Comments by "Kristopher Driver" (@paxdriver) on "The Young Turks" channel.

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  35. Moving Froward you completely misunderstand me. let me try again: gender identity is a human condition because genders vary between humans. it is a psychological and/or emotional relationship between a person and how they behave or relate. A human saying she thinks she is a cat in a human body is full of shit because she is CHOOSING to walk on all fours which a real cat in a human's body wouldn't. A real cat isn't self conscious enough to act like anything other than its nature. Cats do walk on all fours because their bodies make that the easiest way to move, not because they see other cats walking and want to fit in or identify with them. I don't understand what you're struggling to grasp here. She's acting like a human by mimicking another animal. She's inherently proving that she's lying. Just like a toy doll that talks when you pull a string is not a real child, it's mimicking one, so too a person not acting like a cat would instinctively while stilling saying she's a cat is mimicking one. I'm not saying it's bad or wrong, but nobody should be entertaining her behavior as a condition just like being gay or bi or trans isn't a condition, it's a preference. She wants to be a cat, fine, lock her in a cage at the SPCA and don't give her human rights if she wants to go the whole nine yards and see if she changes her mind. A gender bias wouldn't change no matter what situation you put them in, they will still be who they are. Your idea of gay/trans/whatever is flawed. It doesn't actually matter what gender a person is because it's just a simple set of classification that has no intrinsic value other than social / psychological relativity. It doesn't change a person's species (DNA) to be transgender, it's an identity like a person's name, culture or belief system for example. So gender is a valid choice, sexual preference and orientation doesn't change the person into anything else, it's an option that's already available inherently to our species; in contrast, where trans-speciation is concerned, this woman in the video is just an idiot looking for attention and playing pretend.
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