about how he looks is irrelevant.