Comments by "RSingh" (@RSingh100) on "NATO weapons for peace" video.
From:- RSingh (New Delhi)
Russia is not running out of Missiles & Ammo Ever. India has a stock pile of over 58,000 super sonic missiles with just its Army (not in included in this count are nuclear tiped ones or multi-barrel rocket launched type or such type, it is a count of just the "Super Sonic missiles", with just "the Army", not counting the Air Force & Navy also having similar missile in there inventory) (this figure was in-adverntely relived by an Indian Central Govt Dept few months back, it made headlines in India). If India has this many super sonic missiles in Armys stock pile inventory, Russia which is a Super Power has many, many times more missiles, hence Russia is never running out of missiles or ammo or anything. And China has probabely has 10X or 20X times more stock pile then India. The "world has Changed", west lives in the past, west should wake up, live in Reallity, not in fantacy. New world order exists, is growing, is expanding every passing day, that is a reallity, west is not masters of world anymore, a harsh fact.