Comments by "Kristopher Driver" (@paxdriver) on "Woman Thinks She’s A Cat Trapped In Human Body" video.

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  2. Moving Froward you completely misunderstand me. let me try again: gender identity is a human condition because genders vary between humans. it is a psychological and/or emotional relationship between a person and how they behave or relate. A human saying she thinks she is a cat in a human body is full of shit because she is CHOOSING to walk on all fours which a real cat in a human's body wouldn't. A real cat isn't self conscious enough to act like anything other than its nature. Cats do walk on all fours because their bodies make that the easiest way to move, not because they see other cats walking and want to fit in or identify with them. I don't understand what you're struggling to grasp here. She's acting like a human by mimicking another animal. She's inherently proving that she's lying. Just like a toy doll that talks when you pull a string is not a real child, it's mimicking one, so too a person not acting like a cat would instinctively while stilling saying she's a cat is mimicking one. I'm not saying it's bad or wrong, but nobody should be entertaining her behavior as a condition just like being gay or bi or trans isn't a condition, it's a preference. She wants to be a cat, fine, lock her in a cage at the SPCA and don't give her human rights if she wants to go the whole nine yards and see if she changes her mind. A gender bias wouldn't change no matter what situation you put them in, they will still be who they are. Your idea of gay/trans/whatever is flawed. It doesn't actually matter what gender a person is because it's just a simple set of classification that has no intrinsic value other than social / psychological relativity. It doesn't change a person's species (DNA) to be transgender, it's an identity like a person's name, culture or belief system for example. So gender is a valid choice, sexual preference and orientation doesn't change the person into anything else, it's an option that's already available inherently to our species; in contrast, where trans-speciation is concerned, this woman in the video is just an idiot looking for attention and playing pretend.
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  6. Moving Froward 1. nobody goes into a restroom for sexual reasons.. non issue. harassment is harassment whether you're transgender or gay i'd still kick a dude's ass for trying to watch me piss lol. not an issue. 2. if they want to fit between genders then they don't qualify for that gender in sport. the reason for the gender differences in sport is to not give advantage for biological reasons. it's to keep it competitive. so i agree with you there. it would be unfair to have a guy who can't qualify for mens race against women because genetically he'd be at an advantage to the other competitors. fully agree   3. i don't agree with free elective surgery either, you don't need that to identify with a gender, it's superficial. the nature of their transgenderism is proof that physiology isn't a factor. 4. call it what they want, i have sexual preference in women and that doesn't make me heterophobic. I just like latinas, even though i'm dating a german who i'm still attracted to. It's just a sexual preference, not an absolute. once again i agree with you there, it's bullshit. 5. that's right, they're the ones saying they're not a man/woman, nobody else is imposing that judgement. they are real people, real human beings, but nobody has a real gender. gender is just a simplifying category since our brains work by compartmentalizing it's only natural that when 99.9% of people fall into very specific categories that we catalog them as such. i agree with you. 6. they need to understand that it's not common so misunderstandings should be par for the course. once again i agree with you. we can try to accommodate but we're not at fault for not understanding 0.1% of the population's private orientations. that's bullshit What i contest is this: gender is a slight variance to our species. Species variation is a creation of a human. That's not a real condition, it's made up by someone that wants attention. This cat lady is wearing clothes and i've never seen a cat feel that need. Nor have I seen a cat with no tail or ears attach one to itself because it's self conscious. This chick is faking and it's so obvious and it's nothing even closely related to gender identification. 
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  9. Moving Froward like i said, choice was a bad word to use. I meant option, as in an option to our species because humans can be varying degrees of gender biologically and socially. Cat is not a valid option to our species. like I said, you missed the context and fixated on semantics when I've already conceded I misspoke. I didn't promise you anything, my word is irrelevant. I'm putting forward a logical argument and you're attacking my character like Trump. slow clap Hermaphrodites are born between genders but you say "people can't be born between genders" but you are aware that it is reality (option, as in possible according to natural laws). The likelihood or probability of it occurring doesn't change that gender is a fluid part of our biology and psyche. Logically, if nature can vary to every extreme of the gender spectrum, the mental state of a person can vary too. It's not up to you to impose your will and understanding on others. If it's possible, and they say it is so, then let it be. It's no different from arguing which color is the nicest. What I tell you is my favorite can't be changed by your will or preference. It's personal, how I identify with and see the world, it's my nature and my right to prefer blue over green and it's not a preference that I've changed my entire life. Still, it is possible for another person to like green more than blue, I don't go around like you telling them they're wrong because 99% of people see it otherwise. Liking green is a possible reality so when someone says that's what they prefer, I take their word for it at face value. If someone says they're trans, newly or always, I take their word for it because nobody else could possibly know. Is that clearer?
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