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Cris T
Global News
Comments by "Cris T" (@62Cristoforo) on "Calgary clinic to let patients pay to jump queue: “Why are these fees being charged?”" video.
Paying premiums or fees for provincially and federally funded medical care is illegal in Canada because those who can’t afford these fees will have to wait longer for medical care. Delayed medical care is dangerous and can be deadly to those who can’t afford fees to jump ahead in the line. Extra medical fees are great for the really really wealthy, but deadly for the rest of us
Excellent medical service in the united states doesn’t really exist, even with their much much higher fees. Medical care in US clinics and hospitals is about average or mediocre quality, with poorer medical outcomes than compared to patients treated in the Canadian healthcare system. Study after study has shown this. The US health care system spends too much money on advertising and administration costs, compared to all other OECD countries
They do. They already get paid according to the provincial guidelines of fees for services. But that’s not why this is about. This is extra payment, above and beyond those fee schedules. It’s money coming from their wealthiest patients, not from their employer, the provincial government And that’s why it’s illegal