Comments by "Jeffery Shute" (@jefferyshute6641) on "Jake Broe"
Thank you, Jake. I'm a Reagan Republican that voted twice for Trump, but not this time. The party I love has been hijacked by the MAGA extremists. As you said, the Republican Party is no more.
I love America. I'm an "older" man now, but I remember when our leaders were statesmen. A time when politicians could vehemently disagree with their opponents about policy issues, but still consider each other as friends and colleagues.
Now, my party has stooped to the level of school kids, hurling personal insults at anything done by Democrats. I've always been more conservative on domestic issues, but hawkish on our foreign policy.
As the so-called leader of the Free World, like it or not, we are responsible for much of the stability and prosperity in the global order. We are also the main proponent of democracy and liberty.
How can we, in good conscience, not support Ukraine in its existential fight for survival and self-determination? It's a win/win situation.
Helping Ukraine means:
1) New, good jobs are being created in the US, in the defense sector,
2) We are replenishing our older ammunition and equipment, with brand new stock. How could this be anything but good for America?
3) We help the largest country in Europe to defend its sovereign territory against a totalitarian dictator. We help defend and support liberty, democracy and self-determination. We make it clear to all dictators watching, and they are watching, that we will defend our way of life, and support our friends and allies.
To me, these things should not be contingent on party politics, but rather on moral grounds. We must do the right thing. We must help Ukraine win, and Russia lose.
Slava Ukraine! 🇺🇦 🇺🇸
I never hear Trump saying what he's going to do if he wins, except get retribution, and save the country from the evil Democrats. What is his foreign policy plan? What about the economy? I hear him say plenty about how bad things have gotten, we live in a banana Republic, etc. I guess you have to claim everything is bad if you hang on the MAGA slogan.
Character assassination, demonization, insulting a person's looks, or anything to make the other candidate seem evil, is the lowest tool of debate.
I am a Christian conservative. If I only saw Trump's behavior, heard what he says, heard about his unrepentant adultery and womanizing, and knew of his shady deals and crimes, I would never associate him with what most people think of as sincere Christianity. The Nationalist Christians that Trump has aligned with are being misled, snd it is very sad. We are all Americans, yet we equate someone's political opinion with their identity. This attitude needs to be reined in. America is capable of doing so much better.
The whole world looks to us as an example of democracy and civil discourse. At least they used to. If we mean what we say, and willing to defend our way of life, want democracy, freedom, and self determination to thrive around the world, then we must help Ukraine be victorious and Russia must be defeated.