Comments by "Peter deWolf" (@StoneShards) on "Occult Literature 337: The Astral Plane" video.
Everything that manifests does so by virtue of Akasha, the Fifth Element, "the aether", which is the source of the other four Elements. In keeping with Nature's hierarchical proclivities, there are four planes of existence: spiritual, mental, astral, and physical. The so-called "etheric plane" is a transitional matrix between astral and physical. Of course, there's a transitional matrix between the spiritual and mental, and the mental and astral, planes, but they are less problematic than the etheric, which latter bears a special internal relationship to Akasha. The etheric plane is the seat of the habit nature, and the font of vitality, so, I say, problematic. You can't operate in the astral safely without mastery of your habit nature.