Comments by "Peter deWolf" (@StoneShards) on "The Republicans Got Tired of Winning So They're Throwing the Kavanaugh Battle and the Midterms" video.
Cowards? For not taking the dims freak-out bait? Most people understand (though they will not say) that the Republicans in Congress are being careful to not create impressions that might impact negatively their prospects for reelection. They are coddling the protestors now, but, clearly, finally, they will ignore them (as they should be ignored because they are a purposely disruptive influence with a miniscule membership, their voice exaggerated all out of proportion to its legitimacy) and confirm Kavanaugh.
The Republican party is in a major transition; Trump is the model. The "old guard" is always a stabilizer AND an impediment. With the turnover of a handful of high-profile old guard republicans, the party will have effectively shed its old skin, allowing a somewhat different, more responsive and less cynical, character to come to the fore. The Dem party, as you'd expect naturally, is experiencing the same thing: as the old guard's character fades, its younger members fill in the vacations. But in the case of dims, the younger members are socialist/communist leaning. All of our Constitutions guarantee a representative republic form of government. If you're not on board with that guarantee, I don't see how you should be allowed to participate in such a high level of government (I mean, what?, all trojan horses welcome?!), since you must necessarily work to subvert the government!!!