Comments by "Kristopher Driver" (@paxdriver) on "The Plain Bagel" channel.

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  7. It drives me crazy you keep parroting the argument that it's unclear of what a security is. SEC has clearly defined it. "The term “security” means any note, stock, treasury stock, security future, security-based swap, bond, debenture, evidence of indebtedness, certificate of interest or participation in any profit-sharing agreement, collateral-trust certificate, preorganization certificate or subscription, transferable share, investment ... " When you receive money for a stake in a crypto held by a broker that broker is issuing a security for that crypto / blockchain-registry / whatever you call it. That's why eth and bitcoin aren't securities, but custodial wallets for hedged coins are because they're swaps for registered securities. It's defined clearly, their argument is just playing dumb. It's not a legitimate argument at all to anyone who checks what is and isn't a security and the process for registering with the SEC is also clear as even Robin hood could do it - but the reason for caymen hq and us subsidiaries is they know they're doing something illegal and they're actively trying to sideskirt known legislation. The fact they set up the business that way shows they are acutely aware of the limits and restrictions but they're prepared to risk part of the business for the arbitrage opportunity. It's disingenuous to pretend they don't know what is a security, it's very very clear what is, it's just not clear what the first full service security crypto brokerage would look like because they're all playing dumb and waiting to be told how to build a business rather than leading the charge. The difference between bros and CEOs is effort and competence.
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  20. Several issues here: the currency depreciation from lowering interest rates makes a bigger difference than stock prices priced in said currency. The compounding of both stock volatility and currency volatility is a exponential multiplier in extreme cases, meaning when currency appreciates after acquiring stock even if the dividen goes down the shareholder may see an increase in ROI nevertheless. Another factor forgotten is the circumstances that lead to a rate change, often not the rate changing that is the cause but rather the attenuation of a more sever movement on the horizon, which may sound frivolous to suggest at first until you consider that's literally the only mandate and guidance the fed bases rate changes on: "data-driven forward guidance" is what the name suggests. Rate cuts thus have more to do with the change in trajectory than they do as nominal absolute values. Your data are emphasizing secondary factors, that's why the spreadsheet doesn't seem to illustrate anything meaningful. You ought to be comparing rate of change from moving averages, the time from the signal of raté changes occur before the rate changes, the delay you mentioned is in the order of 3-5 years and its all speculation before then because the rates could change back before the term ends. Long term debt like mortgages is smoothed out for that reason so duration is more important than the date of rate change too. Everything that's actually important is mentioned as cursory and you focus on the one thing that matters the least in that spreadsheet. I'm not sure why oyud even think that type of table would even be useful in the first place lol
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