Comments by "ashley bishop" (@ashleybishop7248) on "One America News Liars FINALLY Admit There Was No Widespread Voter Fraud In 2020" video.

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  12. That's partially true, and that's the way the law works. But, "Though Amero’s decision was based on the legal principle of standing — the plaintiffs hadn’t suffered a specific injury that would give them a right to sue — he reviewed the evidence before making his ruling." The specific allegations of the case had already been disproved: "The lawsuit filed by Favorito and others relied heavily on sworn affidavits from several people who participated in a hand recount of the ballots. They said they saw absentee ballots that looked as if they had been marked by machine rather than by hand and had not been creased as they would have been to fit in an envelope." The no creases claim: "Investigators examined the ballots in the batches and box identified by one person who participated in the hand count, but all had been creased and none appeared to have been marked by a computer. The woman then told investigators she may have been mistaken and gave them another box number, but investigators determined that the box-batch combination she cited didn’t exist. Other hand count participants told investigators they also had seen suspicious-looking ballots, but they had not noted the box or batch numbers." It also included previously debunked allegations that election workers at State Farm Arena in Atlanta pulled “suitcases” of ballots from under a table after observers and members of the media left for the night and scanned the ballots multiple times." The suitcase claim: “Once everyone is gone, coast is clear, they are going to pull ballots out from underneath a table – watch this table,” she said at the hearing. “I saw four suitcases come out from underneath the table.” The video shows the counting continued until nearly 1 a.m., she said. But the supposed “suitcases” were typical ballot containers used to secure ballots, Georgia’s Deputy Secretary of State Jordan Fuchs told us in a phone interview. Likewise, Matthew Mashburn, the state Senate’s appointee to the state election board, told us the video showed “standard secure containers that are ubiquitous in tabulation in Georgia.” And Gabriel Sterling, the state’s voting system implementation manager, said that the full video showed that the containers were carrying ballots that were opened and processed earlier in the night. They weren’t suspicious ballots brought surreptitiously into the building, or ballots that were opened in secret. “They were put in there about an hour earlier,” Sterling, a Republican, said by phone. He said of the Trump campaign: “They watched the same video tape.” Sterling also said he saw no anomalies in the vote data that suggested any kind of mass voter fraud, as has been alleged. “These are just regular elections workers” doing their job, he said." "Investigators found that security video confirmed the “suitcases” at State Farm Arena were normal ballot bins that election workers had stowed under tables when they thought they were done for the night and then pulled back out when they were told to keep counting."
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  16.  @survivinginflation8579  You DO understand that you have to be registered to vote to actually have your vote counted, right? You DO understand that nine states verify that an absentee/mail ballot envelope has been signed, twenty-seven states conduct signature verification on returned absentee/mail ballots, nine states require the signature of a witness in addition to the voter’s signature and three states require the absentee/mail ballot envelope to be notarized. You think people can just mass produce ballots, envelopes and vote under fake names? Really? The election was far from sloppy. It was the most secure election in our nation's history - and that's the sad part about all this. There were not only poll watchers overseeing the counting process, but it was also video recorded. Some polling places even live streamed. Ballet boxes are also under surveillance. You try to claim people counting the votes were tribal partisans and "forgot" to count votes on purpose because of their bias. They CAN'T. Poll watchers oversee the floor and everyone who counts votes is being RECORDED. You try to claim they "didn't look into anything either," when states had recounts. And then recounts of the recount. They recounted by machine. They recounted by hand. And then of course there was the stupid cyberninja fiasco that recounted the recount of the recount. The big lie has gone from Dominion machines changing votes to ballot harvesting to thousands of mail ballots being sent to deceased family members or people who moved out of state. EACH AND EVERY SINGLE claim has been investigated. EVERY SINGLE ONE. And you can google that and see exactly how they were investigated, by whom, and what the outcome was. You need to stop. People are weary of this stupidity.
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