Youtube activity of "a012345" (@a012345) commenter.
- Name a012345
- YouTube id UCE2KSJHD1tBomlthdpn2Rqg
- YouTube name id @a012345
- Found user comments 236
- Hearted comments 2
Comments grouped by channel
"ABC News"
"Actual Justice Warrior"
"Al Jazeera English"
"Asian Boss"
"Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen"
"China Observer"
"Chris Williamson"
"Cultural Commentary"
"Cyrus Janssen"
"Forbes Breaking News"
"Fox Business"
"Graham Stephan"
"Inside Edition"
"Jake Broe"
"Johnny Harris"
"KGW News"
"KOMO News"
"Legion Of Men"
"Life Where I'm From"
"Nick Johnson"
"Patrick Boyle"
"The Car Care Nut"
"The Japan Reporter"
"The Wall Street Journal"
"The Young Turks"
"Tom Nicholas"
"World According To Briggs"
"Zeihan on Geopolitics"