Comments by "Kristopher Driver" (@paxdriver) on "Lex Fridman" channel.

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  12. My first experience with chatgpt was me arguing with its responses on Buddhist philosophy. It is very, very good at helping people learn to think. For example: I argued "isn't it contrary to the premise of abandoning desire and embracing the impermanence of the world for a Buddhist monk to repair and maintain a Buddhist temple?" Chatgpt will give some really fun arguments to complex philosophical paradoxes if you're clever enough to probe it at the edges deliberately. It will always take human education to get the most out of gpt because it only responds. It is creative, but only to training and responses. There's no impetus or personal drive to gpt, and that is its limitation. Absent critical thinking, the model of human cogs in a company, the majority of the workforce, they are replaceable by gpt and that only scares me because I'm not sure that everyone is willing or able to be more contemplative than a chatbot. They just don't all have the same internal monologue as academics who just enjoy the science of learning as opposed to academics who chase prestige and paychecks. University should never have become this jobs training in the firs place, so if nothing else universities in an AI world will just revert back to their original function of pursuit of thought with the option to work a job with the knowledge acquired afterwards; but the primary function for schooling is learning, not job training. It's the job training pushing people into it for career and money that leads to all of this wokeism imho. Only people who don't want to be there are afraid if ideas they disagree with. Only people who shouldn't be there would even want (never mind demand) censorship on campus.
  13. When a person steps on your toe you try to keep calm, but when a drunk driver hits your dog you scream curses an nobody wonders why. For some reason, though, you seem to act like Donald Trump is just a subjective preference despite mountains of evidence too ridiculous in volume and scope to have even made credible Hollywood sensationalism. You absolutely need to look into things when you research, at least 5 minutes. Please, if you're going to ask a challenging question have a rebuttal ready because nothing he said is new here. Verifiable things can be anticipated, checked, and followed up with a sincere question. Not a gotcha, just a common sense question: He fired the FBI director investigating him and admitted he did it for a reason which was illegal. Legally liable and confessed to sexual assault. He refused an election and didn't stop the certification of election results. Filed over a dozen lie lawsuits about elections, they had to admit in court that they had no evidence to bring to the judges after lying to the courts about the filing and the evidence. We saw him intimidate a witness live in public. We heard him call a Governor to defraud voters. We heard him extort a NATO ally for political gain using aide funds for the "stick" he giggled about with you. Clinton messed up with a mail server after serving 8 years as first lady and decades as a senator before secretary of state in the Whitehouse. She wasn't laughed at by the whole world at summit meetings. She didn't defend Putin's invasion of neighbours. Trump said he'd put up a wall and even took money for it which just went missing in another fraud, so any border crisis left for Biden which he admits he campaigned on and beat Hilary because of (in his own admission during this interview), his wall was never built or it was built but never worked? We paid for it though, despite him also promising that wouldn't happen. How does any sane pers legit believe they are being rational by comparing Biden or Harris with Trump as if it's the same as comparing two normal people? You say he makes great deals, why are there no examples of this? Why can't he write essays or speak eloquently about specifics if that were true? Why do you act like it's totally normal for a person to be like Trump but still you can't imagine how someone might get frustrated by you acting high and mighty about being more tolerant or less divisive or less hyperbolic when the botanist is confusing the pot and the toilet? It's not about taking sides or being in a flame war or trolling or whatever, it's very literally obvious to anyone who thinks about it. It seems to the rest of the world you can't even be bothered to pretend to look something up 2 hrs before a show you're claiming on camera you did "research" for and "prepared"... I'm sorry, with all due respect, it is mind boggling how little we value critical thinking, even on a show founded on the want and appreciation for learning, we never learned elementary level critical thinking comparing one thing to another, or at least having a follow up question you already know the answers to. For eg, he thinks it's wrong Kamala got selected over Biden at the convention. Easy follow up "that's how the system's rules are set, you could've changed your nominee before the convention too." Or how about: "why does it matter to you, it's not your party." since when has it ever been to a campaign's advantage to switch nominees without needing to? Is that some kind of strategy that we ought follow or is name recognition for a returning candidate still the prevailing poli-sci? He's smart right? Why can't he quote a book, or exsin a theory? He's a businessman, right? So either he knew nothing about his own fraud accounting or he himself can't count, either way, I've never heard of a good business man who lies to judges or runs real estate development but confuses his own home floor space by orders of magnitude. Just make an effort, man. You could have just watched one person's YouTube video for one hour and come up with better questions and at least follow up with the absolute smallest amount of effort. I have so much respect for you and how you run your show over the years; I've had a hundred plus hours of enjoyment from your content, please do keep at it because so much of what you do is so so good, but I'd be betraying you not to call out this woeful indignity to the channel. This has been as poor as JBP with Netanyahu, and I'm a lover not a hater. Real talk is real talk. I'm not some PhD wagging a finger either, I do React web dev, study AI in my spare time projects, highschool grad from public school. I've done 50+ hrs of my own podcast long form content and I did the rendering, marketing, prep and hosting of the thing too so I'm not some "elitist" turning his nose up at you for not knowing what I know. I'm giving you heck because someone in your industry, with at least some of the same exposures, with zero benefit of higher education, a date with a former president intended for broadcasting, nor a team to help, even I could tell you with my thumbs off the top of my head where to go to spend 20 minutes preparing that would have saved you the length of this pointless infomercial. I had to each the whole thing at 1.5x for the first time in over 10 years on YouTube just to carry the beginning of a sentence to the end of it. How does a person say "that would be very bad" and the interviewer just assume "bad" means something about anything? How is it ok that Trump knows how to save the lives of Russian and Ukrainian soldiers but chooses not to end the war just because he wants to win an election? Where's your heart, all of a sudden that type of depravity doesn't so much as make you flinch??? Since when is the caring Lex who preaches love and truth silent about enabling mass murder, especially given what your grandfather went through. This is just absolutely unbelievable coming from this channel, I really hope you all get your act together because this right here was shameful, man. Peace, love and respect, for real. Please smarten up though. If I meant this comment to be mean rather than constructive I would've just said "it was bad, very very bad" like your guest and I know nobody would even question it. You'd all just believe it if I repeated it often enough... I'm writing all this because I believe in you, not because I get my rocks off hating on strangers on the internet. My track record on here, twitter, podcast and published books/music over the past 10 years will vouched for me there <-- "evidence supporting a subject e claim"... <-- me showing you how it's done by example by way of a serious lack of charm lol It's in you to be so much better than this.
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  26. The most reasonable explanation for the functional benefit to religion in the pursuit of wisdom is the time dedicated to existential thought through routine, ritual tradition and communion. The benefits of this steady practise are mildly offset by the rigorous memorization of dogmatic textualisms, but once memorized they serve as meditations when practised. Discipline and making time and leveraging our group to encourage more introspection which is simply not easy for most people to self direct without a religious fervour. Relions are functional in their promotion of making routine of reflexive diligent consideration which most people don't do on their own. Hard things take motivation; our feelings are great motivations; make love and death myths to encourage introspective rituals and you wind up with religious stories which all read like echoes of one another anyway. If it helps make us more appreciative of philosophy and living better lives on aggregate then it's useful to us all, whether we believe or share the doctrines or not. Even if the texts are all wrong, if they bring a person closer to wisdom than without, then the religious texts have truly made the person transcend their capacity and are thus at least partially true to their raison d'être. It's another one of those recursive arguments - if the bs text makes a person motivated to think more about harder, more important questions, then they served the their stated functions and proved themselves to be inspired by a higher power lol
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  31. 1:37:15 there is a deeper wisdom to the collective intelligence, as Lex says, but the internet is not a representative sample of the collective wisdom. The PhD and the idiots are both over represented by their publications and social media posts, but the common wisdom people share but don't publish are not proportionately incorporated into the training data. The risk of relying on gpt (not making freely available for general use, I'm saying rely on) is that there's no way for us to measure the quality of the human race's representation in the training set. The other issue that Wolfram misses on this same point is that we don't know how heavily the "average of the internet" is tokenized literally and how much is tokenized symbolically in its generative process, now or in future iterations. If tokens are deeply metaphysical and only superficially trained on tone, language) vocabulary and logic by the literal tokens then there's no reason gpt can't produce or prescribe new goals which we haven't considered consciously but which we're all working towards by cosmic evolutionary progression which we're still ignorant of but working toward (ie "God's plan", in another interpretation). Math has always been deeply linked to philosophy and art, I think we'd be wise to keep as wide a perspective of its potential influences because there are certainly facets of its application which we're overlooking in ignorance. That's why human play and prod, we discover deeper truths that way because our minds are wedged open to novel interpretations of the sandbox we play in.
  32. Lee is always a good conversation, but he strikes me as a narcissist. As an academic biochemist who's publishing theories on the nature of emergence in the universe, how has not so much as stumbled across the specifics of carbon dating and radioactive decay? It takes a weekend to understand that, I'm a public highschool grad and I produced a podcast describing nuclear power generation in a week... It's like he thinks what he already knows is good enough. Like how he decided what was important in his own theory before knowing why then found a reason to confirm his priors. I'm one of his critics on twitter, and when I brought up how assembly theory was precisely in line with Karl Friston's work on free energy and Stephen Wolfram's rulead for cellular automata he didn't even bother to listen or look it up (both of which can be found in Lex's podcast history btw). He's interesting but he's not a scientist. He's just a guy who wants to look smart, dismissing critics as saying his theory is rubbish without ever even listening. I hate science that invents an idea then looks for excuses to make it apply when others have already done the same thing properly. It's an affront to the practise of intellectual exploration because he works in the same way religious zealots apply the world to suit their doctrines (notice the irony if not hypocrisy?) That said, I like the conversations for the exploration of ideas, but I really hate how his followers are treating his ideas like they're so deep and he only listens to people who boost his ego. There's zero interest for him to expand knowledge, he just wants to be seen as someone who is expanding knowledge for the opti s or status or something. It's a wretched motivation to pursue science imho so I hope people learn to appreciate him for the real contributions he makes in his communication rather than feed his ego without ever exploring even the boundaries of the theories he's copying to call his own.
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  47. I suffer from colitis, diabetes, fibromyalgia, etc, etc. You think I want to deprive the world of harmless shock humour just because I'm touchy? Hell no. Context is not just part of it it's most of it. South park laughs at diabetes, it doesn't mock my suffering as a diabetic, it makes me laugh despite being diabetic. What people are confusing these days is feelings and intention. There's malice and there's colour, you can't just decide universally swearing is ok but not that swearing because you feel more strongly, somebody could feel strongly about damn or diarrhea. It's language, if everyone could speak however they want to represent themselves and people could say "hey, I found that offensive" without ever saying "you can't say that" we'd all be better off. If we all learned to put up with the insane things other people say and feel confident in calling them out on it and communicating our disapproval without it being a personal judgment of character over language we'd all be better off. How about a person with a speaking disability where they can't censor themselves as well, not just Tourette's but ADHD, stroke, or brain fog from medications treating other issues. You don't know my linguistic capability at the time I misspoke, so why is it ok to judge a person's poor choice if words for being inconsiderate while not considering the person may have a culturally motivated provocative way if speaking? Maybe it's PTSD or trauma or bipolarity that puts that chip on their shoulder and taints their mood enough to make word choice poor? That's not to say it's ok to say anything, or justify it, but it does speak to the severity of which we react to taboo words. It's not ok to say it but it is also not ok to demand the compelled speech if others. You're causing an equally serious problem in retaliation to a serious problem. You're perpetrating an ignorant slight by trying to knee-jerk back away from someone else's ignorant slight. It's not just hipocrisy it's counter productive in the bigger picture. Don't forget, the internet from the 90's didn't have tracking or persistent usernames, no verification and no moderators. You don't like something you leave, or mute, or rally haters against the abusive person. It was just shock value humour like half of all humour out there from stand-up to family guy and everything in between. Harassment is the joke, crass is what makes it funny. Not everywhere, not at work, but between consenting friends where people voluntarily drop in to watch - why not streaming games, it's not church or a funeral. Context is everything. If history taught us anything it's that our first response is usually an overreaction just like our prejudices are usually under reactions. We should be able to agree on middle ground where we're still allowed and tolerated to be offensive/offended. There are safe rooms and groups and blocking and subscribing all over the place. There's tons of safe places and generally only people engaged are targeted. We should agree that when a person says "hey that hurt" that everybody should pause immediately to show human concern. Then we can say anything if we take pain seriously and tolerate hurtful speech where possible. That would be ideal if both parties try to bend to the other side rather than hoards telling one group what they can or can't say ir do or laugh at in public. We can agree certain places are more sacred, but game streaming is pretty much football and beer, it's degenerate by design and culture and it's consensual. Just like comedy, there's consent and no malice there. People need to chill out imho.
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