Comments by "FactMan" (@truthseeker6116) on "BAKHMUT HAS FALLEN" video.

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  2. The gloating and trolling is sickening. Russia has lost 70 thousand troops to capture a very small mining town less than 5 km in size. The attempt at equivalency in sugar-coating Russia's illegal and genocidal invasion of Ukraine as a clash of equal opposing armies is nothing less than disgusting. Discussing Russian forces as heroic and brave when they are no better than Hitler's invasion forces in the 2nd world War is a mistake. Trying to justify Russia's invasion as if it was some noble undertaking instead of what it really is a homicidal invasion of a peaceful society just discovering its freedom, paints a disturbing picture of a Russian society morally bankrupt and destined for the rubbish pit of history. Every excuse for this invasion is straight out of the Nazi/Hitler playbook down to the Z = Swastika symbols and the ' we are only invading to protect Russian speakers from the bad Ukranians''. Austria anyone? Or the Sudetenland with German forces pushing into that region to 'protect German ethnic speakers'. It's all there. Putin is doubling down on failure and when the Russian people find out the real cost of this war in human lives some one will pay a very heavy price. There is a reason why speaking the truth about this war in Russia will get you 15 years in jail, it's already happening. I just hope the Russian people wake up before it's too late and realize it can not win the war in Ukraine it is now impossible. Small victories such as Bakhmut, if it can even be called that, is not an indicator of the future path of Putins war. It is only going to lead to the complete ruin and disintegration of the Russian Federation. There are many towns like Bakhmut and with over 1 million men under arms, supplied by the West, Russia will need to mobilize at least 3 million men to stand even the remotest chance of victory in Ukraine. Meanwhile, the sanctions against Russia will never end and will only get worse. Eventually, Russia will become nothing but a colony of China. They are already starting to rename Eastern parts of Russia to their old Chinese names. I wonder why that is? I would be very careful gloating over this pyhrric victory.
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