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Cris T
Global News
Comments by "Cris T" (@62Cristoforo) on "NACI recommends fall COVID-19 booster" video.
Safe and effective Two weeks to flatten the curve We’re all in this together Trust the science Be safe ... and other outright LIES
At this point its no longer a vaccine per se, but a gullibility test
An eighth booster now brings the total number of vaccinations on Ontario’s official vaccine schedule to 76 for school children 12 mo. to 18 yrs.). Imagine being a parent who allows their kid to submit to 76 vaccines before they turn 18, and all based on the ‘science’ from a committee(NACI) made up mostly of vaccine industry sales representatives who refused to make public any conflicts of interest they had.
@eleanorshellstrop2709 Which flavour of Kool-Aid did you drink? Spamming the Comments section won’t make you right no matter how hard you try.
Seventh and with booster shot ... ? because the previous ones worked so well
And some of the Jabbers are responding. What’s your point?
What about the other question; how many would still be alive if they hadn’t gotten vaccinated and died from any of the numerous side effects? And how many would still be alive if they hadn’t lost their business, lost their livelihoods, careers, families, and homes due to the unscientific and non-sensical lockdowns and other heavy handed restrictions?
That statistic proves nothing, except how many people died. It has absolutely no correlation to the effectiveness of the vaccine, either way
The NACI is a government sponsored committee, made up mostly of vaccine industry lobbyists (and a few government bureaucrats for favourable optics) who refused to declare any conflicts of interest. NACI is a scam.
Yes ha ha
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@eleanorshellstrop2709 Agreed, but first one must prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that someone is widely spreading a particular pathogen to others. I mean, criminally and intentionally so. Otherwise, in your world, people would be arrested for going outside with as little as a cold. And by the way, the Covid vaccine doesn’t stop transmission of the SARS- CoV-2 virus between people, as was originally touted by health officials, but later proved to be wrong.
Canadians will need a booster to leave the country?