Comments by "Harry Stoddard" (@HarryS77) on "Ex-Cop Derek Chauvin Found Guilty Of All Charges" video.
@igvc1876 The assumption that police would only be concentrated in areas of capital is unfortunately for you not borne out by history in the slightest. One of the functions of modern policing is to manage the externalities of capitalism, like the poverty and the crime it generates, crime being a socially, culturally, and historically mediated-phenomenon. Police occupation of poor and racial minority neighbors is absolutely in service of the interests of power, in more diffuse, systemic ways, but also in glaringly obvious ones, like the intersection between criminalization, incarceration, racism, and private companies profiting from prison labor, or how the police took over from private security the task of monitoring and quelling strikes or other forms of protest.
Maybe you should educate yourself on this topic before pretending to lecture others based merely on a few naive assumptions.