Comments by "आशिक ए फजूल🛐🐜" (@aashiq-e-fazool) on "Почему мужчины-мусульмане доминируют в UFC и боксе?" video.
Beauty of islam and peaceful verses
of Qur'an Surah verse 2:98 - Allah is the enemy of
Surah Ayat 3:85- No other religion/religion is accepted other than Islam! Surah verse 8:12 Allah will instill fear in the
hearts of those who disbelieve Islam, and
Muslims, you cut their limbs by hitting their
Surah verse 3:118- Make only Muslims your
intimate friend! Sura verse 3:28 and 9:23
Do not make friends with non-Muslims!
Sura verse 8:39 fight non-Muslims until the
faith of Allah is fully established!
Sura verse 22:30- Idols are filth!
Sura verse 9:5- Ambush and kill the
idolaters wherever and whenever you can! Sura verse 33:61- Wherever the faithful and idolaters are caught, they will be brutally killed!
Surah verse 3:62,2:255,27:61 and 35:3- There is no other god than Allah! Sura verse 21:98- Those who worship anyone other than Allah are the fuel of Hell!
Sura verse 9:28 -* idolaters are impure (unholy)! Sura verse 4:101 - Kafirs are your open
Sura verse 9:123-oppress the infidels! *
Sura verse 9:29 - By humiliating the
infidels, make jizya from them!" Sura verse 66:9 -* Do jihad (war) with the infidels and the beneficiaries!
Sura verse 4:56 - Will cook the skin of the
disbeliever! Sura verse 8:69 - All spoils (including women) are Halal! Sura verse 9:14 - Allah will punish the disbelievers at the hands of
the believers! Sura verse 8:57-be cruel to the prisoners of war! Sura Ayat 32:22 - Take revenge on those
who leave Islam!
Quran 35:41 earth doesn't rotate it is. stationary...
Quran 71:19 Earth is flat like carpet...
Quran 15:19 And the earth We have spread
out (like a carpet); set thereon mountains
firm and immovable; and produced therein
all kinds of things in due balance. Quran 2:191-slay the unbelievers
Quran 3:28 - muslims must not take the infidels as friends.
Quran 3:85-Any religion other than islam is
not acceptable. Quran 5:33 - Maim and crucify the infidels if
they criticize Islam.
Quran 8:12 - Terrorize and behead those
believeb in Scriptures other than the Quran.
Quran 8:60-muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize all infidels.
Quran 8:65- the unbelievers are stupid; urge the muslims to fight them.
Quran 9:5 when opportunity arises, kill all the infidels wherever you find them.
Quran 9:123 - make wars on the infidels
living in your neighborhood. Quran 22:19 - punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hock iron rods, boiling
water, melt their skins and bellies.
Quran 47:4 - do not hanker for peace with
the infid els: behead them when you catch
them. Quran 7:189 humans were created from
a single being (rejecting the theory of
evolution) Quran 31:34-ONLY Alah knows the gender of unborn infant Quran 2:117-human creation happens in an instant
Quran 43:11-there is no such thing as water
Quran 55:33 Space flight is impossible Quran 15:26-man was created with CLAY Quran 71:16 the moon emits lights
Quran 54:1 moon was spilt into two
Quran 21:32-the sky is concrete and impenetrable Quran 7:54 the sun, the moon and stars
were created by Allah in just 6 days
Quran 86:6-7 - sperm/semen comes from
between the spine and backbone Read more.
There should be an exhibition, museum and encyclopedia on allah too describing its shape, form, size, gender, species, taxonomy, anatomy and its record keeping method of vice, virtue, sins, identifying its worshippers, namaz data, its administrative structure, inheritance, its daily routine, food habits, languages known. It can be setup in some darul-uloom in central Africa😀😀😀😀😀
Ibn 'Abbas narrated that: There was a blind man during the time of the Messenger of Allah [SAW] who had an Umm Walad by whom he had two sons. She used to slander and defame the Messenger of Allah [SAW] a great deal, and he would rebuke her, but she would not pay heed, and he would forbid her to do that, but she ignored him. (The blind man said) One night I mentioned the Prophet [SAW], and she slandered him. I could not bear it so I went and got a dagger which I thrust into her stomach and leaned upon it, and killed her. In the morning she was found slain. Mention of that was made to the Prophet [SAW] and he gathered the people and said: "I adjure by Allah; a man over whom I have the right, that he should obey me, and he did what he did, to stand up." The blind man started to tremble and said: "O Messenger of Allah [SAW], I am the one who killed her. She was my Umm Walad and she was kind and gentle toward me, and I have two sons like pearls from her, but she used to slander and defame you a great deal. I forbade her, but she did not stop, and I rebuked her, but she did not pay heed. Finally, I mentioned your name and she slandered you, so went and got a dagger which I thrust into her stomach, and leaned on it until I killed her. The Messenger of Allah [SAW] said: "I bear witness that her blood is permissible."
Sunan an-Nasa'i 4070
Chapter 16: The Ruling on the One Who Defames the Prophet [SAW], Book 37: The Book of Fighting [The Prohibition of Bloodshed]
Grade: Sahih (Darussalam)
Sudan ends 30 years of Islamic law by separating religion, state
Islam is getting in trouble. Sudan is the first country to ban Islam:
See how the world is acting fast on the threat posed by Islam and its barbaric Sharia Law!
Many Christians in US, Europe who became Muslims are doing Ghar Vapsi
Japan has always refused Muslims to live permanently in their country and they cannot own any real estate or any type of business, and have banned any worship of Islam.
Any Muslim tourist caught spreading the word of Islam will be deported immediately, including all family members!
Cuba rejects plans for first mosque!
The African nation of Angola and several other nations have officially banned Islam!
A record number of Muslims (over 2,000) deported from Norway as a way of fighting crime. Since these Muslim criminals have been deported, crime has dropped by a staggering 72%. Prison Officials are reporting that nearly half of their jail cells are now vacant, Court Rooms nearly empty, Police now free to attend to other matters, mainly traffic offenses to keep their roads & highways safe & assisting the public in as many ways as they can!
In Germany alone, in the last year, there were 81 violent attacks targeting mosques!
Austrian police arrested 13 men suspected jihad recruiters!
A Chinese court sends 22 Muslim Imams to jail for 16 to 20 years for spreading Islamic hatred & have executed 18 Jihadis; China campaigns against Separatism (disallowing Islamist to have their own separate state).
Muslim prayers banned in govt buildings & schools in Xinjiang (Western China). Hundreds of Muslim families prepared to leave China for their own safety & return back to their own Middle Eastern countries!
Muslim refugees beginning to realize that they are not welcome in Christian countries because of their violent ways & the continuing wars in Syria & Iraq whipped up by the hideous IS who are murdering young children & using mothers & daughters as sex slaves!
British Home Secretary prepares to introduce 'Anti-Social Behaviour Order' for extremists & strip dual nationals of their Citizenship. Deportation laws also being prepared!
The Czech Republic blatantly refuses Islam in their country, regarding it as evil!
Many US states- A new controversial amendment that will ban the recognition of "foreign laws which would include Sharia law"!
The Polish Defense League issues a warning to Muslims. 16 States have all Introduced Legislation to Ban Sharia Law!
Many Muslims in Northern Ireland have announced plans to leave the country to avoid anti-Islamic violence by Irish locals.
The announcement comes after an attack on groups of Muslims in the city of Belfast, Groups of Irish locals went berserk & bashed teenage Muslim gangs who were referring to young Irish girls as sluts & all should be gang raped, as per ''Sharia Law''.
Even hospital staff were reluctant to treat the battered Muslim Patients, the majority were given the Band-Aid treatment & sent home with staff muttering ''Good Riddance''!
North Carolina bans Islamic "Sharia Law" in the State, regarding it now as a criminal offence!
Dutch MPs call for removal of all mosques in the Netherlands. One of the Members of the Dutch Parliament said: "We want to clean Netherlands of Islam"! Dutch MP Michael DeGraaf spoke on behalf of the Party for Freedom when he said, "All mosques in the Netherlands should be shut down. Without Islam, the Netherlands would be a wonderful safe country to live in, as it was before the arrival of Muslim refugees''!
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Islam taunts all other faiths/religions. Qur'an insults Jews, Christians and all polytheists. Qur'an calls them apes, donkey, pigs, filthy, impure, bastards and worst of creatures. Qur'an instructs the believers to fight the non-believers, chop them, behead them, crucify them. And when such things are pointed out, Muslims go berserk, indulge in filthy language, violence and beheading.