Comments by "Jeffery Shute" (@jefferyshute6641) on "Kyiv Post"
Thank you, Gen. Hodges and Mr. Smart.
As an armchair General, sitting here in the US, I find the current situation very frustrating.
After the untold amount of money that we, the collective "west," have expended in the last 75 years, specifically to be prepared for Soviet/Russian aggression, I fail to see why we still cower in fear.
Russia is no longer a superpower, yet we still treat them as if they are. Their military is weak, compared to Europe or the US. Their economy is destined to crumble. They are the preeminent pariah in the world.
And yet, here we are.
And our choices in November are the worst we've had in my lifetime, (a 68 year old). Biden at least "supports" Ukraine, although his adminstration's piece meal approach is ridiculous. And Trump is a loose cannon. J.D. Vance as VP? He might as well have chosen Marjorie Taylor Greene, for all the good it does Ukraine
Excellent interview. Thank you, Jason and Anna. Both of your channels help me to understand better, if only in small measure, what is happening as a result of the brutal, illegal invasion by Russia.
Sadly, here in the US, the events taking place in Ukraine are not in the forefront of many people's thoughts. And, Russian propaganda, unfortunately, has pulled the wool over the eyes of many. But, some of us are seeing more clearly each day, what is really happening.
The analogy of Russia being a bully is very accurate. And, like any bully, their bluster and weakness is obvious when they receive a good punch in the nose, so to say. As when suddenly, without bragging or bluster, Ukraine easily invades Kursk oblast. Oh, and how the bully starts crying, "Ukraine has committed a provocative action."
Everything the Russians say is full of lies and deception. I will say it again. Until Russia is defeated and completely humiliated, there is no chance for change.
Germany and Japan were defeated and humiliated at the end of WWII, which forced them to accept that they were neither superior nor invincible.
Like the phoenix being reborn from the flames, Germany and Japan are now peaceful and prosperous nations, valued members of the world community.
Why would we think that anything less will suffice in Russia? Until it is thoroughly and violently shaken, the Russian mindset will not change. Their long history of imperialistic ambitions proves it.
For the sake of democracy, self-determination, and freedom, Ukraine must win, and Russia must lose.
Slava Ukraine! 🇺🇦 🇺🇸
​​ @crawkn You are correct. With s GDP smaller than that of Italy, spending more than one third of the budget on the military, the ruble loosing value, (approx. 88 per dollar), international banking not accepting rubles, trading partners (China, India, Iran) getting massively discounted oil, critical infrastructure being neglected, health care and social services funding cuts, increased taxes, the economy is starting to feel the pinch. It will only get worse, especially for the Russian ctizenry. The military stats have been mentioned already.
Russia is starting to crumble from the inside out. Militarily, Russia is losing from the outside in.
Hey, tsar Vlad, where you gonna run to, when your house of cards falls apart?
​ @NotUnymous I agree with you. Germany has done a lot to support Ukraine. But, just like my country, the US, I feel we must do much more.
Many Americans are disengaged from the war in Ukraine. I think some Americans think Biden rushed over to Kyiv, and gave Zelinskyy a check for $60 Billion.
Many are under the illusion that it's either fix the immigration problem at our southern border, OR, support Ukraine. One does not exclude the other.
And, they don't understand that the Lion's share of the Ukraine aid stays in the US, paying American workers, and growing American industry. But, its been the political brinkmanship, especially in the House of Representatives, that is most frustrating.
Unfortunately, we even hear some of our congressmen, (Marjorie Taylor Greene) spouting Russian talking points in the discussions in the House of Representatives. It's very alarming and annoying.
If Trump and Vance win in November, I fear it would be bad for Ukraine. But, it's impossible to predict what Trump might do. Trump is likely to do whatrver benefits Trump. So, nobody knows. Maybe his recent "near death" experience, will foment some change in his perspective.
​ @moreknowledgableother I didn't realize that I had insulted you. It was unintentional, therefore, I apologize.
Perhaps you are confusing belief system with religion. Yes, there are millions of people for whom religion of some kind, defines their belief system. But, there are other kinds of belief systems.
The Oxford Dictionary gives this definition: a set of principles or tenets which together form the basis of a religion, philosophy, or moral code.
I'm assuming that you have some sort of moral or ethical code that shapes your view of life and affects your behavior. It could be a set of laws, or principles, or even a philosophy that you adhere to. All are belief systems.
Actually, this reminds me of a lyric in a song by the rock group Rush, which says, "if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice."
Thank you, for the discussion. I found it to be mentally stimulating. I wish you all good things in your life.
​ @crawkn Thanks. The funny thing about dictators, without fail, the longer they are in power, they increasingly become less trusting of their inner circle, which gets smaller, paranoia rules every move they make, they become more and more isolated from the populace, their "yes" men skew all information to good news only, they always arm themselves as they don't trust their body guards, and they become increasingly delusional and out of touch with reality.
They absolutely will not accept that their dreams are dashed. They always loose power through their demise or a coup, which usually ends with their demise as well. Their end most often comes violently, and they are usually alone. (Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Hussain, Gadhafi, etc.)
No thanks. I think I'll go with democracy instead.
​​ @crawkn Thanks. The funny thing about dictators, without fail, the longer they are in power, they increasingly become less trusting of their inner circle, which gets smaller, paranoia rules every move they make, they become more and more isolated from the populace, their "yes" men skew all information to good news only, they always arm themselves as they don't trust their body guards, and they become increasingly delusional and out of touch with reality.
They absolutely will not accept that their dreams are dashed. They always loose power through their demise or a coup, which usually ends with their demise as well. Their end most often comes violently, and they are usually alone. (Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Hussain, Gadhafi, etc.)
No thanks. I think I'll go with democracy instead.
​ @suldiaz8099 I think Donald Trump is devoid of any critical thinking skills. His main goal is always to do whatever he thinks will be to his benefit.
Some of his comments about NATO and even Taiwan demonstrate his lack of understanding of geopolitics in any way. He thinks that if he makes nice to dictators like Putin, Kim Jung Un, or Xi of China, he can schmooz good deals from them. They of course, see him as just another "useful idiot."
If we are serious about our preaching freedom, democracy, and self-determination to the world, if we really believe in these ideals, it is our obligation to assist Ukraine win the war. That of course, necessitates the defeat of Russia, which would be the best move for world stability.
If we appease Putin, or allow him a victory in Ukraine, the world immediately becomes more dangerous. Danger not only from an emboldened Putin, but an emboldened China and possibly other dictatorships. They are intently watching the events in Ukraine, to see if we in the west are really willing to defend our way of life.