Youtube comments of Kristopher Driver (@paxdriver).

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  13. 14:16 allow me to clarify before I even finish listening - I'm a guy who loves cuisine, loves exercise to cope with ADHD and insomnia. I was born diabetic and suffered several hospitalizations and crippling side effects of undiagnosed diabetes until finally at 27 I started getting insulin. My savings, my businesses, the career changes, my social life, everything suffered from the crippling conditions of diabetes and autoimmune disorders my free healthcare failed to diagnose and treat my whole life. Scott's comments are not offensive even to diabetics who have endured tremendous suffering. Don't be wanker. Just because a photon lands here and not there doesn't mean God's trying to snipe you from another dimension. It's just part of a world that exists because of the forces of entropy as a function of time. When a policy is enacted to exploit a population, that's victimhood, like capital gains income annual social security contributions (cpp/ei/qpip here in Canada), that creates victims. Being diabetic or not diabetic is not offensive just like short tall black white young or female or gay are not offensive. In life if you can't find a laugh then you're definitely missing something, no matter how much or little you're suffering there's no justification to be offended by stating a fact like "type II diabetes is genetic and preventable", "type I diabetes is genetic", or "borderline type I can be delayed but can also cause colitis, psoriasis, optic neuritis, fibromyalgia, arthritis and mental illness if unchecked, so keep an eye on things" If you can't afford a vacation and marginal cost of larger orders is greater in higher quantities then I'm gonna eat more for more enjoyment. All humans think like that, it's not just fat people even skinny men like me love food for the same reason. We are evolved to seek sugar and variety, of course à surge in wealth worldwide and synergy of population growth this century would induce pathological nutrition issues in a portion of the species. That's not shaming its compassion!
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  40. You've missed out on a crucial detail, I'm afraid: with excess energy and short supply of production goods, we're encouraging Russia to build itself into the most self sustained economic powerhouse the world has ever seen. Highest costs to building factories to produce the screws (and moulds, and trinkets or whatever other generic parts get used as standards in production factories) which would normally have been imported are: land for factories (abundant in Russia) , ores for construction/production materials (abundant), mined with energy and metal machines (abundant), plastics for knobs, moulds and fasteners etc (from oil), and cement (energy/mining so abundant), and the pharmaceuticals, pesticides, fertilizers for feeding construction workers (oil), and high tech mfg from rare earth's, electricity, robotics and China is next door with stale factories for those. You see the problem we're creating for ourselves here? Once the painful process of building a factory for every little modular tool and bit is finished being built in Russia with its excess resources not being sold to the West, and with the motivation forced by sanctions, Russia will be the most independently powerful nation in the world by having a local economy slightly less capable than a global one, but fully immune to foreign exploitation or influence by it. Globalized economies are subject to differing interests and shifting policies of parties and neighbours and treaties, but a despotic Russia's localized economy would be agile with expenses not leaving the country in bad years but recirculating from the good years of its own adjacent industries. From a long term perspective (the sort we in the west fail horribly at factoring in), we're helping write Putin's legend and we'll be proving the benefits of strengths of the opposing regime in the long run as compared to diplomatic democracies. This is not at all helping us achieve our goals, it is only pushing our enemies to leave us lagging behind them stunted by our shortages while they become strengthened by theirs.
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  49. If you're not willing to invest in affordable housing or address income disparity then why is declining population such a terrible thing? Are we so wired to anticipate war we want to encourage people who don't want to parent to be parents? Why is that the government's business and the tax payers' liability to encourage pregnancies? We used to also have living wages in the 70's straight out of highschool, and average tenure at a job was ten years. The real reason for chasing population growth is economics. Politicians want gdp lines to rise, but that's nonsense. If you have fewer population then a linear decline in economic output is perfectly natural. The richest gain more wealth by more renters and customers; that's the only reason to focus on fertility rates. To make a small number of rich people richer for the next generation is an asinine reason to be preoccupied with other people's life decisions. The irony is those same people peddling antidepressants and porn are part of that wealthy minority who benefit from maintaining demand to maintain revenues streams. Nothing to do with moral decay or nihilism, it's just not a fact that declining fertility is a bad thing unless it lasts a century or more. It's not a big deal. And discouraging sex before 6 months means people 4 months in who were very invested might be inclined to manipulate partners just for some satisfaction before breaking up, such is the motivation of sexual frustration as you rightly point out. Then there's the obvious issue of people not even knowing their partners' sexual compatibility until after having invested a ton of time and energy into a partner that can't satisfy, or doesn't want to satisfy. And then if they have kids soon after starting to couple some partners might lose interest and the frustration kicks in right when they thought they'd cleared the wait. There are so many reasons it's insane to believe everyone is so uniform we can possibly conjecture it makes sense to make presumptions of dire consequences for society, or what others would prefer if nudged by social convention, or that anyone would be better off just doing and living the way I like to live and do things. Where the acknowledgement of preference and variability and expression? How is that anything but fascist to have the government involved in the sex lives of citizens for the benefit of the nation at the cost of the citizen? That's literally what fascism means lol that's why it's considered a right wing opinion, because words have meaning.
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  164. He doesn't have a clue what he's talking about, the host. By contrast, Connor knows what he's talking about, but his bias is entirely skewed to the unlikely worst case imaginable and suggests that since he's wealthy and comfortable and doesn't need AI to substantially improve the education of his kids or his own prosperity / productivity, that we should be scared enough to all stay suffering to ensure his protection from algebraic lambda functions. I don't think either men realize how little sense they are making when real people are at stake, not just their own comfortable lives being threatened by people who fear destitution and opportunity more than they fear poor people competing economically with their luxurious selves. Not differentiating real from fake would benefit everyone. We'd be forced to all apply critical thinking by default instead of trusting talking heads. It would force people to be informed by logic, cross referencing, consensus, and by reading well vetted authors. It wouldn't force everyone to never believe anything ever again as this whole panel suggests, it's far more likely to do the opposite when common knowledge is to be suspicious and critical of everything. That's healthy, that's not "thinking based on feelings" it's thinking based on thinking - which we're not doing. The singularity is not a thing unless you're taking about either end of the universe. Computers are not doing "2 years of thinking per day", they don't think they associate tokens in matrices. Humans have agency by way of the senses coalescing, and we're fragile because we die when some of those senses stop working by consequence. If a machine developed agency but couldn't die from impaired senses then it wouldn't really be conscious or self aware without ever having any appreciation for its own death. Connor Leahy knows how these systems work, he knows the code and the math right down to the assembly, probably. His fear is that 0.000001% chance of catastrophe isn't worth the risk to his great life, so everyone else should just suck it up and stop being so loose with our models. Poor people could leverage those models and lift the world to a new minimum standard but that tiny % risk isn't worth it to him and 10% of the rest of the world if it means not only AI threatens his comfortable life, but lifting the poor to compete for his wealth is the even greater threat. Don't get me wrong, I lime the guy, he's not evil, he's not crazy, he's a father. He's a guy who sincerely wants good in the world but clearly doesn't even recognize how little sense he makes when he speaks about the risks. He's been on mlst a tonne of times and I listen to every episode because there's a lot to learn from him, lots of insight and perspective, and most importantly he sets a great example for discourse with differing views; it seems pretty clear over the years his strongest argument is a preference to preserve the status quo, and not many people on earth would think that's an acceptable reason to keep them trapped in exploited labour their entire lives. A lot of people suffer and can't defend themselves for lack of education or tutoring, adequate language skill or stimulating dialog by virtue of the world they inherited through no fault of their own. It's not our fault either, except it is if there's a tool that would certainly help a healthy percentage of that population and compounding over time. If we withhold access to AI then it is our fault because suddenly we decided for them it wasn't worth the risk. They ought to just sacrifice themselves for the West (the least in need and most capable of defending themselves again an Ai-mageddon. Indeed far more people are not well off than who are, so to suggested his fear of protecting his civilized life merits closing that door to the many millions of times more people who would at least have the option to work hard to catch up with him is patently selfish and logically asinine for a man of his dignified belief systems - unless he's just a man blinded by love. That would be completely understandable but not in the least bit justified. TLDR, this whole conversation is a red herring to distract from license agreements, patent farming, privacy, rentseeking enterprise, and corruption of politics. This is the Houdini act, misdirection and pearl-clutching, while the bank robbers keep an unbroken congo-line strong carrying the future's wealth out the door in broad daylight.
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  233. 40:59 what Israel should have done: Humility and accountability. "we'll put Netanyahu on trial with your judge, you put Hamas on trial with our judge. Drop the blockade, give equal rights to all people of the region, and both parties collaborate in taking down terrorist from both sides without civilian casualties. None except one-off incidentals like a stray bullet or ricochet, not bombing an apartment to get a militant, you stalk the militant and snipe them. You acknowledge injustice and establish universal accountability and both sides work together to prosecute those who commit atrocities. In the meantime civilians live their lives with equal rights." It's that simple, it would be ugly but not nearly as ugly as slaughtering 30,000 people thusly inspiring a new generation of terrorists. This isn't about anything other than the facts, and the facts are universal accountability and universal justice is the answer. You have to submit your war criminals, we'll submit ours, and in the meantime everyone else is equal in society. Gaza was never equal. They had no ability to trade, to expand, to leave without checkpoints, to earn, to learn, to receive and contribute to the national prosperity. Everyone needs to be equally responsible for the harms they commit. And it's done in one generation with a fraction of the casualties. There simply is no justification for civilian casualties I think Gaza, or Israel, or Iraq, or Afghanistan, or any other country. All you have to do is treat people equally, prosecute equally, and that's it. Hamas would have no support without oppression. Why would I become a suicide bomber except by my family and friends being murdered for nothing without consequence. If I have a life to live and when murderers kill they are jailed, then eventually next generation it's over. A few thousand radicals kill a dozen each over 20 years in the process, but that's nothing compared tk killing 30,000 in 6 months and worsening the issue without end.
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  264. R Ski I appreciate your passion but your knowledge of Venezuela is only partial. America is a huge reason for their struggles, not their political model. Also, the continent is very different, so their trade opportunities and infrastructure were also underdeveloped for decades, and their neighbors were plagued by militia insurgents and civil unrest. It's not even closely related to America in that regard, and they didn't have the industrial history to build a foundation on like America did. Secondly, socialism is cheaper. Don't try to get me to shed a tear for a 44% tax on people who can own several homes they leave vacant most of the year. If you want a stable society and economy you can't have homeless or project dwellers segregated to protect the rich people. You need to lift the standard of living for all people to encourage security or they will take, or vote to take, from the wealthy and it'll be a lot more painful than a tax. It's just not feasible to allow people to bleed out while a certain few acquire wealth without being productive contributors to the society they want to enjoy. It's not complicated, it's humanity. $1,000 goes a lot farther for a poor family than someone who earns that and more in a day at the beach while an algorithm trades pennies to earn them their leisurely life. It's just absurd. You've clearly never seen abject poverty if you want to protect the income of non-working folk in the 44% tax bracket. They don't produce any tangible goods, and the ones that do are that wealthy because of trade agreements and tax havens that undermine the earning potential and opportunity for the working class. Open your eyes, socialism is already an gladly accepted American ideal. Socialism isn't communism. The government spends hundreds of billions of dollars annually, and tens of billions protecting the wealth of the privileged, but spends minute percentages offering low income families unhealthy meals like KD at the food banks or with food stamps.
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  271. When a person steps on your toe you try to keep calm, but when a drunk driver hits your dog you scream curses an nobody wonders why. For some reason, though, you seem to act like Donald Trump is just a subjective preference despite mountains of evidence too ridiculous in volume and scope to have even made credible Hollywood sensationalism. You absolutely need to look into things when you research, at least 5 minutes. Please, if you're going to ask a challenging question have a rebuttal ready because nothing he said is new here. Verifiable things can be anticipated, checked, and followed up with a sincere question. Not a gotcha, just a common sense question: He fired the FBI director investigating him and admitted he did it for a reason which was illegal. Legally liable and confessed to sexual assault. He refused an election and didn't stop the certification of election results. Filed over a dozen lie lawsuits about elections, they had to admit in court that they had no evidence to bring to the judges after lying to the courts about the filing and the evidence. We saw him intimidate a witness live in public. We heard him call a Governor to defraud voters. We heard him extort a NATO ally for political gain using aide funds for the "stick" he giggled about with you. Clinton messed up with a mail server after serving 8 years as first lady and decades as a senator before secretary of state in the Whitehouse. She wasn't laughed at by the whole world at summit meetings. She didn't defend Putin's invasion of neighbours. Trump said he'd put up a wall and even took money for it which just went missing in another fraud, so any border crisis left for Biden which he admits he campaigned on and beat Hilary because of (in his own admission during this interview), his wall was never built or it was built but never worked? We paid for it though, despite him also promising that wouldn't happen. How does any sane pers legit believe they are being rational by comparing Biden or Harris with Trump as if it's the same as comparing two normal people? You say he makes great deals, why are there no examples of this? Why can't he write essays or speak eloquently about specifics if that were true? Why do you act like it's totally normal for a person to be like Trump but still you can't imagine how someone might get frustrated by you acting high and mighty about being more tolerant or less divisive or less hyperbolic when the botanist is confusing the pot and the toilet? It's not about taking sides or being in a flame war or trolling or whatever, it's very literally obvious to anyone who thinks about it. It seems to the rest of the world you can't even be bothered to pretend to look something up 2 hrs before a show you're claiming on camera you did "research" for and "prepared"... I'm sorry, with all due respect, it is mind boggling how little we value critical thinking, even on a show founded on the want and appreciation for learning, we never learned elementary level critical thinking comparing one thing to another, or at least having a follow up question you already know the answers to. For eg, he thinks it's wrong Kamala got selected over Biden at the convention. Easy follow up "that's how the system's rules are set, you could've changed your nominee before the convention too." Or how about: "why does it matter to you, it's not your party." since when has it ever been to a campaign's advantage to switch nominees without needing to? Is that some kind of strategy that we ought follow or is name recognition for a returning candidate still the prevailing poli-sci? He's smart right? Why can't he quote a book, or exsin a theory? He's a businessman, right? So either he knew nothing about his own fraud accounting or he himself can't count, either way, I've never heard of a good business man who lies to judges or runs real estate development but confuses his own home floor space by orders of magnitude. Just make an effort, man. You could have just watched one person's YouTube video for one hour and come up with better questions and at least follow up with the absolute smallest amount of effort. I have so much respect for you and how you run your show over the years; I've had a hundred plus hours of enjoyment from your content, please do keep at it because so much of what you do is so so good, but I'd be betraying you not to call out this woeful indignity to the channel. This has been as poor as JBP with Netanyahu, and I'm a lover not a hater. Real talk is real talk. I'm not some PhD wagging a finger either, I do React web dev, study AI in my spare time projects, highschool grad from public school. I've done 50+ hrs of my own podcast long form content and I did the rendering, marketing, prep and hosting of the thing too so I'm not some "elitist" turning his nose up at you for not knowing what I know. I'm giving you heck because someone in your industry, with at least some of the same exposures, with zero benefit of higher education, a date with a former president intended for broadcasting, nor a team to help, even I could tell you with my thumbs off the top of my head where to go to spend 20 minutes preparing that would have saved you the length of this pointless infomercial. I had to each the whole thing at 1.5x for the first time in over 10 years on YouTube just to carry the beginning of a sentence to the end of it. How does a person say "that would be very bad" and the interviewer just assume "bad" means something about anything? How is it ok that Trump knows how to save the lives of Russian and Ukrainian soldiers but chooses not to end the war just because he wants to win an election? Where's your heart, all of a sudden that type of depravity doesn't so much as make you flinch??? Since when is the caring Lex who preaches love and truth silent about enabling mass murder, especially given what your grandfather went through. This is just absolutely unbelievable coming from this channel, I really hope you all get your act together because this right here was shameful, man. Peace, love and respect, for real. Please smarten up though. If I meant this comment to be mean rather than constructive I would've just said "it was bad, very very bad" like your guest and I know nobody would even question it. You'd all just believe it if I repeated it often enough... I'm writing all this because I believe in you, not because I get my rocks off hating on strangers on the internet. My track record on here, twitter, podcast and published books/music over the past 10 years will vouched for me there <-- "evidence supporting a subject e claim"... <-- me showing you how it's done by example by way of a serious lack of charm lol It's in you to be so much better than this.
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  282. My first experience with chatgpt was me arguing with its responses on Buddhist philosophy. It is very, very good at helping people learn to think. For example: I argued "isn't it contrary to the premise of abandoning desire and embracing the impermanence of the world for a Buddhist monk to repair and maintain a Buddhist temple?" Chatgpt will give some really fun arguments to complex philosophical paradoxes if you're clever enough to probe it at the edges deliberately. It will always take human education to get the most out of gpt because it only responds. It is creative, but only to training and responses. There's no impetus or personal drive to gpt, and that is its limitation. Absent critical thinking, the model of human cogs in a company, the majority of the workforce, they are replaceable by gpt and that only scares me because I'm not sure that everyone is willing or able to be more contemplative than a chatbot. They just don't all have the same internal monologue as academics who just enjoy the science of learning as opposed to academics who chase prestige and paychecks. University should never have become this jobs training in the firs place, so if nothing else universities in an AI world will just revert back to their original function of pursuit of thought with the option to work a job with the knowledge acquired afterwards; but the primary function for schooling is learning, not job training. It's the job training pushing people into it for career and money that leads to all of this wokeism imho. Only people who don't want to be there are afraid if ideas they disagree with. Only people who shouldn't be there would even want (never mind demand) censorship on campus.
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  329. It drives me crazy you keep parroting the argument that it's unclear of what a security is. SEC has clearly defined it. "The term “security” means any note, stock, treasury stock, security future, security-based swap, bond, debenture, evidence of indebtedness, certificate of interest or participation in any profit-sharing agreement, collateral-trust certificate, preorganization certificate or subscription, transferable share, investment ... " When you receive money for a stake in a crypto held by a broker that broker is issuing a security for that crypto / blockchain-registry / whatever you call it. That's why eth and bitcoin aren't securities, but custodial wallets for hedged coins are because they're swaps for registered securities. It's defined clearly, their argument is just playing dumb. It's not a legitimate argument at all to anyone who checks what is and isn't a security and the process for registering with the SEC is also clear as even Robin hood could do it - but the reason for caymen hq and us subsidiaries is they know they're doing something illegal and they're actively trying to sideskirt known legislation. The fact they set up the business that way shows they are acutely aware of the limits and restrictions but they're prepared to risk part of the business for the arbitrage opportunity. It's disingenuous to pretend they don't know what is a security, it's very very clear what is, it's just not clear what the first full service security crypto brokerage would look like because they're all playing dumb and waiting to be told how to build a business rather than leading the charge. The difference between bros and CEOs is effort and competence.
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  381. Moving Froward you completely misunderstand me. let me try again: gender identity is a human condition because genders vary between humans. it is a psychological and/or emotional relationship between a person and how they behave or relate. A human saying she thinks she is a cat in a human body is full of shit because she is CHOOSING to walk on all fours which a real cat in a human's body wouldn't. A real cat isn't self conscious enough to act like anything other than its nature. Cats do walk on all fours because their bodies make that the easiest way to move, not because they see other cats walking and want to fit in or identify with them. I don't understand what you're struggling to grasp here. She's acting like a human by mimicking another animal. She's inherently proving that she's lying. Just like a toy doll that talks when you pull a string is not a real child, it's mimicking one, so too a person not acting like a cat would instinctively while stilling saying she's a cat is mimicking one. I'm not saying it's bad or wrong, but nobody should be entertaining her behavior as a condition just like being gay or bi or trans isn't a condition, it's a preference. She wants to be a cat, fine, lock her in a cage at the SPCA and don't give her human rights if she wants to go the whole nine yards and see if she changes her mind. A gender bias wouldn't change no matter what situation you put them in, they will still be who they are. Your idea of gay/trans/whatever is flawed. It doesn't actually matter what gender a person is because it's just a simple set of classification that has no intrinsic value other than social / psychological relativity. It doesn't change a person's species (DNA) to be transgender, it's an identity like a person's name, culture or belief system for example. So gender is a valid choice, sexual preference and orientation doesn't change the person into anything else, it's an option that's already available inherently to our species; in contrast, where trans-speciation is concerned, this woman in the video is just an idiot looking for attention and playing pretend.
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  399. It would certainly help them understand why it's a ridiculous statement to say "for argument sake let's presume atrocities occurred before Oct 7, but still..." There is no "but still...". Desperate people with nothing to lose get radicalized. You can't just perpetrate a lifetime of oppression then say "let's put that aside for now", that's the entire reason for Hamas. That's the reason for hate and violence. That is the only reason for Oct 7, nobody hated Jews before the oppression, they lived side by side and shared religious venues weekly. It was the oppression that led to Oct 7, and a lifetime of it that led to the recruiting of terrorists. Iran's support of terrorism is also the result of many generations feeling the sting of western oppression for the heinous crime of not wanting to be exploited or have their own democratic government overthrown by Americans who felt entitled to profiteer. It's absolutely insane to not consider recent history, that is literally the only motivation for a suicide bomber, having nothing to lose and hating the people who benefited from your suffering. It's completely baffling to me so many of these commets act like they don't even understand English or common sense. It doesn't take a scholar to relate to Palestinians, look at how USA citizens today justify Iraq: that wasn't me, I was a kid when that happened. That wasn't me, my government lied tk me. We were attacked, we had to respond to defend our freedom. They renegged on a resource exploitation arrangement, they deserve to be sanctioned even though we coerced a completely unfair deal because the corrupt leader we installed signed on the dotted line. When we the west are threatened we respond with force even when we caused it, but when Hamad is born after decades of injustice they never caused in the first place, we demand they had a cooler head. If you want Hamas prosecuted and stopped the water put Bush on trial. If the people "should hand over Hamas" then why isn't America handing over Bush and Biden? The double standard here is astonishingly obvious and all YouTubers have to say is "word salad". Incompetence is so infuriating in situations like these because it doesn't take a scholar to parse the facts. There's very little nuance if you out in the effort to read or listen. Nobody who spent a single day going over the timeline and statistics would have any difficulty figuring out why this happened or how Israel could prevent it in the past and future by e a universal endowment of equal rights. We celebrate when we act like Hamas, and then celebrate when we act like Israel. We're just as insane as ISIS and almost everyonr here js clueless of that fact because knowing things appears to take less effort than promulgation thjngs we never learned but assume we already know. It takes less energy to comment on YouTube in ignorant support of atrocity than it does to just be informed in the first place. Over tijmr it takes less energy to learn than it does to argue ignorantly. Just check norm's citations, and ICJ references, and speak to Palestinians they have group chats on twitter you can just talk to them and ask them anything at all. Make an effort or stop disinforming people, it's more important to get it right than feel an unearned ego boost. These are real people.
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  577. The most reasonable explanation for the functional benefit to religion in the pursuit of wisdom is the time dedicated to existential thought through routine, ritual tradition and communion. The benefits of this steady practise are mildly offset by the rigorous memorization of dogmatic textualisms, but once memorized they serve as meditations when practised. Discipline and making time and leveraging our group to encourage more introspection which is simply not easy for most people to self direct without a religious fervour. Relions are functional in their promotion of making routine of reflexive diligent consideration which most people don't do on their own. Hard things take motivation; our feelings are great motivations; make love and death myths to encourage introspective rituals and you wind up with religious stories which all read like echoes of one another anyway. If it helps make us more appreciative of philosophy and living better lives on aggregate then it's useful to us all, whether we believe or share the doctrines or not. Even if the texts are all wrong, if they bring a person closer to wisdom than without, then the religious texts have truly made the person transcend their capacity and are thus at least partially true to their raison d'être. It's another one of those recursive arguments - if the bs text makes a person motivated to think more about harder, more important questions, then they served the their stated functions and proved themselves to be inspired by a higher power lol
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  594. I suffer from colitis, diabetes, fibromyalgia, etc, etc. You think I want to deprive the world of harmless shock humour just because I'm touchy? Hell no. Context is not just part of it it's most of it. South park laughs at diabetes, it doesn't mock my suffering as a diabetic, it makes me laugh despite being diabetic. What people are confusing these days is feelings and intention. There's malice and there's colour, you can't just decide universally swearing is ok but not that swearing because you feel more strongly, somebody could feel strongly about damn or diarrhea. It's language, if everyone could speak however they want to represent themselves and people could say "hey, I found that offensive" without ever saying "you can't say that" we'd all be better off. If we all learned to put up with the insane things other people say and feel confident in calling them out on it and communicating our disapproval without it being a personal judgment of character over language we'd all be better off. How about a person with a speaking disability where they can't censor themselves as well, not just Tourette's but ADHD, stroke, or brain fog from medications treating other issues. You don't know my linguistic capability at the time I misspoke, so why is it ok to judge a person's poor choice if words for being inconsiderate while not considering the person may have a culturally motivated provocative way if speaking? Maybe it's PTSD or trauma or bipolarity that puts that chip on their shoulder and taints their mood enough to make word choice poor? That's not to say it's ok to say anything, or justify it, but it does speak to the severity of which we react to taboo words. It's not ok to say it but it is also not ok to demand the compelled speech if others. You're causing an equally serious problem in retaliation to a serious problem. You're perpetrating an ignorant slight by trying to knee-jerk back away from someone else's ignorant slight. It's not just hipocrisy it's counter productive in the bigger picture. Don't forget, the internet from the 90's didn't have tracking or persistent usernames, no verification and no moderators. You don't like something you leave, or mute, or rally haters against the abusive person. It was just shock value humour like half of all humour out there from stand-up to family guy and everything in between. Harassment is the joke, crass is what makes it funny. Not everywhere, not at work, but between consenting friends where people voluntarily drop in to watch - why not streaming games, it's not church or a funeral. Context is everything. If history taught us anything it's that our first response is usually an overreaction just like our prejudices are usually under reactions. We should be able to agree on middle ground where we're still allowed and tolerated to be offensive/offended. There are safe rooms and groups and blocking and subscribing all over the place. There's tons of safe places and generally only people engaged are targeted. We should agree that when a person says "hey that hurt" that everybody should pause immediately to show human concern. Then we can say anything if we take pain seriously and tolerate hurtful speech where possible. That would be ideal if both parties try to bend to the other side rather than hoards telling one group what they can or can't say ir do or laugh at in public. We can agree certain places are more sacred, but game streaming is pretty much football and beer, it's degenerate by design and culture and it's consensual. Just like comedy, there's consent and no malice there. People need to chill out imho.
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  605. 1:37:15 there is a deeper wisdom to the collective intelligence, as Lex says, but the internet is not a representative sample of the collective wisdom. The PhD and the idiots are both over represented by their publications and social media posts, but the common wisdom people share but don't publish are not proportionately incorporated into the training data. The risk of relying on gpt (not making freely available for general use, I'm saying rely on) is that there's no way for us to measure the quality of the human race's representation in the training set. The other issue that Wolfram misses on this same point is that we don't know how heavily the "average of the internet" is tokenized literally and how much is tokenized symbolically in its generative process, now or in future iterations. If tokens are deeply metaphysical and only superficially trained on tone, language) vocabulary and logic by the literal tokens then there's no reason gpt can't produce or prescribe new goals which we haven't considered consciously but which we're all working towards by cosmic evolutionary progression which we're still ignorant of but working toward (ie "God's plan", in another interpretation). Math has always been deeply linked to philosophy and art, I think we'd be wise to keep as wide a perspective of its potential influences because there are certainly facets of its application which we're overlooking in ignorance. That's why human play and prod, we discover deeper truths that way because our minds are wedged open to novel interpretations of the sandbox we play in.
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  611. Lee is always a good conversation, but he strikes me as a narcissist. As an academic biochemist who's publishing theories on the nature of emergence in the universe, how has not so much as stumbled across the specifics of carbon dating and radioactive decay? It takes a weekend to understand that, I'm a public highschool grad and I produced a podcast describing nuclear power generation in a week... It's like he thinks what he already knows is good enough. Like how he decided what was important in his own theory before knowing why then found a reason to confirm his priors. I'm one of his critics on twitter, and when I brought up how assembly theory was precisely in line with Karl Friston's work on free energy and Stephen Wolfram's rulead for cellular automata he didn't even bother to listen or look it up (both of which can be found in Lex's podcast history btw). He's interesting but he's not a scientist. He's just a guy who wants to look smart, dismissing critics as saying his theory is rubbish without ever even listening. I hate science that invents an idea then looks for excuses to make it apply when others have already done the same thing properly. It's an affront to the practise of intellectual exploration because he works in the same way religious zealots apply the world to suit their doctrines (notice the irony if not hypocrisy?) That said, I like the conversations for the exploration of ideas, but I really hate how his followers are treating his ideas like they're so deep and he only listens to people who boost his ego. There's zero interest for him to expand knowledge, he just wants to be seen as someone who is expanding knowledge for the opti s or status or something. It's a wretched motivation to pursue science imho so I hope people learn to appreciate him for the real contributions he makes in his communication rather than feed his ego without ever exploring even the boundaries of the theories he's copying to call his own.
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  659. How is nobody even bothering to ask whether or not the memo's succinct choice of words was productive in conveying pertinent internal communication? The Trump administration IS inept. There's ample evidence. We're torching an ambassador for accurate use of language as a liason - a position whose utility resides in translating complicated sets of motivations of others in plain language to the public he serves... This is so insane. Trump is an idiot, there's proof everywhere. To call him inept is the most professionally accurate summary of a ton of Trump's actions. Acknowledging Jerusalem for no reason. Dropping the MOAB for kicks and giggles. Never managing to secure a full staff in 2.5 years. The turnover rate. The slew of books from failed employees. His tweets. His lies. His history of criminal abuse and predation. He defrauded an educational institution and robbed the most vulnerable demographic in the process and got elected based on the assumption that he was very smart. He is inept and stupid, and infantile. That's all very, very useful information to anyone speaking to the ambassador who is likely tasked with drafting / negotiating aggreements with this imbecile. "don't use big words. Don't write more than 2 pages. Lots of graphics. Mention Trump's name to keep his attention. Get it on a television for him to watch. He's in secure, interviews over helicopter noise. He's self absorbed, red carpets are a big deal to greet him" Nobody should be fired for speaking truth and doing their job. This is dumb AF.
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  672. cnccarving lol (dictionary comment) sorry, cheap jab, i admit :P Trade deals only work when a nation specializes in something because they have access to the raw resources. American law makers are career politicians, not economists. And economists are learning from and following deprecated metrics (as evidenced by the FED's complete and total lack of ability to forecast even a week or two down the road). America makes trade deals to realize the most profit, because they measure wealth and productivity as measured from GDP. They don't account for purchasing power or the labor market's needs when making trade agreements. America doesn't set out to make bad deals, they're just really near sighted. They see the profit and benefit from the top stratum of the market, and neglect the causal effects it has on the public at large. Example, Canada has lots of trees. If America needs lumber, they can benefit from a trade deal with Canada. What happened? America renegged on the trade deal after they realized how many people they put out of work, and the costs associated with buying from Canada and found that having the jobs locally or imposing a tariff was the only way to look out for their own interests. It's incompetence that makes these trade deals not work for America. TPP is different in that it exposes taxpayers to corporate lawsuits for environmental protection or other progressive initiatives. Ergo, TPP is not your run of the mill trade deal, and NAFTA didn't work because politicians that set it up didn't look past the clear cost savings to see the impact on the rest of the population.
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  761. Several issues here: the currency depreciation from lowering interest rates makes a bigger difference than stock prices priced in said currency. The compounding of both stock volatility and currency volatility is a exponential multiplier in extreme cases, meaning when currency appreciates after acquiring stock even if the dividen goes down the shareholder may see an increase in ROI nevertheless. Another factor forgotten is the circumstances that lead to a rate change, often not the rate changing that is the cause but rather the attenuation of a more sever movement on the horizon, which may sound frivolous to suggest at first until you consider that's literally the only mandate and guidance the fed bases rate changes on: "data-driven forward guidance" is what the name suggests. Rate cuts thus have more to do with the change in trajectory than they do as nominal absolute values. Your data are emphasizing secondary factors, that's why the spreadsheet doesn't seem to illustrate anything meaningful. You ought to be comparing rate of change from moving averages, the time from the signal of raté changes occur before the rate changes, the delay you mentioned is in the order of 3-5 years and its all speculation before then because the rates could change back before the term ends. Long term debt like mortgages is smoothed out for that reason so duration is more important than the date of rate change too. Everything that's actually important is mentioned as cursory and you focus on the one thing that matters the least in that spreadsheet. I'm not sure why oyud even think that type of table would even be useful in the first place lol
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  784. ​ @dancom6030 the only comment I've seen that hits the nail on the head. If making more but required to reduce standards of living to make ends meet without increasing debt then by definition the economy is not better for that person. Cutting benefits to make more money then paying higher health insurance is not an improvement just like having 3 part time jobs with fixed commute costs is not a better labour market statistically, even though the statistics suggest otherwise. We can learn on our own, sure, I do that, but without humans reviewing job applications in an effort to be more efficient and cut costs, then qualified self educated people don't get hired even when they're the best candidates because computers don't make value judgments of character like that. It's a double edged sword - the company loses the better pool of candidates willing to take slightly lower pay than university grads, and university grads have student loan debt with higher expectations and often lacking the gumption and character a self taught person can earn. The only way out of the mess is profit sharing to spread company earnings across any employee who does well, with wage increases fixed to inflation and replace pay bumps for solid workers with greater profit share. That would mean any smart good worker could invest in themselves long term by working any job and probably stay once they amassed more profit share and we're comfortable, and any employee could borrow short term off shares rather than pay rent-seeking banks an interest fee for doing absolutely nothing.
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  819. So when nato backs a militant force aimed at destabilizing the world its heroism, but when Gaddafi backs rebels to defend his national sovereignty he's personally responsible for the individual acts of aggression his sponsorship enables.. It's kind of silly how gladly we overlook double standards. Watch gaddafi's full speech at the United Nations if you want to know the real reason he was considered a threat to the world. He spells it out very clearly and nobody disputes or responds to it at all. This isn't a snapshot of history, it's painting the scene with editorial gratuities. He was a monster, yes. Just as much as Blair, Bush, Harper, Putin, and everyone else. No more, no less. We're not setting the example we think we are. We're not the angels or saviours or the exception to human nature, we're all doing the same things as he did. Gitmo is still open. We ignore childcare, inflate away debt while providing tax cuts to the richest minority while others suffer, starve and their earning potentials paywalled by useless credentials and gatekeepers of intellectual property as if that helps the general public or humanity at large. We endorse cartels, sponsor coups and proxy wars not in 1 or 2 regions but literally all over the world then freak out when those countries retaliate. "how dare they not let us murder and pillage their populations, they're monsters!". We built the state of Israel, all western natiine globally created the world's largest prison camps and continue to celebrate the occupation and oppression while publishing documentaries of the monstrous Libyan dictator as if we're not precisely as culpable if not more... The record is open, anyone can look at the material facts of reality. This type of documentary is entirely disingenuous and to not even attempt to communicate at least the motivations of the madman. Nobody gets smarter by propaganda. Why are you so afraid of accurately representing the dictator's objectives? You worried people might sympathize if you're honest about history? What does that say about you and me if this is how we choose to be informed? This isn't journalism, it's pathetically insecure. There's no need to sensationalize, the man was brutal and wicked. Being honest might help prevent recurrence, educate the population and enlighten future leaders rather than stoke flames by overt hypocrisy.
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  1013. Moving Froward like i said, choice was a bad word to use. I meant option, as in an option to our species because humans can be varying degrees of gender biologically and socially. Cat is not a valid option to our species. like I said, you missed the context and fixated on semantics when I've already conceded I misspoke. I didn't promise you anything, my word is irrelevant. I'm putting forward a logical argument and you're attacking my character like Trump. slow clap Hermaphrodites are born between genders but you say "people can't be born between genders" but you are aware that it is reality (option, as in possible according to natural laws). The likelihood or probability of it occurring doesn't change that gender is a fluid part of our biology and psyche. Logically, if nature can vary to every extreme of the gender spectrum, the mental state of a person can vary too. It's not up to you to impose your will and understanding on others. If it's possible, and they say it is so, then let it be. It's no different from arguing which color is the nicest. What I tell you is my favorite can't be changed by your will or preference. It's personal, how I identify with and see the world, it's my nature and my right to prefer blue over green and it's not a preference that I've changed my entire life. Still, it is possible for another person to like green more than blue, I don't go around like you telling them they're wrong because 99% of people see it otherwise. Liking green is a possible reality so when someone says that's what they prefer, I take their word for it at face value. If someone says they're trans, newly or always, I take their word for it because nobody else could possibly know. Is that clearer?
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  1016. Moving Froward 1. nobody goes into a restroom for sexual reasons.. non issue. harassment is harassment whether you're transgender or gay i'd still kick a dude's ass for trying to watch me piss lol. not an issue. 2. if they want to fit between genders then they don't qualify for that gender in sport. the reason for the gender differences in sport is to not give advantage for biological reasons. it's to keep it competitive. so i agree with you there. it would be unfair to have a guy who can't qualify for mens race against women because genetically he'd be at an advantage to the other competitors. fully agree   3. i don't agree with free elective surgery either, you don't need that to identify with a gender, it's superficial. the nature of their transgenderism is proof that physiology isn't a factor. 4. call it what they want, i have sexual preference in women and that doesn't make me heterophobic. I just like latinas, even though i'm dating a german who i'm still attracted to. It's just a sexual preference, not an absolute. once again i agree with you there, it's bullshit. 5. that's right, they're the ones saying they're not a man/woman, nobody else is imposing that judgement. they are real people, real human beings, but nobody has a real gender. gender is just a simplifying category since our brains work by compartmentalizing it's only natural that when 99.9% of people fall into very specific categories that we catalog them as such. i agree with you. 6. they need to understand that it's not common so misunderstandings should be par for the course. once again i agree with you. we can try to accommodate but we're not at fault for not understanding 0.1% of the population's private orientations. that's bullshit What i contest is this: gender is a slight variance to our species. Species variation is a creation of a human. That's not a real condition, it's made up by someone that wants attention. This cat lady is wearing clothes and i've never seen a cat feel that need. Nor have I seen a cat with no tail or ears attach one to itself because it's self conscious. This chick is faking and it's so obvious and it's nothing even closely related to gender identification. 
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  1091. 1:30:30 It's so frustrating that neither of you seem to realize that Jordan B Peterson is in her parody phase, as he goes on about hierarchies, resolution/bandwidth, and sincerity for the eleventh straight year, now dressing like a casino pit boss to appear more officious about his meanderings. Nothing new has come from him since he made that statement about others repeating themselves. Very smart guy, very articulate, funny, charming, all that; but look at his daily thoughts on twitter. He can't stop reacting to limbic crack on twitter and tv. He's a psychologist and talks about the very thing he engages in 40 times a day lol. He's a scientist but refuses to learn statistics even when it's been pointed out the study (singular, not plural) about rats playfighting drew an absurd conclusion from the data. His only focus is Piaget and Jung, as if he stopped reading 30 years ago and just leans on the Bible for reality and science ever since. There's much contradiction in his speaking tours which makes it all the funnier both of you keep crediting him with coining a phrase about avoiding it 😂 I know all this about jbp because I loved listening and reading his thoughts and process. I defended him, I'm not a hater. In fact when you love someone it's your duty to call them out when they fail to meet their own standards, that's all I'm doing by criticizing him. It's live, not hate. He has more potential than this pettiness and aversion to updating prior with new information like learning math and stats instead of quoting the inferences made by others. Double checking the soundness of sources and premise when you're challenged about it and self-promoting as a scholar and man of science. His Bibi interview was an infomercial. His ben Shapiro interview was like watching Trump on Fox and friends or hannity. He's bringing his daughter into to fold as she hones her millennial outrage crafted disposition. And on, and on, it's just really sad to see. I hope he gets back to his old self one day, and to do that we need people like you to recognize his regression over the past few years since that nasty drug abuse took over his mind.
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  1097. This is so frustrating. Mutations aren't one generation or carried forward once. A harmful mutation carried forward 10,000 years can later meet another harmful mutation and become hugely beneficial. You need to carry neutral or harmful mutations for the variety of the species, it's an existential benefit to struggle, carry recessive genes, or have sick people. As a person with diabetes and autoimmune conditions I'm not saying disabling issues like colitis and blindness are great to live with, but to have competent doctors you need sick people for them to treat. To level out the gene pool under the hubris of knowing what's best for humans for all of time is utterly incompetent and selfish. You can't possibly believe narrowing variation is a good thing when all of logic and science suggest otherwise. Look up sickle cell, horrible disease. There's a benefit to that mutation though, having just one recessive gene is protective against malaria. Now imagine malaria outbreak résistent to all drugs but the gene pool has completely selected sickle cell out of the population. That's extinction. It's absurd to pretend you can see that far into the future to manually select all unfavourable diseases when you can't know what diseases will exist or be protective tomorrow without knowing how to hand write DNA to generate new species. It is not a fact that "deliterious mutations accumulate", he's completely made this up based on his feelings. Lower disease this generation says nothing about protecting a species or nation from extinction 10/100/1,000/etc years later. Accumulated mutations like being shorter could easily be beneficial given things like bone density by mass don't scale linearly, hence the limit to human size. Being short and strong could mean less food requirement and short genes could obviously compound. There are so many reasons not to be tall and lanky like I am and just as many reasons tall and lanky fit for swimming and climbing might also avert extinctions one day, not least being having short and tall people mean both can help each other. This is so incredibly ill thought and he's so proud and sure that nothing exists beyond his first impression of the greatest complex system in the known universe. These ideas are unbelievably myopic and incoherently simplistic. What would make more sense is to select for growing organs and developing medications from embryos, to treat the variation that arises because propagating the most variety in the gene pool is actually in everyone's long term best interest.
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