Comments by "Kristopher Driver" (@paxdriver) on "Who Was The Real Colonel Gaddafi? | Evolution Of Evil | Timeline" video.

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  3. So when nato backs a militant force aimed at destabilizing the world its heroism, but when Gaddafi backs rebels to defend his national sovereignty he's personally responsible for the individual acts of aggression his sponsorship enables.. It's kind of silly how gladly we overlook double standards. Watch gaddafi's full speech at the United Nations if you want to know the real reason he was considered a threat to the world. He spells it out very clearly and nobody disputes or responds to it at all. This isn't a snapshot of history, it's painting the scene with editorial gratuities. He was a monster, yes. Just as much as Blair, Bush, Harper, Putin, and everyone else. No more, no less. We're not setting the example we think we are. We're not the angels or saviours or the exception to human nature, we're all doing the same things as he did. Gitmo is still open. We ignore childcare, inflate away debt while providing tax cuts to the richest minority while others suffer, starve and their earning potentials paywalled by useless credentials and gatekeepers of intellectual property as if that helps the general public or humanity at large. We endorse cartels, sponsor coups and proxy wars not in 1 or 2 regions but literally all over the world then freak out when those countries retaliate. "how dare they not let us murder and pillage their populations, they're monsters!". We built the state of Israel, all western natiine globally created the world's largest prison camps and continue to celebrate the occupation and oppression while publishing documentaries of the monstrous Libyan dictator as if we're not precisely as culpable if not more... The record is open, anyone can look at the material facts of reality. This type of documentary is entirely disingenuous and to not even attempt to communicate at least the motivations of the madman. Nobody gets smarter by propaganda. Why are you so afraid of accurately representing the dictator's objectives? You worried people might sympathize if you're honest about history? What does that say about you and me if this is how we choose to be informed? This isn't journalism, it's pathetically insecure. There's no need to sensationalize, the man was brutal and wicked. Being honest might help prevent recurrence, educate the population and enlighten future leaders rather than stoke flames by overt hypocrisy.